One of my favorite pictures, always made me think of my bonnie prince,perhaps in a previous life.

One of the most gorgeous men on the planet, I just had to share with this picture with you.

Vampyre Moon
Nocturnis Orchid

Some pictures I just thought lovely and haunting,enjoy.

Nocturnis Orchid

I thought these pictures most wicked,but they have such an erotic and wonderful energy about them.

Some picutures I just fancied and wanted to share.

I posted some information I get asked a lot, I hope this helps. Please don't hesitate to message me if you have any questions.

The physical and mental changes that occur when someone awakens to their latent vampire nature. The awakening typically occurs during or shortly after the onset of puberty, but in some individuals may take years to manifest. Those undergoing the awakening, undergo various mental and physical changes. These changes often include an increased sensitivity to light and particularly to sunlight, a growing affinity for night and darkness, having one's circadian rhythm become inverted and switching from a nocturnal to a diurnal sleeping schedule, and experiencing the first symptoms of the thirst. Many experience acute feelings of isolation and alienation during this process, as their changing nature distances them increasingly from their "normal" family and friends. Many seek out organizations or groups to help understand their desires and newfound feelings. (See also "turning".)
A particular feeling or energy signature generated by vampires in general, but latent or potential vampires in particular. The beacon seems to exist to attract other vampires to the potential vampire so that they may instigate the awakening process. (See also "vampdar".)
Blood Bond:
1.) A strong, sometimes undesired, bond or attraction which can develop in a donor towards the vampire he or she is feeding; this bond can be a mutual thing between both the vampire and his or her donor, but often is felt only by the donor.
2.) A rite, ritual or ceremony marking a commitment to a coven or an individual. It is also a term to reflect a vampiric marriage
A vampire who is capable of feeding on blood as well as psi energy. It seems to me that most real vampires are capable of feeding from both, or using blood and psi interchangeably, so is the term "hybrid" really necessary, or accurate?

Latent vampire:
Someone who is already naturally a vampire, but whose vampiric tendencies have not yet manifested. Apparently, some latent vampires may need to be "turned" or "awakened", while others may have their tendencies "activated" by indeterminate causes. Latent vampires sometimes seem to stand out to other, already established vampires through a phenomenon known as the "Beacon". (See also "awakening", "beacon", "turned".)
In general, this is the magick practiced by vampires or vampyre lifestylers. Many of them are pagan and follow the old ways, and the ways of magick are an integral part of their beliefs. Most vampires or vampyre lifestylers practice numerous techniques associated with energy manipulation. Many also practice some form of magick, most oftenly ritual magick or chaos magick. Vampyrecrafte refers to magickal techniques specifically designed by vampires and vampyre lifestylers to take advantage of their unique abilities. Vampyrecrafte often has a dark flavor to it, although in general it is more of a balance between dark and light techniques.