
SilentSway carries the Mark of The Prince. Hell (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 19 years.

Status:  Behemoth (65.12)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Hell (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

Between dark and light


Bite SilentSway

Stalk SilentSway


Well, slap on some mud and call me Miss America!

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Hello. I live between two worlds, light and dark. A general necessity to get along with most people means I tend to dress rather plainly and downplay some of my behaviors. However, I live in the shadows as well, and very few understand me. You may call me Sway, or Joanna, which ever you choose. I am 20, working at Pat Catans (a local craft store), living with my future in-laws (help!!), and am engaged to be married October 12th of this year. A hopeless romantic, a dreamer, and believer in fate. My moods change very quickly, and some people can't handle that because it makes me unpredictable. I prefer that, actually. I like being a mystery to those who don't take the time to know me, it's a part of my personality as being a Scorpio. I am also a very quiet person, who only speaks when she has something to say. I love getting compliments, but please don't hit on me or make lewd propositions. That will only piss me off. Other things that piss me off are listed throughout my profile. I am also completely straight, and would only bend that for one person, so unless you happen to be Angelina Jolie, don't even think about it. I am here for friends, good conversation, and a few kindred spirits.

If you disagree with a rating I have given you, please do not be upset. I rate on quality of profile alone, not the person who made it. I am also not psychic and cannot tell when you have updated it, so please let me know, and I will be glad to rerate it. As well, if you believe the first rating I gave you was unfair, please explain why you think this is, and I will be happy to tell you my reason. Thank you

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Nothing pisses me off more than hypocrites, narcissists, purposefully ignorant people, and those who are closed-minded. I have ran into several on this site, and in real life. I will have nothing or very little to do with them, as I consider them to not be worth my time.

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I am honored to be a member of the Coven of Inari

I make beaded jewelry, which I sell at a local pagan shop, and I also scrapbook and quilt. I love talking to people, and learning about new places and cultures. I've been told that I'm a good person to take problems to, and I'm a good listener.

When I get angry or upset about something, it's not unusual for me to disappear. It is impossible to find me if I don't want you to. Often this is just to my house, but in extreme cases I will leave the state entirely. I don't run away from my problems, I distance myself from them in order to avoid causing them physical harm. This way, I can handle them better and more calmly once my emotions have settled down.

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Black Crows ~ She Talks to Angels

She never mentions the word addiction
In certain company
Yes, shell tell you shes an orphan
After you meet her family

She paints her eyes as black as night, now
Pulls those shades down tight
Yeah, she gives a smile when the pain comes,
The pains gonna make everything alright

Says she talks to angels,
They call her out by her name
She talks to angels,
Says they call her out by her name

She keeps a lock of hair in her pocket
She wears a cross around her neck
Yes, the hair is from a little boy
And the cross is someone she has not met, not yet

Says she talks to angels,
Says they all know her name
Oh yeah, she talks to angels,
Says they call her out by her name

She dont know no lover,
None that I ever seen
Yes, to her that aint nothing
But to me, yeah me,
Its everything

She paints her eyes as black as night now
She pulls those shades down tight
Oh yeah, theres a smile when the pain comes,
The pains gonna make everything alright, alright yeah

She talks to angels,
Says they call her out by her name
Oh yeah, yeah, angels
Call her out by her name
Oh, angels
They call her out by her name
Oh, she talks to angels
They call her out
Yeah, they call her out
Dont you know that they call her out by her name

LIKES: chains, blindfolds, roses, ties, anything bondage-ish, candles, incense, theatre, acting, dragons, sparkles, talking late into the night, anything shiney, sporks, my car, making beaded jewelry, long drives with no destination, reading on rainy days, anything mystical, magical, or romantic. Dreams that never die and the knowledge that love truly exists. ♥

I love the sound of anguish in a person's voice, and the smell of snow in the air. I'm against drinking and drugs personally, I don't care if someone else does it if they're not close to me.

Some things you may not know about me...
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I cannot ride a bike
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Both of my thumbs are double jointed
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I can pick things up with my toes
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I have exactly 20 visible scars
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Two of them are from spaghetti sauce
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting One on my chin is from my puppy
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I have terrible posture
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I can read a book page in under 30 seconds
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting My greatest wish is to be a wife and mother
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I secretly love 80's new wave music
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I hate asking people for help
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I cannot do a cartwheel
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Nor a headstand
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I get weird, sudden illnesses
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I constantly sprain my ankles and wrists
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I have a red jasper ring that I never take off
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting My hair has a devious little mind of its own
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I love cats, wolves, huskies, and hamsters
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I cannot stand cutesy spellings
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Or incorrect grammar
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Or people who spell grammar as grammer
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I used to be a newspaper copy editor
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I have dressed up as a christmas mouse
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting With a big wobbly head
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting For free
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I have also played Joan Rivers at a gala
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting With a huge cartoon head
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Yes, I got paid for it
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I study energy manipulation occasionally
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting And I think my feet are cute

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I have an extremely thick skin. However, if someone manages to get into my heart, almost anything they do can make me cry. I'm a horrid procrastinator. I love my art, cheesecake, music, my hamster Sid, my cats Seth and Kittie, my dogs Vanek and Sapphire, and my finance Mike. Not in that order. If you get into my heart, you'll never get pushed out. Unless you decide to act like a douchebag. Then I get pissed. If you get on my shit list, you'll become paranoid quickly. Don't mess with my friends, because that's when I lose my temper. I'm Italian, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Slovenian, and Hungarian... don't blame my issues on me. Anything else you want to know, feel free to ask politely. I may answer.

I love when the moon is covered by clouds so it looks like a tiger's eye stone, and I love early autumn.
I love to dress up. Most of the time I tend to be able to blend in easily, but occasionally I will dress up.

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WARNING: Do not bite me. It's annoying. If you wish to introduce yourself, take the time to write a message. The only exception to this rule is those who have known me for years, who I consider to be friends. If you insist on biting me, you will cause me to get angry. When I get angry, people die. Simple as that. Don't believe me? I have referrals. Not only that, I will make you feel like shit for being idiotic enough not to read my entire profile and respect my wishes. If you choose to fight with me over this, I will decimate you, no matter who you think you are. Do not call me milady, hand me a rose, or do any of those other things you may think will get you into my good graces. It makes you appear ridiculous, and insults my intelligence. If you wish to speak with me, please do so, I enjoy talking to people with whom I can have a good conversation. Do not welcome me to this site, as I have been on here for well over two years now, and it is my job to welcome you. And if you insist on stamping me, please make it small and attractive, and not half a page of html that won't show up. I love pretty pictures.

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While I detest the current president and do not agree with the war in Iraq, I have the greatest love and respect for the United States Military. These men and women in uniform hold a special place in my heart.

The special people on VR who hold a place in my heart... in no particular order...


If I have left anyone out, I still love you. I just suck at remembring names. Help me out and let me know if you're feeling abandoned.

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Thank you for visiting, and I promise this profile shall be ever changing. I shall add to it bit by bit. I would also greatly appreciate ratings with comments.

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Member Since: Oct 06, 2004
Last Login: Dec 16, 2007
Times Viewed: 17,006

Times Rated:1,388

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Enjoy the darkness..

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