
Chateau Orleans (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Dastardly Being (59.48)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Chateau Orleans (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Referred By:  BelleIsra
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  ?

St. Paul MN


Bite LaurentiusManx

Stalk LaurentiusManx



"This is going to suck!" - The motto (in English) of the 79th NYSM

Music Codes by SongArea.com

*The background picture here is of the 79th New York State Militia, Company C, Cameron Highlanders, Oregon-based civil war reenacting group, which I am a member of- McIvor 2005. (My Twin and I are in the front Row)*

About Me

Hello and Greetings to all: my name is LaurentiusManx or “Learned Cat”. This name is a combination of the Ancient Roman (Latin) name for Learned, and the Isle of Manish for Cat. As the name suggests, I have always had an interest in cats, as well as Lycanthropy. Ever since I was a child, I have seemed to have a connection with felines, as well as most other animals. I have always wondered what it would be like to be a cat, and to see things from their prospective.

In addition to my interest in lycanthropy, I have also had an interest in the occult, specifically the supernatural. Over the course of my childhood and adolescence, I have had too many uncanny and sometimes creepy experiences to not believe. I always seemed to have the feeling of having something watching me just over my shoulder. I think part of this may be due to the fact that up until high school, my brother (twin) and I had to walk up and down a mile + driveway to the bus. It always seemed that while walking home, I could almost see something moving in the woods following us. I also will never forget the time that we encountered a four foot long Nutria walking up the driveway while we were walking down.

Another facet to this interest in the occult is the fact that ever since I was a child, the majority of my dreams have concerned Vampires as the main theme. Some were more graphic than others, but most of them centered around being chased by and surrounded by them. I have always wondered the significance of these dreams, but it only seems fitting that I should have a wife that also has an interest in them.

As I entered college and adulthood, my interests seemed to become sidelined in the mission to graduate and find a job. It was not until I met my wife, that my old interest in the occult reemerged stronger and more intense. My wife has been very supportive and has tried to nurture and aid me in my quest to better understand the greater spiritual world. Part of this comes from the fact that my wife (BelleIsra) is Hmong, and has her own beliefs and cultural superstitions when it comes to the occult. I found my self in an atmosphere where believing in things like ghosts, spirits, and were-leopards was normal. In addition to having this common interest, I have started to again have those same uncanny and creepy experiences. They seemed to start with my dreams, and then moved to the waking world. With this in mind, I come with an eagerness to learn more about the occult, and to gain a greater understanding of my interest in the were-beast.


As for my interests, I am an animal lover, to the extent that my wife calls me her “Dr. Doolittle. We have two dogs Théoden (Collie, Great Pryennes Mix) and First (9 lb Chihuahua); as well as two cats, Eowyn (Tortiseshell, who thinks that she is a Princess), and Banshee (a 25+ lb, Norwegian Forest Cat); as well as a Trinidad Cheveron Tarantula (Diesel). I am also an avid book reader, and have a keen interest in genealogy (specifically my Celtic Roots).

By trade, I am a Reference Librarian, but it seems that I may never actually get the dream job that I want. I currently have two part time reference Librarian Jobs, but cannot seem to get that illusive full time career position. While I was attending graduate school, the down turn in the economy as well as other factors has created a shortage of available jobs. So I have had to take a job at my old employer to pay the bills. Time will tell as to which direction my career will take.

For an update (Nov 2006) my wife and I have moved back for MN, and I am currently a manager at Petsmart, but still looking for a full time library job. We are very happy with the move and am on a crusade to convert everyone to the correct pronuciation of Oregon "Ore-Gun". For all those out there who mispronounce the state, as you self one question, "How do you pronounce Wagon?"

For other interests, I am very proud of my Scots roots, and I was even married in my kilt. I am also a member of the 79th NYSM Cameron Highlanders, Scottish Civil War reenactment regiment. This Interest in my Scottish heritage has even bled into other areas, body art. If someone were to see me on the street, they would never think that I have multiple tattoos, and plans of many more. My tattoos with the exception of two, have a Celtic theme; the kanji for “Sage”, the Scottish Thistle (symbol for Scotland), the badge for the Brodie Clan, a Celtic Tree, and my most recent addition, a Rose Hair Tarantula on my right leg (in honor of my Tarantula "Honey" that we had to give to a new home due to our recent moving).

As mentioned before, I am an avid book reader, which seems to make sense with my profession as a librarian. I enjoy a wide range of authors, but mainly enjoy both fantasy and Science fiction. My favorite writers include: J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert Jordan, Gayle Greeno, Robin Hobb, Kristen Britain, C.J. Cherry, and David Farland among others. If anyone needs a author recommendation in either of these genres, please let me know.

In the recent week, there seems to be a plethora of questions that people have about me, so here is an update. In addition to my interest in lycanthropes, I have also come to a crossroads spiritually. I was raised in the Christian Science Church, but have not attended in years. Though I still spiritually follow many of the precepts of Christianity, I have found more in common with my wife’s “BelleIsra” religion (Hmong Traditionalist). In the past couple years, I have seen a had a heightened awareness of the supernatural, and almost have routine messages from my wife’s grandparents. All of these experiences combined have called me to question my Christian Faith. As time, I may be able to merge the two, but for now am still seeing where I fit spiritually. I hope this helps everyone, and may I find some answers in the Rave.


Over the last year, I have been on a search for my own Religious and Spiritual Identity. I have been influenced by my own past and my family but have never felt like I really fit in, with their beliefs. My biggest influence has been the re-awakening of my “sight” as well as the wonderful addition of my wife and her family. I have now become comfortable in my own beliefs, and am no longer ashamed of what my own Spiritual self tells me. I grew up as a Christian Scientist, but never felt that I could fully accept all of their tenets, and always instead always felt a pull toward the “older” pre-Christian beliefs. I decided to search for myself, and see where I fit in. Through looking at various pagan paths, I have chosen the Pictish Pagan path. This path is a solitary one and was followed by my Scottish ancestors. I am very thankful for the amount of patience my wife Mary (BelleIsra) has given me during my “soul searching”. She has been the foundation of my sanity, and has all my love.

adopt your own virtual pet!

Ok here is a little more of the mundane me, and my interests. I am a true Pisces, and am also a twin in a line of seven kids 6 of 7 (oh I am the older one by 5 mins). I am an old soul, and I think that it can be seen in my eclectic mix of music other interests. Here goes:

Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
Bruce Dickinson
The Who (my absolute fav)
Pink Floyd
Neil Diamond
The Doors
Pearl Jam
The Monkees
Midnight Oil
Billy Idol
Billy Joel
Depesche Mode
Whyte Shadows
1970’s & 80s Genre
Bag Pipes (Hello I’m Scottish)
Civil War Regimental Music

Ghost Hunters
The Lone Gunmen
Dalziel & Pascoe
Dr. Who
Red Dwarf
Black Adder
Brit Mysteries
Brit Comedy
Hmong Movies

Other Interests:
I have been a coin & stamp buyer and seller since I was 8 (god for more than 20 yrs), and have a collection of over 5000 pieces. I am also a Civil War Reenactor and am a member of the 79th New York State Militia, Cameron Highlanders. Please visit yanksinkilts.com for more information on our group. Lastly, I am an active Ebay seller, and even teach a class on it in one of my reference librarian jobs. As for hobbies that Belle and I have together, we both pick mushrooms during the season here in Oregon. I learned which ones to pick from my Sister in Law from Norway. We have access to our own private mushroom patch that has never been touched by man. When we go, we usually find at least 100 lbs of Chanterelles, Bolettes (porcinis), and Hedgehogs. Please see the pictures below for a taste of what we find.

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I wanted to say a few words about my newly added pictures. The first is a picture of my (Mary's) grandparents. They have been a very special spiritual guide to me. The second picture is from our Christian Wedding service Next is a picture from our Hmong Wedding. BTW Belle's family thought I looked pretty hot in our Hmong Clothes. The next two pictures of my father. He will have passed three years ago this next March. I miss him every day. The next picture is of my beautiful wife BelleIsra aka Mary. The last picture is of my 1/2 collie dog Theoden

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*MY Half Scottish Dog, Theoden*

79th New York State Militia

Here are some pictures I found. The first two pictures are of where the 79th NYSM spent one of their winters, and a headstone representing the fallen soldiers during the war. The third picture is an actual picture from the war. The following three are examples of what the soldiers would have looked like. The next picture is of the NW 79th reenacting group I belong to, at Fort Stevens in Astoria, OR, taken in 2004. The last two pictures are of my name sake, my great-great-grandfather, Elias Henry Brodie, who fought in the Mexican Civil and Indian Wars, in the army of the Potomac, and retired as a Sergeant Major.

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Famous Scots

Here are some of my favorite Scots.

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Billy Boyd

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Bonnie Prince Charlie

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Craig Ferguson

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Deacon Brodie, the person Dr. Jekkyl and Mr. Hyde was based on, and a distant relative of mine.

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Ewan McGregor

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John Hannah

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Robert Carlyle

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Robert the Bruce

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Rob Roy

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Sean Bean

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Sean Connery

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William Wallace

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Groundskeeper Willie - LOL

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Alexander Morton

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Colin Buchanan

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Dawn Steele

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Fiona Ritchie

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Hamish Clark

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Kelly McDonald

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Maggie Smith

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Mary Queen of Scots

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Robbie Burns

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Robbie Coltrane

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Warren Clarke, Plays Scot Andy Dalziel on TV

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Alastair MacKenzie

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Big Country

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Sir Walter Scott


Viking Prayer:

Low there do I see my Father,

Low there do I see my Mother, My sisters,
and my Brothers,

Low there do I see the line of my people
back to the beginning,

Lo they do call to me, They bid me to take
my place Among them,

In the Halls of Valhalla, Where the Brave
live Forever.

After updating my profile last, I have been asked by some people why I am so interested in my scots heritage. So after much thought, I thought that I would share some of my genealogical past with all of you. I have been my family’s genealogist for quite some time (using my Reference Librarian Skills) and have been able to trace my family’s history back (fairly reliably) to the 1600’s. I will admit that I have always been most interested in my Celtic background, but I think that this comes from the fact that I carry my family’s Scottish surname as my middle name. Needless to say there is a lot more to me than just my Scottish blood.

All in all I am mainly of Engish and German ancestry, then followed by Scots, Irish, Welsh, Swedish and Belgian. With that in mind, I have decided to share with everyone the main families in my ancestry.



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Reithmueller - Riethmiller (Anglicized Spelling)

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Juninger - no coat of arm available


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Meyer -- German / Jewish
(Converted to Christianity and changed name to Myers)

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Brodie – Hunting Tartan

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Brodie – Dress Tartan

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Brodie – Clan Badge
(Tattoo on my Right Shoulder)

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McKinney – Tartan (MacKinnon)

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McKinney – Clan Badge

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Houston – Tartan

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Houston – Clan Badge

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Langaker -- Longacre (Anglicized Spelling)

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Take the quiz:
What dragon species are you? (Stunning pics)

Earth Dragon
Nature is your thing, you protect the forests with the essence of the living world. You're goal is to protect the world but with so few numbers of your kind you are failing your task. You are a powerful adversary and can causing earthquakes with a bare wink.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Clan Tzimisce
Often with a scholarly bent and abundant curiosity,
Clan Tzimisce has thrust aside most of whatever
they once were, their studies delving deep into
the quest for meaning in what it is to be
undead. This often gives them a hauntingly
inhuman demeanor, cold and methodical as
clockwork and often no more forgiving. Their
tinkering and experimentation is made much
easier by their power to sculpt flesh and bone
to their liking, allowing them to experiment
with the bodies of themselves and others, and
often by association, the mind as well. But all
have a markedly territorial nature, a quirk
that amplifies their natural strangeness. Most
require at least a mound of earth from their
homeland to get a full day's sleep.

Which Vampire: The Masquerade clan do you belong in?
brought to you by Quizilla

I thought that his quiz and card were a great coincidence given my interest in Lycanthropy

The Moon Card
You are the Moon card. Entering the Moon we enter
the intuitive and psychic realms. This is the
stuff dreams are made on. And like dreams the
imagery we find here may inspire us or torment
us. Understanding the moon requires looking
within. Our own bodily rhythms are echoed in
this luminary that circles the earth every
month and reflects the sun in its progress.
Listening to those rhythms may produce visions and lead you towards insight. The Moon is a force that has legends attached to it. It carries with it both romance and insanity.
Moonlight reveals itself as an illusion and it
is only those willing to work with the force of
dreams that are able to withstand this
reflective light. Image from: Stevee Postman.

Which Tarot Card Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Member Since: Dec 11, 2005
Last Login: Dec 26, 2007
Times Viewed: 26,267

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Jul 07, 2024

No pictures. Just a simple rate and a hello. :)

Feb 27, 2024

Ylvax has stalked by and rated you fairly.


Enjoy the darkness..
Jan 03, 2024
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

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