
Quote: Silence is golden and hooray for the sounds of silence!!I
I am an old soul and I have been on this site many times and under many guises. I was here within the first year this site was opened and have seen the fall of many covens and leaders here.
I am a psi vamp/energy manipulator and I have been studying the pagan path for 37 years now. I am here to grow,learn and gain my strength back, so I may become the healer I once was. Times have been hard on me for a while and life knocked me off my feet,so now I am standing back up and dusting my ass off and restarting life over again.
Respect received will be given back. I am a straight forward type of guy and I am willing to help anyone, but do not confuse kindness for weakness. I learned a long time ago to accept my dark side, because it is part of me. I can use my darkside as well as my light side and I am equally versed with both sides.
I hope while I am here that I maybe able to help and impart some of my experiences with you all and I am looking forward to meeting and getting to know you. I am going to be a rating whore for a while to gain my levels quickly, so if I do not respond quickly it is because I am focusing on rating at the moment. I will return messages back to the senders as quickly as possible and thank you for bearing with me.
I will start working on my profile and it will be a work in progress as they say so bear with me. Take care children of the night and enjoy the night and all that it brings unto you!!!

Member Since: | Apr 20, 2021 |
Last Login: | May 28, 2021 |
Times Viewed: | 2,475 |
Times Rated: | 197 |
Rating: | 9.451 |
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As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…

You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
..You have been visited & favorably rated by XZenithX. Peace and Light..
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Whelp (1)
02:55 - February 13 2025

Leech (2)
06:27 - February 09 2025

Scrounger (4)
22:53 - February 06 2025
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