
Brooms are so 13th century. Everybody is riding Swiffer now.
Set at 04:03 on February 17, 2011

Vampire Rave member for 13 years.

Status:  Mosquito (7.32)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  No affiliation.
Account Type:  Regular
Referred By:  temporary2
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?


Bite LynzyRenea

Stalk LynzyRenea



Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward. ~Victor Kiam

pagan Pictures, Images and Photos

I am Lindsey. I am my own person, nothing more, nothing less. I'm a lover, not a fighter; however if I feel you are out of your place I WILL set you straight as best I can. I hate ignorance, I hate stupidity, I hate people that give up easily, I hate shitty friends (especially the kind that say they will be there for you no matter what and never are), and I really hate hateful people. I love people that will admit fault in their knowledge and try to learn where they are wrong, I love for someone to have more qualities on the inside than the outside, I love it when someone perseveres in the face of adversity (especially when there is no hope to do so), I love and admire it when a friend is there for you without you even asking for it, and I really love those that refuse to hate even when they have the right to do so.

I am one willing to help anyone that needs it, but I will not help those that refuse to attempt to help their self. I will stand by anyone's side if they genuinely desire it, even if they are my enemy. I am not a hateful person. I try not to be a vengeful person. I can be self destructive. I have absolutely no self confidence in that department. I have extreme trust issues , but I am making an attempt to overcome this. What I need is someone to stand by my side with my problems and show me the error of my ways and literally SHOW me I have nothing to worry about, but so far no one has been able to do so. These qualities have run off many of those that mean a lot to me. I will make an attempt at fixing my flaws, but no one can expect perfection, and everyone must know that the only way to truly succeed at anything is with those that love you unconditionally; those capable of loving you, faults and all.

What Mythical Creature Are you?

Mysterious at times, but your general outlook on life seems to be positive. You help out, and are definitely not violent unless you have to be.
Friendly, but inside you sometimes feel torn between people. Not knowing who you truly are.
You’re cute, and young at heart. Sometimes you can be cheeky. But people like you and you have lots of friends.
How do you compare?
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Owl & black Cat Pictures, Images and Photos

People often tell me we can't decide what happens to us in life. I disagree with this general acceptance. The meth head next door could have chosen not take that first hit. That eighteen-year-old prostitute could have applied herself in school and got a descent job. That abusive drunk could have never hit the bottle. Sounds like a lot could have been done,don't you think? My advice is to stop your whining and realize what you have you brought upon yourself.

Pagan Pictures, Images and Photos

I am who I am, nothing more, nothing less

What is your demon type?

Formally a servant in the kingdom of heaven, your search for answers beyond your conventional teachings has brought onto you a loss of innocence. enlightened, you strike back and defect, turning your white wings black in exchange for moral freedom. your thirst for individuality and power is what drives you most. your motto: "better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven". remember, black is not a color of evil,but a color of protection...you are probably hard to get close to.
How do you compare?
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pagan Pictures, Images and Photos

Bright Blessings

Earth Mother
Giver of life
Strengthen me during my life-long strife.
Teach me Your ways of perfect love,
peace, and wisdom true.
Spawn from my purest heart
These words to You
May this prayer help me to better
myself in word and deed,
To a higher plane I shall succeed.
Beautiful Light of Goodness Fair
Lore of old we both do share
A Witch's brew, I drink to You
My love for You, by day, by night
In thought and in sight
Will my soul learn
the meaning of this life again.

Pagan~ Pictures, Images and Photos

Pentagram Pictures, Images and Photos

Goddess Grace

I am the Goddess of a thousand names and infinite capacity.
All Her gifts are mine.
All Her powers reside in me.

I am Athena of Greece.
Like my totem the owl, I am wise
for I see and hear everything around and within me.
Like the oak, I am strong for the olive of peace is sacred to me.

I am Bast, cat goddess of Egypt.
I am graceful, flexible, playful, and affectionate.
I radiate the warmth and light of the glorious sun.

I am Cerridwen of Wales.
My magic cauldron contains food for the soul,
an inexhaustible source of wisdom and inspiration.
The more I give, the more I receive.

I am Diana, Roman goddess of the ever-changing moon.
I am a protectress of women and children,
a guardian of the wild.
I focus my aim on my heart's desire and draw it to me.

I am Ereshkigal, Assyro-Babylonian goddess of the underworld,
Queen of the Great Below.
I shed dead skin to grow.
Deep powers of renewal are mine.

I am Freya, Well-beloved Nordic Lady.
I survey the beauty of my world in joyous flight.
I celebrate and honor the bonds between friends and lovers.

I am Gaia, Greek Earth Mother.
Grounded and centered in the rhythms and patterns of chaos,
I emerge to create my universe.

I am Hecate of Greece. Triple Goddess of the crossroads of choice.
I balance my powers of thought and my emotion.
I choose the path I walk.
The torch of my reason is illumined by my brilliant intuition.

I am Isis, Egyptian Queen of the World.
I offer healing and transformation to all in need.
I hold the power to shape my world.

I am Jagad-Yoni, Hindu universal yoni, womb of the world.
I am the gatekeeper of the next generation.
I choose the life that emerges through me.
I use my power wisely.

I am Kwan-Yin of Buddhist China, goddess of compassion.
I hear and comfort the wounds of the world.
I welcome children and teach the magic of change.

I am Liban, Irish mermaid goddess.
I revel in the healing power of pleasure.
Quench your thirst at my sacred well.

I am Maat of Egypt.
Truth, justice and law are the natural order of my universe.
Harmony arises as I attune to my divine will.

I am Nu-Kua, Chinese dragon-tailed creaturess.
I restore the cosmic equilibrium.
I form community among women and men,
connecting in equality of love and respect.

I am Old Spider goddess of Micronesia.
I created the moon, the sea, the sky, the sun,
and the earth from a single clamshell.
All the vast and varied universe is present
in the smallest forms of life.
As above, so below.
As within, so without.

I am Pele, Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes.
My fiery energy erupts from my core to create new worlds.
I flow easily over obstacles in my path.

I am Qedeshet of Syria.
I balance lightly on the lion I ride.
Laughter lifts me from the pull of gravity.

The lotus blossoms I hold and the serpents I carry
symbolize the life and health I bring.

I am Rhiannon, horsewoman, Divine Queen of Wales.
My steady pace is swift and smooth.
I travel freely through the world, safe, serene and secure.
My winged friends can wake the dead,
and lull the living to sleep.

I am Sedna of the Eskimos.
Know and honor me through my animals.
Bears, whales, and seals,
all creatures of the land and sea are part of me.
We share the right to be.

I am Tiamat of Babylon, primordial sea-serpent.
I am the great mother womb
who brought forth the earth and the heavens.
I dive deep into the watery unconscious
to find the treasures buried there.

I am Uttu, Chaldean-Sumerian goddess of weaving and vegetation.
I offer shelter and nourishment to all who know me.
We weed and clothe each other through our work.

I am Vasudhara, Hindu goddess of abundance.
My six arms hold everything you need and offer it to you.
Earth Water Fire Air Center Spirit
Purpose Love Passion Wisdom Here Now.

I am Wite Woman of Honduras.
I descend from heaven to build my temple on earth
and return as a glorious bird.
I honor and express my true spirit.
My beauty is beyond compare.

I am Xochiquetzal, Aztec goddess of flowers, love
spinning, weaving, singing and dancing.
I am an Original Woman.
I delight in sharing my many gifts.

I am Yemaya, Nigerian Fish Mother, Brazilian Voodoo mermaid.
Lakes, rivers and oceans are my home.
The waters of life belong to me.
We cleanse and sustain each other.

I am Zoc, Gnostic Acon of Life.
Mother of All Living.
I am the embodiment of growth and vitality.
I am unique life energy.

I am the Goddess of a thousand names and infinite capacity.
All Her gifts are mine.
All Her powers reside in me.

We are the Goddess of a thousand names and infinite capacity.
All Her gifts are mine.
All Her powers reside in me.

You are the Goddess of a thousand names and infinite capacity.
All Her gifts are thine.
All Her powers reside in thee.

celtic tree of life Pictures, Images and Photos

Pentagram Pictures, Images and Photos

Pagan Goddess Chant -o- by Unknown

I am the wind and I am the trees.
I am the Earth and I am the seas.
I am a mother and I am a child.
I am a lover of passions gone wild.
I am the rain and I am the soul.
I am the one who makes the spirit whole.
I am the Maiden, Mother, and Crone.
I am the reaper of seeds that are sown.
I am within and I am without.
I am everywhere and everything about.
As Maiden I gave you the gift of joy.
As Mother I gave you nurturing and care.
As Crone I gave you wisdom unknown.
All of these gifts I have given you to share.
All of these gifts I have given you to share.

pagan Pictures, Images and Photos

Zen Circle with Tree of Life Pictures, Images and Photos
The Witches Creed -o- by Author unknown

Hear Now the words of the witches, the secrets we hid in the night,
When dark was our destiny's pathway, that now we bring forth into light.
Mysterious water and fire, the earth and the wide-ranging air,
By hidden quintessence we know them, and will keep silent and dare.
The birth and rebirth of all nature, the passing of winter and spring,
We share with the life universal, rejoice in the magical ring.
Four times in the year the Great Sabbath returns, and the witches are seen
At Lam mas and Candle mas dancing, on May Eve and old Hallow-e'en.
When day-time and night-time are equal, when sun is at greatest and least,
The four Lesser Sabbaths are summoned, and Witches gather in feast
Thirteen silver moons in a year are, thirteen is the coven's array.
Thirteen times at Es bast make merry, for each golden year and day.
The power that was passed down the age, each time between woman and man,
Each century unto the other, ere time and the ages began.
When drawn is the magical circle, by sword or a theme of power,
Its compass between two worlds lies, in land of the shades for the hour.
This world has no right then to know it, and world of beyond will tell naught.
The oldest of Gods are invoked there, the Greatest of magic is wrought.
For the two are mystical pillars, that stand at the gates of the shrine,
And two are the powers of nature, the forms and the force divine.
The dark and the night in succession, the opposites each unto each,
Shown forth as a God and a Goddess: of this our ancestors teach.
By night he's the wild wind's rider, the Horn'd One,
the King of the Woodland, the dweller in green forest glades.
She is youthful or old as she pleases, she sails the torn clouds in her barque,
The bright silver lady of midnight, the crone who weaves spells in the dark.
The master and mistress of magic,That dwell in the deeps of the mind
Immortal and ever-renewing, with power to free or to bind.
And Do What You Will be the challenge, By Magic of old, be it done!

Scorpio Pictures, Images and Photos

Pagan Pictures, Images and Photos

Pagan Alababet Pictures, Images and Photos

tree of life Pictures, Images and Photos

WOLF Pictures, Images and Photos

pagan Pictures, Images and Photos

wolfs Pictures, Images and Photos

Eric Northman Pictures, Images and Photos

mmmm i want me some viking vampire!!!!!!
Eric Northman Pictures, Images and Photos

Eric Northman Pictures, Images and Photos

Alcide Herveaux -  Joe Manganiello Pictures, Images and Photos

Pam Pictures, Images and Photos

Pam Pictures, Images and Photos

wolfs Pictures, Images and Photos

wolfs Pictures, Images and Photos

true blood Pictures, Images and Photos

jessica Pictures, Images and Photos

Jessica Pictures, Images and Photos

true blood jessica gif Pictures, Images and Photos

True Blood _ Jessica Pictures, Images and Photos

wolfs Pictures, Images and Photos

wolfs Pictures, Images and Photos

Just your friendly neighborhood vampire! Pictures, Images and Photos

hahahaha funny :)

Pam of True Blood GIF Pictures, Images and Photos

Alcide, Sookie, Eric - love triangle wallpaper Pictures, Images and Photos

Member Since: Jan 19, 2011
Last Login: Feb 17, 2011
Times Viewed: 10,341

Times Rated:222

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Mar 30, 2022
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Oct 02, 2021
You have been fairly rated by Premiere Sire Amaranthine.


Proud Master of Coven of the Ascended. Feel free to stop by, visitors are always welcome.

Enjoy the Darkness...
Apr 30, 2019
You have been visited and fairly rated by Ylvax. Enjoy the darkness.


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