Set at 08:43 on December 02, 2010

Quote: Waiting For Spring !!!!
About Me : Gosh, I haven't been here, at v@mpirerave in forever ... I had my 1st experience with Gothic / V@mpires with "Dark Shadows" TV soap around 1970, when I was eleven yrs old .. Kids, you remember Barnabus ?? It was an Awsome V@mpire TV series .. after school I would Rush home to watch it .... I also absolutely Loved "Bewitched" the TV series with Elizabeth Montgomery -1970 also, ...1st saw these in black & white ....they were both Awsome !!! I have always liked V@mpires and Halloween, since I was young. I live by DC. I'm married, I have 1 daughter. I am an Aquarius. I drink, socially, I smoke, I like downers, Heavy Metal music, really, I love most music except Opra - I am agnostic, I am very openminded, summer is my favorite season, I love nature, love the sunshine, rainbows, and the rain, love to garden and see things grow, love to cook, I love the internet, music, traveling, sugar, alcohol, and meeting new people,, I Hate winter time ...
I love Owls, and used to have dreams of flying ... being a v@mpire would be so perfect for me ... I take great pride in my page, and I hope that you enjoy it,...
I'm Bacck again !!! Love this place !!!

And again there´s the night.
The merciful night.
I wanna stay here forever.
Keep the light away.
Forever night.
Forever safety.
No fears.
No sorrows.
I wanna live forever.
I don’t wanna die.
Redeem me.
Take me with you.
Make me one of yours.
Make me a creature of the night.
The beautiful night...
I´ll miss the day...
but the night caught me.
Nothing will ever be as beautiful
as the night.
When will they realize?
The day is the time of hiding.
The night’s the time to live.
The beauty of the night...
I can’t live without it.
I will leave the day
if I can have the night,
if I can live forever.
Melancholic night...
When will I get it?
Will I?
Only one minute...
A short pain redeeming from an everlasting.
Goodbye day!
Hello everlasting night!
Bite me!
A vampire is born...

My Alliance

╔═╦══╦═╗ Put this on your
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╚═╩╩╩╩═╝ Emos..X.x
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╚══╩═╩╝╚╝╚╝ Goths!

Music I Like - Queensryche, AC/DC, The Cult, Metellica, Megadeath, Creed, Godsmack, Rob Zombie, Ozzy, Evanesence, Nickleback, Judas Preist, Linkin Park, Seether, Nine Inch Nails, Robin Trower, Arrowsmith, Santana, Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, Bret Michaels(Poison) Pink Floyd, Rap, Techno.

I Love Yellow Roses

Betwiched Was MyMost Favorite T.V. Shows, Back In The Day ...;)

Movies I Like
The Crow
Bram Stokers Dracula
Interview with A V@mpire
Witches Of Eastwick
many more ....

Member Since: | Aug 11, 2010 |
Last Login: | Mar 19, 2016 |
Times Viewed: | 6,836 |
Times Rated: | 347 |
Rating: | 9.819 |
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Enjoy the Darkness...
As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…

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