Quote: "I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world". Albert Einstein
My name is Alan, and I am interested in physics, chemistry biology, and occultism. I am studying the teachings of Wicca, and mystictism.
I am also intrested in Astronomy, Astrology, Art, tarots and I like playing chess.
I like gothic, fantasy and scenery art, and I like wolfs, dragons, tigers and beautiful backgrounds. I have many different intrests. I like to keep myself busy and learn a lot of subjects, because I like to seek knowledge and have a deep understanding about the world and the universe around me, anything about the mind, and I am a very spritual person.
I have always been fascinated and curious of the beauty of the world and the universe around me. I always liked to stay outdoors for hours, just exploring the nature and the beauty of the world. I am a thinker and a mystic, and I like to see the moon and the stars in the darkness of the night sky and wonder and think about the universe, and I like to live in harmony.
I seek knowledge from the ancient Egyptians. I am seeking for spiritual enlightment by the practice of magick, and I want to follow the path of Wicca to become a magician or a scholar. I have always been fasinated by occultism and paranormal, I always wanted to communicate with the spirits. I taught myself Chess, and I taught myself Astronomy and Astrology at the age of 14, I think knowledge, creativity, higher consciousness and imagination is the key to understanding the Cosmos, and drawing in those spirtual energies.
I am a science student aiming to go to University to study a degree in biology and chemistry. I also study astronomy, and occultism in my spare time, I want to be a magician, because I feel drawn to mystictism, divination and tarots, and I seek spiritual enlightenment through the practice of magick. I enjoy playing chess, because it improves focus and concentration, and good exercise for the mind and brain. In occultism I would like to experiment with my higher consciousness and see what I can achieve from prey and meditation.
Feel free to take a look around and I will keep updating my profile, as much as I can.

This is Newcastle, the city where I was born and raised.

Since I was a child I have always been fascinated and curious of the beauty of the world and the universe around me. I always liked to stay outdoors for hours, just exploring the nature and the beauty of the world, as a child, I was fascinated by the colours around me in the garden. I am a thinker and a bit of a mystic, and I like to see the moon and the stars in the darkness of the night sky and wonder and think about the universe, and I like to live in harmony.
When I was young I remember going for walks to the shops with my Grandfather, because sometimes I would go to the shop for sweets. On a night time when we went back home, I could see the moon and the stars in the night sky out the living room window. I was curious about the moon and the stars deep in the heavens. I sometimes asked questions, about the moon and my Grandfather said, “Can you see the man on the moon?” and I said “where is he?” in reply, he just laughed, as he was watching the television.
When I was 9 years old he passed away, bless his soul, he was called Alan, and I was named after him. Something strange happened when I was 9 years old, it was a dark autumn evening, I was playing in the front yard, I looked up at the stars, and I saw bright yellow shooting star, that shot across the sky over the rooftops, I burst into the house all excited and told my family about my experience, it was like a bright yellow fireball with a tail, that moved fast over the rooftops.
When I was getting older, I gained an interest in Science and Astronomy, I remember in 1994 when I watched the television and I saw a comet collide into planet Jupiter on the news, it was amazing, it’s the first time Scientists have ever witnessed a comet collision with another planet. Then when I was 14 years old, I saw comet Hale Bopp of March 1997, I observed it, nearly every night for two weeks when it was clear skies.
I started reading Astronomy books in the school library, all about stars and planets and this is how I gained knowledge about Astronomy, mythology, religion and the universe. I also liked Art and History at school especially about ancient history. I always wondered about Stonehenge and the Pyramids of Giza.
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Member Since: | Jun 09, 2007 |
Last Login: | Feb 21, 2020 |
Times Viewed: | 34,377 |
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