Dear Monday, I hate you. The End.
Set at 13:03 on September 15, 2014

Quote: My BumperSticker: Don't laugh at me, your daughter is in the trunk.

I poke you...*poke*
Would you expect any less of me?
Well Now, I kind of need some sort of update on here. Seeing as every time something changes I take months upon month's to get off my lazy ass and type something to those of you who've decided to read my main page and my dribble!
***Like this for example:
The hair .. time to explane!! .. it is a Hair piece .. it fits over a bun (of my 3 feet of hair) on top of my head and ties tight ... you can catch more hair pieces at naughtylocks.com** this site no longer exists... well at least not as a hair website lmao someone has kindly let me know it is now a porn site.
***The UPDATE:
2007: I haven't had 3 feet of hair in over 3 years lol talk about being one lazy admin lol My hair is currently just past my shoulders, but was as short as half an inch at the back of my head.... now I can't remember if I actually posted ANY of those photos in the port but who care's cuz I bet you'll go there anyways ... why... cuz it's more to know about someone :D
2011:New Update ;) I have a Faux Hawk sooo uhhh barely any hair at all :D
2017 Update: 2012 was the last time I cut my hair into a Faux Hawk... for my sisters wedding. Now I have dreads some are 2 feet long and some are almost 4 feet long. All my own hair! ( orig. I had 76 dreads - took about 10 hours to get them put in, I shaved half my head from the top of my ears down basically and cut off 23 of them, which I later attached to other's that were still attached.) So again I don't have much new. I work 2 jobs for the fun of it, for about 48-54 hours a week 6 days a week. Your best bet to get a hold of me is to txt me or email or FB as that piece of crap some how made it onto my phone.

A Little bit more about me ...THIS is one of my favorite cartoons ... sinfest ... along with sometingpositive :)
Also Nemi who can be found on Metro!

Member Since: | Jun 27, 2004 |
Last Login: | Sep 13, 2017 |
Times Viewed: | 51,717 |
Times Rated: | 2,996 |
Rating: | 9.942 |
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