
Quote: One foot in the gutter, one fist in the air, i'm off like a prom dress!
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Blood Angel X is updating this profile so if you see me on and I don't answer you that is why.
About Me | The Basics | Name?: | Jason | Birthday?: | May | Birthplace?: | Wisconsin | Have you ever...? | Been out of the country?: | yes. too many places to list | Sat on your rooftop?: | yep | Sung in the shower?: | no | Laughed so hard you cried?: | yes | Written a song?: | no | Recieved a love letter that wasnt signed?: | yes | Liked someone and didnt tell them how you felt?: | yes | Danced in the rain?: | no | Been in love?: | yes | Been on stage?: | yes | Went camping?: | yes | Met a famous person?: | not yet | Colored your hair?: | yes | This or That | Pepsi or Coke?: | Coke. Pepsi sucks monkey balls! | McDonalds or Burger King?: | Mcdonald's | Chocolate or Vanilla?: | vanilla | Hugs or Kisses?: | kisses | Summer or Winter?: | summer | Scary Movies or Romantic Comedies?: | scary | Hot Tea or Ice Tea?: | neither | Day or Night?: | night | Meat or Veggies?: | MEAT!!!!!!! | Halloween or Christmas?: | halloween | Random | Do you like your handwriting?: | yeah | What are your #1 priorities in life?: | | Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: | some what | Do you play any instruments?: | nope | What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: | | Piercings?: | no | Tattoos?: | yes | Can you roll your tongue?: | no | Do you make wishes on shooting stars?: | no | Do you still talk to your bestfriend from when you were 14?: | no | If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go?: | the middle ages | Finish The Sentence | Let's walk on the...: | | Let's look at the...: | | I wish...: | | Take this survey | Find more surveys
Bzoink - The Original Survey Site |

The following is a note from my friend Blood Angel X.
I have know Zhunter6 personaly for over 5 years. He's a kick ass guy. Any slight against him I consider a slight against myself. He is one of the very few people that I consider a true friend. I would do damn near anything to help him if he was in need. So be nice! :) | |
This profile was edited by:  |
Member Since: | Feb 22, 2007 |
Last Login: | Jun 22, 2011 |
Times Viewed: | 6,908 |
Times Rated: | 450 |
Rating: | 9.292 |
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As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…

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22:53 - February 06 2025

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02:12 - February 02 2025

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06:10 - January 30 2025
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