Oh I get it…you’ve stumbled here and want some form of entertainment. I’ll see what I can do, but I’m not promising anything considering I’m quite boring. I guess I could start out by telling you why I’m Punkie. A long long time ago, a friend of mine….KamarillaKaine…started calling me punkin. The infamous MooniePie decided that wasn't quite right, and switched it to Punkie and viola! It matched my persona and now I’m stuck with it.

Now I suppose since I’ve introduced myself, you want information. Greedy little buggers aren’t you. I kid I kid. I guess I could give you the stats. I’m a 24 year old city punk. I have a son…generally consumes my world. Someone you love so much tends to do that. Just about everything I do, in some form, is to give him a better life and make him happy. He's saved me in more ways than I can count. I'm just returning the favor.

Moving right along…I like to surround myself with loving nurturing people. My family is amazing, and has been my entire life. I couldn’t imagine my life without them. It’s not often you find so many people not only to help you push through with your goals and dreams, but to support you and pick you up off the floor when things go wrong. They eternally have my heart. I also have the most amazing boyfriend in the world that goes out of his way just to make me smile. He stole a piece of my heart, and I'm pretty sure he's not giving it back. That brings me to my “selected” extended family. Although I tend to make friends easily, I have a group that is especially close to my heart. My ♥best friends♥. They know who they are so I don’t have to run off a Golden Globe-esque list of names. I would like to say that those people have pulled me through my lowest times, and celebrated with me through my most triumphant. I love them and would do anything for them.

That pretty much sums me up. What? Not good enough? Well what the hell more do you want? Ok ok I guess I could give you a list of things that make me smile and things that I detest. Better? Ok then.

-Dirty Romance Novels
-The Ramones
-Minor Threat
-Social D
-The Clash
-80’s punk in general
-True Blood
-Grey’s Anatomy
-Twilight Series (don’t bite my head off)
-Wuthering Heights (favorite book)
-The Hunger Games
-The Secret Life of Bees
-Love and War
-Lorenzo’s Pizza
-SoBe Life Water
-Running early in the morning (clears head)
-The Breakfast Club
-Finding Neverland
-Beauty and the Beast
-Every Tyler Perry Movie
-Lord Of The Rings (books and movies…I’m a nerd)
-Clerks I and II
-My Phone
-The Pool
-Bumming around the house in pj’s
-Wearing flip flops in the rain
-Friends and Family
-Random acts of kindness
-Vivienne Westwood
-Hott dirty fantasy se…I’m getting carried away here.

-People that scream as a normal volume
-Chewing with your mouth open
-Bubbliness at ungodly morning hours
-Power Trips
-Creepy Pervs
-Creepy Underage Pervs
-Pedophiles (doesn’t matter how close to 18 they are…you’re still sick)
-Lack of coffee in the morning
-Unnecessary attitude
-Take off and landing (my ears pop)
-When someone I ♥ is unhappy

Those lists seem pretty long, but I’m sure I could add more. That’s the gist though. Have I given you enough information you insatiable people…once again I kid. I hope you enjoyed reading through my junk though. If you want to message me go ahead, I’m not going to ignore you. That is, unless you come at me with some lame pick up line, or you're on my pack it in list. Feel free to peruse the other features…portfolio…journal (not much in there). Other than that, stop by the gift shop and get a poster on the way out…and a PunkieSpunkie T-shirt…always a fun novelty item :)

*What Punkie Wants and Desires*

♥Mike Ness ♥