Born in Lust return to dust! Born in SIN come on in!!!
Set at 05:27 on October 29, 2013

Quote: Tired of the Bullsh*t
Note: I am not new to this site, it has been many Yrs since
I've been here but my original name here was ShadowxAngel
I am a Proud member of thee Alliance of Asylums

I am Shadow
Welcome to My Kingdom
The Kingdom of Shadows
You will find nothing here that doesn't want your death.
My kingdom is in the between, it is in the shadows a place where light can not penetrate.. It is neither a place of death nor a place of life but everything here is demonic in nature, some ghastly and horrid to the eye and others are beautiful, so beautiful in fact at you would drop everything just to be with them... My kingdom is not for the faint of heart and in order to venture here you must be vigilant, agile, and a strong will.
You have been warned Mon Ami, your life is in peril here...
If you seek solace in my Kingdom all you need is to ask little ones, my kingdom is open to those who seek solitude, but come to me first so that I may grant you with my protection.. For without it they will come for you!!!
A little about me
I am shrouded in mystery, I am a kind King with a firm hand, I reward those under my command with wealth and prestige. I am a lover, I am charming, I can be brutal, and I am a joker. My manner is jovial, and I tend to crack jokes whenever I can. Sarcasm is one of my favorite ways to produce humor, as are puns, and the occasional sexual innuendo. I live my life to the fullest and have no regrets.
I have a demon with in me whose name is Khalkaroth. We used to do nothing but fight each other in a never ending eternal battle but we have since given up the fight and have joined sides...

I also have a familiar whose name is Grey he is my demon wolf.. He is my protector and has been with me through thick and thin he is my best friend..
I am the Torturer, Death dealer, and ACM for The Coven of Asylum...
Make no mistake I may be nice but I will hurt you, test me...
If you want to know anything else about me just ask...
I used to be a member of Festival of Decay

Member Since: | Aug 21, 2013 |
Last Login: | Jan 24, 2016 |
Times Viewed: | 5,484 |
Times Rated: | 202 |
Rating: | 9.727 |
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As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…

You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
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Noble Sire (164)
Philosophers Corner
All the idols made by man, however terrifying they may be, are in point of fact subordinate to him, and that is why he will always have it in his power to destroy them. - Simone de Beauvoir |
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