update 11-4-06
Married Scion of Requiem in november of last year. I just moved here to Okinawa in may. and umm I am now 5 months pregnant. ITS A BOY!!! lol
I suppose we moved real fast. I was prego within a week of moving to Okinawa
I just wanted to update this a small bit
New update.. I was going to change my quote but decided to add another one here.. I found this on an theoligical website it is a passge fom an assyrian tablet back in 300 BC ...
" "Lord of the Universe! The celestials never die, and they do not reproduce their kind. Terrestrial beings die, but they are fruitful and multiply. Therefore I pray: Either make me immortal, or give me a son!"
As of the 17th.. I am now officially married to scion of requiem! And so now all you ladies that want a piece of him.. well I need to check you out first.. HA HA HA!!!
I have been with this website for quite some time just so you all know I am not new here. I just dont get on very much.. There you have it!!
here is my new poem for scionofrequiem:
(( my hearts structure)) By corpus 11-16-2004
Like an infant i hold you close
hugging you.. loving you
i hold your spirits high for the whole world to see
proud of you, loving you
looking into your eyes i see, a man of fortune, of mystery
seeking you, loving you
seeing you in uniform, my eyes turned to lust
wanting you, loving you
in your room we made sweet love
fucking you, loving you
showing me your books, your life, your trust
my faith in you, loving you
when it was over we said not a goodbye, watching you leave i began to cry
missing you, loving you
one man, one soul, intact with mine
still with you, always loving you!
here is some writing I have done...
Post Mortem bliss
He rapes the world and they view him catastrophic. Pulls out the maggots and breetches her cunt. Dickslaps society in the face with his hate. you try and preconcieve our demise but your beliefs are stopped with a stab to the back. Your children are blinded and burned at the stake. The debris of the world in the palm of his hand. blows out your brains with silent thought. priority is our death. a virgin takes her last breath. pleads for forgiveness go unheard. the vermin spits his hell into your face. you lap it up with greedy strokes hoping there be a payment that awaits. what you dont know will kill you. you ask why with the fear in your eyes. his anwer be that you did this to me! You made my asylum, so i give you this hell!
Malignant lives infest a world of anger. The brigade of inhumanity are close by. So close that you smell their hell. Viscid clouds above dampen the world with sticky vengence. I shut my eyes.... in vertigo i will see! The chains of restraint are my contempt. Incantations are whispered of a visible hate. A hate given forth to a billion soldiers. Them soldiers born into it, but not understanding the true meaning of why. Death is the only answer. Await or slaughter equals the key of happiness. demonic perspiration contaminates our souls of this empire. doom is the only answer to what will be. our lives are put into the hands of the maker!