Adds, rates, and whatnot appreciated. Set at 15:07 on February 19, 2023
Websites Quote: "Those who feed on rumors are small, suspicious souls." ~Charles R. Swindoll
Within these few pages of mine, you will not find many personal details about my personal life. Why? That is simple. I am a very private person and choose, very carefully, with whom I share my life. If you get to know me, you may find I choose to share with you. No, I do not expect you to feel fortunate, I am actually just an introvert who finds it extremely hard to trust. Most people who know me off the site or on other profiles think I must be kidding when I tell them this, however, I assure you this is the truth.
My rating policy is fairly simple. I give what I get. You give me a five you are getting a five. Is that fair? I do not care. Is it childish? Probably, but I do not care. Of course you are well within your VR rights to rate me any of the numbers 1-10. I do often wonder why the 1s when clearly the person has spent measurable effort on their profile. No, your profile may not be my taste and it may be full of spelling and grammatical errors, but if you have tried, you are generally going to get a 10 from me if I am rating you first. So why not just be a nice person when you are rating others? Oh wait that's right... douches will be douches and hide behind the anonymity of a computer screen. So go ahead rate me as you see fit, you will anyway. ;-)
I worked hard on my profile and I like it a lot. In fact, I rated it a ten. It represents a facet of my personality and, of all my profiles, it is one of my favorites. I think it is creative and it was a blast to code and find and create the graphics for.
Why the name XRumoredOneX? I originally created the profile RumoredOne but gave it to a friend as a gift since it had a long premium membership on it. So when I had the opportunity to obtain this account, I was excited to create a reincarnation of the earlier account. I thought of the name upon return from a Vampire Rave hiatus. It was interesting to "hear" all of the things I had apparently said about others while I was not even online to have had the conversations. Of course none of the rumors resembled the truth and, fortunately, my friends know me better and did not believe the lies. However, it started me thinking about all of the destruction rumors can create and in some instances, long lasting effects set in motion by the untruths spread about others.
While this is not an after school special or a Lifetime movie, it is important for us all to consider the effects of our words prior to uttering them. What you or I may think is harmless, may, in fact, be the last straw for another. One cannot be certain about the mental status of another or the problems others are facing. A statement that may have been well received one day, may be taken entirely differently another day. I think most people can agree words hurt.
Gossip and rumors are not benign. They are a cancer, that if left to grow unfettered, can take on a life of their own. With the ease of access to the internet and social media, the rumor mill has evolved from whispers to "tweets," from lunch room gossip to Facebook comments.
Rumors are mostly a projection of the individual who started them.~Roya R. Rad
Rumors generally grow deformed as they travel.~Edward Counsel
Rumors are like ripples in a cornfield. They are ephemeral, but they do indicate which way the wind is blowing.~Susan J. Palmer
My Coven & Alliance
Oh and I almost forgot... looking for a mentorship that is relaxed with not a ton of rules? Check out Scandalous Secrets and message me for details!
Member Since: Nov 19, 2009
Last Login: Dec 15, 2023
Times Viewed: 31,405
Times Rated: 298 Rating: 9.91
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Dec 29, 2024
Ylvax has stalked by and rated you fairly.
Enjoy the darkness..
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