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23:15 Jan 02 - VW39 was doing something Mysterious. 23:15 Jan 02 - VW39 was doing something Mysterious. 23:15 Jan 02 - VW39 was in Journals. 23:15 Jan 02 - VW39 was doing something Mysterious. 23:15 Jan 02 - VW39 was in Journals. 23:15 Jan 02 - VW39 was in Profiles. 23:15 Jan 02 - VW39 was in Profiles. 23:15 Jan 02 - VW39 was doing something Mysterious.
Hello all. Welcome to my second Sire account here on VampireRave. The first one, and the one I worked 7 months to reach Sire on, is my main profile under the name VampireWitch39. I have been a member of this site since April 2006 and have seen the good, the bad and the plain ass ugly sides of people. In life I have always been a person who keeps to herself, picking only a few dear friends that I interact with. This site just enforce that trait in me.
This Sire account was offered up by a very kind member name MBK to raise money for a charity. Do I think Sires should be brought? Nope. If I had been offered to buy one before I would of said no, due to the effort and time I put into my first account on this site to reach Sire. To me- If you buy a Sirehood you do not learn to appreciate it. Its only when the money went to a worthy charity that I agree to buy one.
Other than charity why did I chose to buy it? To be in my true-life best friend Nightgame House. That is the place I have parked this profile as of now and believe a lot of changes are coming with her planned updates.
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)