
Joli carries the Mark of The Prince. Limbus Patrum (Coven) Joli carries the Mark of Coven Master birra

I really love your peaches, wanna shake your tree
Set at 01:31 on July 09, 2012

Vampire Rave member for 17 years.

Status:  Premiere Sire (127.88)
Rank:  Consul
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Referred By:  Cancer
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden

New Orleans



Bite Joli

Stalk Joli



Seeing, contrary to popular wisdom, isn't believing. It's where belief stops, because it isn't needed any more. - Terry Pratchett


I Dwell Not Here

Are you here simply to rate or stamp another page? Or, are you genuinely curious? Only one person in ten slows down and truly looks around at his surroundings with awe and wonder. I write for the one.

What of the rest? Like Wordsworth observed over 200 years ago, we are too hurried. We have given our hearts away. "For this, for everything, we are out of tune; it moves us not." On VR, that manifests in the masses gobbling handfulls of profiles with a passive hunger for status, like a lazy man eating popcorn from his couch. If you are here for music, images lifted from the internet, quizzes, or lists of my likes and dislikes, this is not the place for you.

This profile is a gateway. What would you know of me? I cannot be contained here. My hopes, fears, and pain are my gift to you, the rare one who knows that the true story can only be found by wandering off the path. Come in and discover me. Dare to linger and fall in love with me just a little...


Never mind the rust. Do not let the creak of aging hinges turn you back. Push through the gate and enter into the center garden of my journal, or follow the map below to dark and shady copses where your breath belongs to me. Follow the signs, "Exhalations" and "Inhalations" for a deeper, more poetic journey. "Sighs" will lead you to a place of self-reflection, where you can find a shaded bench to rest and ponder reflective questions about who you are and what truly matters to you.

If you are looking for a lighter experience, stop along the bubbling fountain to soothe whatever ails you, then follow the signs marked "Hiccups" or "Coughing Fits." If you like your visit, I frequently add to the landscape so consider adding me to Favorites. I check my comments with great enthusiasm, so please tuck one or two into the leaves for me to find.

Now, away with you! To the garden! You have lingered here far too long and adventure awaits.


Garden Map (Table of Contents)


"I will show you fear in a handful of dust." -T.S. Eliot

Mar 2011


Jan 2011

In Gimbals
I Did Not Go

Nov 2010


Oct 2010


Sep 2010

A Handful of Sea

Aug 2010

The Suicide Soft Shoe

Jul 2010

Baba Voena

Jun 2010

Virgil, You Are Late

Apr 2010

Old Cast Net

Mar 2010

Transience is Truth

Feb 2010

Keepers of the Light

Nov 2009

Between the Sacred and the Profane

Oct 2009

Between the Cracks
Now I Long For Yesterday

Aug 2009

In Concert
Breathing Out

Jul 2009

Of Parchment and Breath
"Wearing a Face That She Keeps In a Jar By the Door"
The Butterflies are Free

Jun 2009

I Am Bewitched
Deus, in adiutorium meum intende.
Only Line and Color, Please
Last of the Eighth
Now and Then
A Handful of Rust

May 2009

Mystery Writer

Apr 2009

I See You Rise Each Day

Mar 2009

And Here is No Great Matter
How Long Is One Moment of Perfect Beauty?

Feb 2009

A Humble Fable
To Thy Sleep
Umama, a Lullabye

Jan 2009

Where the Edges Fray

Dec 2008

A Handful of Dust
Hockeymouse, SavvyCat, and BroomGirl
Writing With Joli
Well Rehoboth

Nov 2008

Irony's Gate
Still Within Me
Netting Suns and Moons and River Jewels
Where Bastions are Blankets

Oct 2008

Loss and Perspective

Sept 2008

Crescent Will
Clips and Shades
No Red, Red Rose Am I
A Choreography of Epsilon
Ghost Writer

Aug 2008

Secret Hunt of the Gatherer
Your Residue
Stepping Forward
Evangeline Eve

Jul 2008

Silhouettes And War Stories
Play of Will
Singing Snowden's Song
"A dream has power to poison sleep"

June 2008

Slip Out Sideways
Islands and Miles
Cistern Girl

May 2008

That There Could Be Such Eyes
A Song of Eve
...And How Is That Possible?

Apr 2008

Rhapsody of the Neutral Ground Girl
"What Dreams May Come"
Would you notice?

Mar 2008

Faith, The Best Untold
Fever Song
Anoxia, Née Moon

Feb 2008

Cobwebs and Corrugated Dreams

Jan 2008

Egill's View
Rest Weary
Shards of Hope

Dec 2007

Mine, All In All
Compass Rose

Nov 2007

The Voyeur’s Gasp

Oct 2007

Ashen Form
I Am
Unraveling Threads

Sep 2007

Legacy of the Levee
The Candle of My Night
From the Village in the Valley, Raise up a Man Strong and Pure
Bi-polar Yaw
Love In Situ
Sept 11 Tribute

Aug 2007

“For, O, for, O, the hobbyhorse is forgot.”

Jul 2007

The Apricot Hemline of Chirakan
My Comfortor
Swing Shut My Gate
Find My Face

Jun 2007

Ma Sylphide

May 2007
Mon Cadeau de La Lune
Tonight May It Rain
Sonnet of the Woodcock

Mar 2007

Heart is the Horizon of Healing and Art

Feb 2007

Your Canvas Woman

Jan 2007

First Draft
Once Upon Another Day Just Like Today
Loom Eternal

Dec 2006

Invocation of the Nordskip
Summer Showers
The Shadows of Ullambana

Nov 2006

Christen Me Damned
Deny It!
Bathing in Dunsinane
Jericho Man
Nibelung in Need
Brenda is Dead
Love’s Narrow Gate
Crito is dead. I have repaid the cock to asclepius, Socrates. I did not forget.
One Lump or Two?

Oct 2006
Sentinal Ghost Ride
A Hand Up

“Words, words, words,” -Hamlet (Shakespeare)

Nov 2007

“Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love.”

Oct 2007

“The perfume and suppliance of a minute; No more.”
Every Stone a Story…Like a Rosary
Unconditionally Mistaken

Sep 2007

How the Mighty Shall Fall

Aug 2007

Ever After

Jul 2007

Cnidarian Grace
Honor For An Old Warhorse

May 2007
Ancient Revelry For SPQR
There Hangs a Moment

Feb 2007


Jan 2007

Dreaming Naked

Dec 2006

Untitled Song 2
Untitled Song

Oct 2006

Quantum Love

"But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart's knowledge" -Kahlil Gibran

Nov 2007

"What goes into the well comes up with the bucket."

Oct 2007

My own rejected lines/images that I still kinda like
Princely Said
How the British Apologize
Out of the Cloud By Night
What's in a name?
Kahlil Gibran on Joy and Sorrow
Allie's Locks
Footnote on The Father
Thank You
Tactics of a Technical Win
Faithful Muse
A New Personal Best! :)

Aug 2007

"Don't Be So Damn Blandy" ...or "How Far Can I Carry A Rhyme Without Concern For The Annoyance Factor?"
But a Word
And Here I lie
Second Thoughts

Jul 2007

To My Beautiful Poppy
Hero Worship for the Resplendent Mr. Eliot
Stray Thought
Silliness for Sandman and Strategic Shopping Strikes
Eulogy in 30 Proof – by SPQRCowboy
Willingness - by Xal
Pedaling Circles On Square Wheels
The Guest List
Breathe On Me

Jun 2007

Crossing Providence Bridge
Top compliment ever
The literal man of my dreams
Because Of You, I Am. Because Of Me, You Were
Nobility is in the Eyes, Not the Blood (To Kneel)
How is My Heart?
Amarantha Tag
Supersize Me Limmerick

Mar 2007

Narcissus In His 7 Years of Bad Luck

Feb 2007

To You, My Love...I Hope Your Plane Crashes
Odyssey Blood thread
Temptation at my Chamber Door
Of Halcyon Hearth

Dec 2006

There is more than one kind of deafness
A bounty of booty
Orpheus meets my writing process

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain

Nov 2007

"but shadows," My ass!
More adventures in: Just...wow

Sep 2007

How loud a quiet night can be
Glancing Back
I wash my hands of those who imagine chattering to be knowledge, silence to be ignorance, and affection to be art. - Kahlil Gibran
Sometimes, I just suck
Just...wow (The most fun meltdown I have ever witnessed after a suspension)
Just...wow (The most random message I have ever received)
Just...wow 2
Teacake, Stabb???

Aug 2007

Wounded Wing and Hurting Heart

Jul 2007

I Think You May Not Be Capable of Seeing
Clarifying Response
For Someone Who Just Doesn't Yet Understand Friendship
Unwelcome Solitaire
I should NOT have to say this

Jun 2007

Fun to Be Me

May 2007

You've spilled your profile on me; I think it's going to stain.

Jan 2007

VR Bigtop
Read Bottom to Top

Dec 2006

Really fun VR conversation with Saint.
Why do you care
Just...wow. You can't make up this kind of crazy
archive 2 - not interesting unless you're me
archive - don't read...uninteresting to anyone but me

Ancient Athenians employed a purification process called "cupellation.” They heated mined ore until the lead oxidized, leaving only the purified gold or silver. If this process were applied to language, what would remain is the haiku. - Me

Mar 2011

Didn't You Know?

Nov 2010

Tolls For Thee

Mar 2009

Whetting the Blade

Feb 2009

Thy Neighbor's Wife

Jan 2009


Dec 2008

Suitcase Dream

Nov 2008

For Bloodlife

Oct 2008

Ceiling Talk (a tanka)

Sep 2008

Poet of the Oubliette
Avatar Joy

Aug 2008

Strings and Things
Bleeding Stardust
Guilty Pleasure

Jul 2008

Pierced and Gauging
Silent Night

Jun 2008

The Perfect Leather

May 2008

Fade (a tanka)

Apr 2008

Sate Me
Treefrog Philosophy
Sweet Dreams

Mar 2008

2 Excerpts from Walt Whitman
Sate Me
Truth Shines
On Pruning Day
Our Peace...Our Balance
Love Breathes For Me
All Roads Lead to Home

Feb 2008

Wordsworth: Tintern Abbey and A Commentary
Long Day
Ringer Off
No Shy Laplander, He

Jan 2008

The Cadence of Loss
"In My Faith, In MyHope, In My Love"
The Lean One Dreams Your Woman in Green
"Peer, We Shall Meet At the Last Cross-roads"
Vera's Lament

Dec 2007

More Teeth
Sweet River Strains

Nov 2007

"As a Madman Shakes a Dead Geranium"

Oct 2007

FAQ Of The Open Eye
The Father
October Walk

Sep 2007

The Olive Branch Brush, My Gift From God

Aug 2007

Joli Wine
Saharan Serenity

Jul 2007

Spider Finery
It's Far Too Hot and I'm Not Your Little Yard Slave
"Braid No More Thy Shining Hair..."
Marzipan Mistress
All Hallows
La Toussaint

Jun 2007

Stippled Sky
Now Shall I Worship

May 2007

Spring's Solicitors
A Soft Tangle
Skin Deep
Barefoot Tune

Feb 2007

Fulcrum of the Sky
Dressed to Kill

Jan 2007

Last Glimpse
Sang Tawan (Sunshine)
Snare Drum Lullabye
The Haiku in You

Nov 2006

Evening in the haiku (4)
Evening in the haiku (3)
Evening in the haiku (2)
Evening in the haiku (1)

Who am I, that you have visited today? A French/Cajun woman, native to New Orleans, my forever home. I love everything in my life to be spicy; if it does not bite back, I'm not interested. My name comes from a wonderful old cajun song called "Jolie Blonde" that was my grandfather's favorite.

You will not find quizzes here, nor the typical, "I am light. I am dark. I am Happiness. I am Hate." I almost never end up agreeing with the author's self-assessment. I have confidence in you and prefer to let you decide about me on your own.

I am choosy about who I add as a friend. It is never about a list for me. If I add you, know that it is because you spark my interest and imagination. I ignore "s'up" messages and have disabled biting. Only the creative need message me. Wake my mind...make me think. I promise to return the favor.


You've noticed it is quiet here - no music. I assume that if you want music, you will play what you enjoy instead of fumbling to turn mine off. As to books and movies, my interests are forever changing. I'll spare you any lists, though I admit to being an avid reader and a hopeful writer.

The world charms me. I know that's not a particularly dark and gloomy sentiment. Trust me, I am not blind to life's lows and the disappointing choices people make, but there is so much to see and do and experience that I am never sated. I want to touch, smell, and see it all.

The sentiment that most captures for me the "Who am I?" -- Gratitude. I am profoundly grateful for who I am and the excellence that is woven through my life.


I have felt my soul grown gaunt
Like the cheeks of an old woman
Who bends her back and draws her coat
In at the throat with thin, veined hands.

No dust settles along these shelves
Of empty-eyed dolls that line the walls,
The walls, white as the screams
In the earthquake of my long-calm features.

When your breaths deepen the night,
I keep my step light and steal away
To those who delight in me, shadows
Secret and sleek as a crow's oiled wings.

-Joli Dy

Member Since: Oct 02, 2006
Last Login: Dec 25, 2016
Times Viewed: 39,141

Times Rated:1,946

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Jun 08, 2024

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


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Mar 22, 2024
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