
Quote: "Tell these people the truth [Priss], you've been naughty, you are naughty and you will continue to be naughty :P"...R.I.P C4M3120N...Sept 17, 2007...:(

Welcome to my Sanctuary. It is not necessary to rate me as I don't make it a habit to return ratings. I have my own system for that and I will eventually rate you. Your leaving a message saying that you gave me a 10 will not influence me.
I should also add that I am a solitary creature by nature and most often shun the company of others. I have in the past been deceived by both men and women and for this reason am wary of contact. But if I am forced to play with others then I will do my best to make a memorable first impression by teasing and flirting outrageously. But be warned I don't have the stamina or patience to prolong that kind of behaviour. I invariably will say something to chase you away.
You've been warned...


Anyway back to why I'm here on Vampire Rave.
I REALLY enjoy the literature of Anne Rice's Vampires. The dark, sensuous qualities that she imbues into her characters and the thoroughness of their thought processes creates a tangible, heady ambiance that I long to sustain. Romantic and elegant mannerisms found in period pieces flatters my sensibilities and transports me back into those landscapes. I love dressing in costumes from various periods in time and I will say this...ANY character from the Court of Versailles, I will do my utmost to emulate...from the meanest scullion to the Dauphine herself...
I have been a fan of vampiric lore since I was a child. My journey to Vampire Rave was a progression of sorts. I have never thought that I was a goth or punk...maybe other people call me that but for other reasons...as I do have a tendency to wear only black and my attitude is one of anti-establishment...much of what I love such as vampires, werewolves and all things dark has had to be hidden so that I could fit in in real time and herein lies the REAL reason for my being here on Vampire Rave...I can indulge myself in this place...I can recreate myself here...or I can just simply ask to be left alone and it won't be taken badly...;)

I'm a fan of a great many things...the Earth would be paramount...the smell of earth...a freshly rain soaked forest...yummy...I like books esp. old books...if I could I would convert an old library into my home...mmmm...just to live with that smell of history...and knowledge...and to have it permeate my soul...I would be complete then...
I am a forthright person...so I appreciate that in others...I can "slop sugar", as we say but I much prefer "real" people...did I mention that I like to read?...that's quite an understatement...it's as essential as water to me...I love to dance too...it's a passion of mine...I also love music...everything from classical to death metal I feel I have a connection to...and I NEED to have music about me or life simply loses it's vibrancy and becomes pallid...dull...mediocre...and we simply can't have that now can we?...:D
I have an urge to travel...just hop on a plane, bus, boat, bike, whatever and take off...I long to walk on the Great Wall of China, to sit in the piazzas of Italy, to hug the ruins of Ancient Rome and wander in the vast coldness of Siberia...I'm working towards having a job that will post me in different parts of the world for short periods of time...wish me luck.
Update: So still working on moving around the globe...have had many interesting experiences since my last update here...

For you baby...don't ever say I've forgotten you...~kisses gently~
Thanx for stopping by...see ya again...


Member Since: | Aug 25, 2005 |
Last Login: | Jul 26, 2017 |
Times Viewed: | 25,581 |
Times Rated: | 1,859 |
Rating: | 9.873 |
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Aug 12, 2024
We stand as one, though our paths are many.
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