Without my friends the day is dark, but in their company the night is luminous.
Tall, dark, and mysterious. A loner if you will.
I live in the vast grey area between light and darkness. I am searching for redemption if there is such a thing.
Hair: Short & dark
Eyes: Green
Height: 6'-3"
Weight: 240lbs
Voice: Soft & Deep (Unless Upset)
Complection: Pale (Who Knew?)
Hobbies: Sitting alone in the dark,
Watching movies, Reading, Drawing, and Computers
Talents: Listening, Poetry, Meditating, Tai chi, Hunting, and Survival
Likes: Music, movies, animals, philosophy, psychology, theology, martial arts, science, history and many others.
Dislikes: Most people, injustice, greed, corruption, the things that run this world.
Ethnic Background: Irish, German & Crow Indian
Food: Rare bloody steak
Color: Mostly black
Band: Type O Negative
Album: October Rust
Obsessions: Paranormal
Animal: Wolves
Best Quality: Loyalty
Worst Quality: Temper
Religion: None but I know God
Tattoos: None
Piercings: No I've had enough holes put in my body
Scars: How high can you count
Smoker: No, Cigars rarely
Drinker: Only after dark
Use drugs:No
Pets: Cats
Depression: On/Off
Suicidal: During full Moons
To live merely side by side is alienation.
We need time and space to be alone, to find ourselves in solitude, before we can give ourselves to one another in true nature.
I am king of pain ruler of despair.
I am a seeker of retribution.
My home is darkness.
My world is cruel.
My mind is open.
My senses are keen.
My feelings are isolated.
My emotions are chaotic.
My heart is forgiving.
My vengeance is not.
My journey is solitary.
My soul is tortured.
My religion is dead.
My God just listens.
My battles are only worth fighting.
My war is never ending.
We need something to kill the pain of all that nothing inside.
We all just want to die a little bit.
-Dogma by: KMFDM
I know what it's like to want to die. How it hurts to smile. How you try to fit in but you can't. How you hurt yourself on the outside to try to kill the thing on the inside.
-Girl Interrupted
Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war. ~The Punisher
This is not the complete song just my favorite parts ;)

Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will.
I sure could use a vacation from this...
Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of freaks.
Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call LA.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time. Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay.
Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still.
Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits.
Fuck L Ron Hubbard and fuck all his clones.
Fuck all those gun-toting hip gangster wannabes.
Learn to swim.
Cuz I'm praying for rain and I'm praying for tidal waves.
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Time to bring it down again.
Don't just call me pessimist.
Try and read between the lines.
I wanna see it all come down.
suck it down...
flush it down...
"Fiat justitia et pereat mundus. Let justice be done, though the world perish"
-Ferdinand I
"Some men see things as they are and ask, why? I dream things that never were and ask, why not?" -George Bernard Shaw
"The only abnormality is the incapacity to love."
-Anais Nin
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
-Albert Einstein
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." -Socrates

I lay flowers on your grave stone.
And look back on the days before you were gone.
You were so much more than flesh and bone.
May your spirit come visit me if you feel alone.
But as for now i will leave you to your rest.
Always know that in my heart you will never be second best.
I can't help but to mourn your passing.
May God grant you eternal joy and peace everlasting.
Dedicated to my Aunt Cammie 1968-2004
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion | |||| | 16% | Stability | |||||||||||||| | 56% | Orderliness | |||||||||||||||| | 63% | Altruism | |||||||||||||||| | 63% | Interdependence | || | 10% | Intellectual | |||||||||||||||||| | 76% | Mystical | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Artistic | |||||||||||||||| | 63% | Religious | |||||||||||| | 50% | Hedonism | |||||| | 23% | Materialism | |||||| | 30% | Narcissism | |||||||||||| | 43% | Adventurousness | |||||||||||||||||| | 76% | Work ethic | |||||||||||| | 50% | Self absorbed | |||||||||| | 36% | Conflict seeking | |||||| | 30% | Need to dominate | |||||||||| | 36% | | Romantic | |||||| | 23% | Avoidant | |||||||||||||||||| | 76% | Anti-authority | |||||||||||||||| | 63% | Wealth | |||| | 16% | Dependency | || | 10% | Change averse | |||||||||||||| | 56% | Cautiousness | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Individuality | |||||||||||||||||||| | 83% | Sexuality | |||||| | 23% | Peter pan complex | |||||| | 23% | Physical security | |||||||||||||| | 56% | Physical Fitness | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Histrionic | |||||| | 23% | Paranoia | |||||||||||||||||||| | 83% | Vanity | |||||| | 30% | Hypersensitivity | |||||| | 30% | Female cliche | || | 10% | | |
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I know you have seen this quiz a hundred times or more. But I was curious to see just how evil I might be. I posted it because I think it's pretty accurate.
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Take the Dante's Inferno Test

Long ago you were a larger animal, like a bear or wolf, and are responsible and your friends are important to you. You take a bit to get to know people, but once you do you will do anything for them, for you are so reliable and determined. You are excellent at heavy dutywork and don't mind the dirt, but can at times be a bit snappy. Other than that, you make an excellent friend, on the other hand, you make a terrifying enemy who will stand up for your friends but sometimes take things a little too far.
What Animal are you a Reincarnation of? brought to you by Quizilla
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