
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 19 years.

Status:  Grave Robber (22.49)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

behind you


Bite LeSang

Stalk LeSang


Merci will get you killed, but sometimes it's all that makes us human

I'm Emz, I'm the kind of person people tend to back away slowly from.

I now Spend all of my time on Myspace, rather than all of the other sites i'm joined to, its just easier on my computer and my sanity. check me out at www.myspace.com/lesangrouge

Im athiest, but i was raised in a very christian family, i really can't see how 'the' God could only have been discovered in Roman times, theoretically i think that the first God should be 'the' god, so the spirits that the cavemen and aborigines believe/d in. I'm sorry if anyone takes offence at this.

I'm a very shy person if you were to ever meet me, which quite frankly is unlikely, but once i get to know you i tend to become a tad insane, plus i'll make random bitchy or sarcastic comments, but dont take them to heart, i use my wit as a weapon, and sometimes things just fall out of my mouth.

I'm passionate about poetry, music and the arts, i also have a deep love for textiles, its great to be able to make something out of nothing.

As im sure you have realised by now im a horrid speller, please make sense of what you can, feel free to correct me.

I'm just me, but i suppose im a cross between goth, punk, and other random bits and bobs. I tend to customise or make my clothes, i like to be original.

Im obsessed with the tv shows CSI, all 3 of them rock my mismatched sox! im in love with grissom, he rules, as does horatio!

I'm currently reading Laurell K Hamiltons Incubus Dreams

Feet are the grossest things ever, and if you even consider touching mine you'll end up with a broken nose, ask my brother, but saying that, i can bear to wear anything on my feet, im constantly leaving my shoes in random places and making visits to lost property!

I dont believe in sexual orientation, i think if you fall in love you fall in love, no matter of sex, age, race or religion. I do believe we can have our preferences, male/female, black/white etc.

Name given to me at birth? Emma, now only ever known as emz

How old are you? 16

When is your Birthday? November

What is your zodiac sign? Scorpio

Where were you born? Hospital?

Where do you live now? Kent

What color are your eyes? hazel, but i want green.

What color is your hair? black, with purple streaks and roots, it all blends.

How tall are you? 5'4"

What is your worst fear? Not achieving what i want to before i die

Pets? I'm allergic to all animals.

Do you smoke? No, its gross, smelly, and bad for me and my fellow asthmatics, plus, you know, one of the slowest and most expensive forms of suicide!

Do you drink? Of course

Do you use drugs? No, im far too much of a controll freak!

Have you or will you ever steal? depends on how sober and/or desperate i am at the time

Are you dependable and/or trustworthy? Yes, i like to think so

Do you play in a band or play an instrument? technically no, but the guitar and a band called zealous, we suck, none of us can really play anything or sing, but its something to do in the lame ass town! I was also forced as a child to learn the claranet, eugh!

Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings? a few piercings, no tats yet,ears twice, my lip, and my tongue, i saving for my nipples.

If you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be? drowning in chocolate and/or icecream and being bashed over the head by giant hundreds and thousands.

Have you ever tried to commit suicide? Im not proud of the fact.

Have you ever purposely caused harm to yourself or someone else? myself

Are you evil? define evil

Do you believe that you can be possessed? Anything is possible

What is your favorite movie? too many to list

What is your favorite song? read above

What kind of books do you read? Anything, everything!

What is your favorite color? Black, red, green, shiny silver

Who are your favorite band? loads

What is your favorite food? anything bread based or chocolate related

What is your favorite drink? tea, two sugars, splosh of milk, heaven!

Are you a virgin? and proud

Do you like to do your own photography? yes, but i dont do it well due to the serious lack of a decent camera.

Do you have any self inflicted scars? Some

Are you religious? No

Do you cuss? born and raised in gravesend, what the fuck do you think

Do you believe in vampires? i'd like to

Do you believe in magic? read above

Do you go to many concerts? Yes, when ever i can

What do you like most about life? living

feel free to add me to msn, thats what its there for after all.


I have a question for all the men out there, what is with you obsession with breasts? 1/2 the population has them, your mother has them!!! they're there to feed babies. Why are they so interesting to you and why do you feel the need to stare at them? I bet you'd all get really self conscious if women talked to your crotch! hello, face, speak to it!

We live in a time where pizza arrives at you house before the police do.

He who laughs last thinks slowest.

A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
On the other hand you have different fingers

Those who live by the sword... get shot by those who don't.

I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges.

Latest survey shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the world's population.

I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

Got bored and added random quotes, im sure ill remove them again at some point.

Music Video Codes By MySpaceHelp.net!

Member Since: May 22, 2005
Last Login: Jul 31, 2006
Times Viewed: 6,370

Times Rated:484

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As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


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Jul 04, 2024


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