
Quote: A pinch of worm fat, urine of a horse fly, 2 buttered fingers, 3 coins from a dead mans pocket, 2 tbs of wishful thinking, and spit.


photo by "autumngallows"

My Mentorship Run by airwitch

My Name is Dani, not Danielle, I hate that, Its pronounced like Danny just in case Anyone is unsure. I Have a hard time writing about myself Always have always will. I Prefer to tell things threw pictures and not word, Doesn't the saying go "A picture says a thousand words"? I will Try my best though.
Well I guess I am going to start out with I'm a horrible Speller So its a good thing that VR here has a spell check thing going =]

I am wiccan and proud of that. I am a proud member of the Coven Of Shadows, I am Isis.
Why start with Air? Air is the element of the East in most traditions. The east is where the sun rises in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the time and place of new beginnings, it is the morning. The Air is associated with thought processes and mental working, intelligence and learning. Birds, feathers, insects, clouds and the dawn are all associated with air. Its colors are generally yellows and pastels. Its music is that of bells and the wind instruments such as flutes. What makes you think of Air?
As the sun moves from dawning to midday, we too move sunwise to the South. It is the noon time, the heat of the day. Fire is associated with movement and action, the fires of passion and anger. It is our will. Lizards, salamanders, scorpions, deserts, spices, sex, heat and the noonday sun are all associated with Fire. Its colors are reds and oranges and its music is that of the brass instruments, trumpets and horns. What makes you think of Fire?
Westward we go into the realm of Water. This is the time of the setting sun, the coolness of twilight. It is the rain and snow and the rushing rivers and oceans and streams. Water is the element of emotion and intuition. Tears are water, whether they are of sadness or joy. Our bodies are mostly water. Fish, waterfowl and wading birds, thunderstorms and twilight are all associated with Water. Its colors are blues and greens, turquoise and aqua. The strings play the music of Water, pianos and violins. What makes you think of Water?
Continue the journey into the North to find the element of Earth. It it’s the dark time of rest; it is planting and nurturing seeds of all kinds. It is the place of growth and abundance, but it is also the place of death and returning to the Earth, to the Mother and to our ancestors. Most mammals and earth dwelling creatures are associated with the Earth. As are plants and trees, stones and seeds. Its colors are greens and browns and black. The music of the Earth is beaten out buy the drums. What makes you think of Earth?
Spirit is an element that is hard to explain and even harder to show. It is a place that is not a place, above and below, within and without. It is the hub of the wheel of the year and the wheel of the elements, the top of the pentacle. Its associations are personal and are different for everyone. It has no real color, though some will say purple, gold, white or any pearly or iridescent colors. What makes you think of Spirit?
I am Water and she is me.
Although I have air tendencies.

My Loved ones

My Step father Troy, and my mother Amy.

My sister autumngallows and I

My sister, Father and Aiden, Me, Abbigail (Both pictures below my sis), Mommy-Lisa and Abbigail, Colbie (Both pictures below me) and in the middle on the bottem is me and Aiden

Seawitch and I

Dayton.....My sugerpup. *kissy*

The great and powerful Airwitch.....I love him.

Concortemanon Hes rocken them shades. =P

me and the Tric.

Mama Cass, Poprocks, And Jimmy. =)

A little bit of me

My Tattoo. I love it lots.

autumngallows master piece.

Baby me i was cuter then. lol

Movies and shows that rock my
space bubble

The live action ninja turtles cuz live action is soooooo much cooler. sides how doesn't like the idea of ninja turtles?

Rocky Horror Picture Show!!! Tim Curry has really sexy legs in a pair of high heels.

The new Alice in Wonderland....Because johnny Depp is sexy as the Terence Hightop (mad hatter) and Tim Burton just rocks!

Felix the kitty I loved to watch him. he was on of my fave shows.....and movie.

my inner geek is showing with this one, but i love Sailor moon. I use to watch this show religiously lol

My Protectors.


Member Since: | Apr 21, 2010 |
Last Login: | Jun 15, 2011 |
Times Viewed: | 4,567 |
Times Rated: | 352 |
Rating: | 9.639 |
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As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…

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Enjoy the Darkness...
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