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SourCandy carries the Mark of The Prince. Letchworth (Coven)

Oh please bitchez!
Set at 01:28 on March 28, 2022

Vampire Rave member for 6 years.

Status:  Savage (61.05)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Letchworth (Coven)
Mentorship Pupil of Violet Dreamscapes.
Account Type:  Premium
Referred By:  Mortalia
Gender:  Androgynous
Birthdate:  January 7, 1975
Age:  49

In the candy store, of course!



Bite SourCandy

Stalk SourCandy



Come, come, unwrap me!

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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

One afternoon, while I was working, Lady Gaga and Black Pink’s song Sour Candy came up as a suggested song on Apple Music. I do not generally listen to a lot of pop music, but I decided I would give it a listen and fell in love with the beat immediately. In fact, I downloaded the entire Chromatica album and listen to it frequently when I am feeling sleepy at work and need a quick pick-me-up. Anyway, I decided it would be a fun profile and a nice break from my Letchworth-themed profiles. Also, if you know me, you know that I love being able to express my creative side by coding profiles and making graphics to fit the theme of each profile.

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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Additionally, I feel the name embodies my personality to the extent that I am sweet, sassy, caustic, and sardonic all at the same time. According to internet experts,Real vampires love Vampire Rave.those who like sour candy are the wild ones who are never dull. We enjoy having fun and trying new things. We are known for living on the edge and making bold decisions. We are the life of the party and are often described as being quite fascinating. We are said to be impulsive, outgoing, and fearless. While I don’t take much of what I read on the internet to heart, I think this assessment is intriguing because it accurately describes me in my youth. When I look back at some of the things I have done, I would definitely define them as wild and spontaneous. As I have gotten older, I am more thoughtful and deliberate. Still, I am known for making bold decisions, and even though I am a situational introvert, I tend to shine when I am in a crowd.

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There are three types of people in the world, those who love sour candies, those who hate them, and those who don’t mind trying them occasionally. I am one of those people that could eat sour candy (and any sour food) until the enamel on my teeth falls off.

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The colorful and often interestingly designed treats are said to expand your tastebuds. I love to have the most bizarrely named candies sitting on my desk at work, as it is most definitely a conversation starter! The secret behind what makes candy sour is the external powdery coating, usually made from citric acid, malic acid, or other acids that trigger the sour receptors on our tongues. As the sour sanding adds the pucker power, candy manufacturers have a vast window of creativity; the underlying candy can be any shape or form, and the powder can be any color. Also, eating sour foods triggers a response in the taste buds, releasing chemical compounds that send a message to the brain. Serotonin—a mood-regulating compound that also aids in appetite and sleep—is released.

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Scientifically shown to reduce nausea, sour candy is often given to pregnant women and chemotherapy patients. Sour candy increases salivation in addition to helping with nausea. Who knew?

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So pucker up bitchez, and remember, just because I look sweet doesn’t mean I can’t be sour.

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I generally do not post many details about my personal life on my profiles. I invite you to get to know me and, as you do, you will learn more about me. I am also a private person and choose, very carefully, with whom I share my life. I am an introvert and I ordinarily find it hard to trust, especially people with whom I interact on a website. Most people who know me off the site or who know me on other profiles think I must be kidding when I tell them I am an introvert, however, I assure you, this is a true statement. If you asked someone who knows me fairly well offline to describe me, they’d probably use one or more of these words: outgoing, extroverted, and/or social. My job and hobbies have forced me outside of my comfort zone for long enough that I have become a situational extrovert. Yes, that is an actual thing. With my father working for Westinghouse in designing, building, and overseeing alternative power sources/resources, my family moved quite frequently, averaging a move every two years before my high school years. I will nervous sweat my way through a networking event or social function where I don’t know many people because, despite my nerves, I appreciate these opportunities for the reason that I know they are good for me. But after the event is over, I come home and crash.
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I have been a practicing attorney in the State of Alabama since 1999. For these more than 20 years, I owned my own, fairly successful family law-dedicated law firm. In 2015, I started to become progressively unhappy with the constant animosity that a family law practice engenders and I started to consider alternative careers. In 2017, I graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master's in Biblical Counseling. I was ordained and served one of Alabama’s largest churches as a Small Groups and Pastoral Care director. I served in this capacity for 3 years before returning to the practice of law due to being appointed to represent a severely physically and mentally abused child as her guardian ad litem. Recently, I have again left the private practice of law and began working in risk management for one of the nation’s largest law firms. People often ask me what this entails. Simply put, I keep lawyers from getting sued by identifying conflicts of interest.
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I have been on VR for about 10 years now. I do not remember the exact details of how I came to find VR, I just know that I did and was immediately drawn to the site. Despite taking many breaks from logging in, I have always returned to the site. It is a place where I feel free to express myself in whatever way I so choose. Although the site has changed drastically over the time I have been a member, I still love it here; getting to express the darker sides of my personality without fear of judgment. Sometimes, I just need a break from my mainstream life.
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Because my life off VR is of a very serious nature, you will find me to be quite silly, often joking. I am also quite perverse and have never met a dirty joke I did not like. Although I am extremely difficult to offend, I do have a few ground rules. I expect to be treated with respect. If you respect me, I will respect you. The converse is also true. If you disrespect me, expect to be disrespected in return. I do not put up with people's bullshit, whining, or drama. I am not kidding. I also live in the real world where there are no delusions. I am not a vampire or were-creature and cannot turn you, so please do not ask me to do so. I am also not here to edit or evaluate your profile, so please do not ask me to do this either. I come here in my free time for enjoyment and to talk to a few close friends that remain on the site. Please, do not flirt with me if you are in a relationship. I cannot stand cheaters. It is not cute or amusing and I consider that drama as well. Also, please do not message me and simply say “hi.” I despise non-substantive messages.
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My profiles of late are carrying a theme throughout. These themes represent different facets of my personality, things or stories that I enjoy, and graphics and color schemes that I find pleasing to the eye. I enjoy coding as an expression of my more creative side, which is one of the reasons that I have several profiles.
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Please feel free to add me, add my journal, and/or stalk me. After all, we all need a little help with bonuses. Just message me so I can make sure to return the kind favor. Thanks for visiting my profile. I hope you enjoyed your stay.

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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
My rating approach has changed over the years. I generally rate everyone who has at least attempted to do something to their profile, a 10. Not everyone is a coder by profession or has the equipment and software to elaborately code a profile. I always take that into consideration when I rate. That being said, if you use a tiny font or a color scheme that makes your page difficult, if not impossible to read, you are probably getting a 5. If you make edits to your profile, you are always welcome to ask for a re-rate.
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I am not a “revenge rater” like so many on this site. If you give me a 5, but I like your profile, you will get a 10 from me. I hope that you will consider the time and effort that I put into this profile prior to rating it. If my profile is still under construction, I post a note at the top of the profile and ask that you please withhold your rating until such time as I can finish my creation.
Everything I have learned regarding coding and creating graphics is self-taught, with some occasional help from a few dear friends. I generally do not cut and paste my coding; each profile is different than the next.
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I feel that those who rate low due to some irrational, dreamt-up policy do so because they are truly unhappy people, throwing a tantrum because someone disturbed their King/Queen of VR crown. These childish, negative drama queens derive joy from evoking an emotional response in others by passing judgment on the creative works of others without considering the merit of the coding, graphics, or text of the profile. From dealing with children for years, I have found it best to ignore their tantrums and histrionics. But they will come. They always do. And I will take my 1. You are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine. However, I recommend seeking counseling from a licensed psychotherapist; therapy is even available online now. Counseling is also covered by most employers in the United States. You may also wish to pursue other hobbies; you might actually be a jovial person if you ventured into the sunlight every now and again.
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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Member Since: Feb 15, 2018
Last Login: Dec 15, 2023
Times Viewed: 4,092

Times Rated:98

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Jun 15, 2024

No pictures. Just a simple rate and a hello. :)

Jun 12, 2024
You have been rated by StormWatchers.

May 24, 2024
You have been fairly rated by Venerable Sire Amaranthine.


Enjoy the Darkness...

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Jun 14 2021

I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)

Superior Sire

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