Hello to all that pass by this way, and welcome to my profile :)
A little about myself:-
I am a 24 year old from South Wales Uk, i have two tattoo's and nine pericings. I currently have brown and blondy/purple(washing out slowly) hair which is forever changing from one colour to the next.
I am the type of girl who likes alot of things - even though they are usually in big contrast with one another. Depending on my mood - determines what music i listen to, how i wear my make-up and have my hair etc.
I'm a very loveing, kind and careing girl who thinks the world of my fiance, family and friends i am there whenever they need me - whether it is to help them out or just to listen and advise them..
Things i take interest in:-
> Films (addicted)
> Music (all kinds)
> My dragon collection
> Teddy bears
> Betty Boop
Important things to me:-
> My Fiance, family and friends
> Honesty
> Respect
> Trust
> Feelings
> Good memories
My fave things:-
> Spending time with my Fiance
> Spending time with my family and friends
> My bed
> My privacy
> My day dreams
> My searching and wanting for true love
> The colour

> Teddy bears
> My piercings
> My eye lashes
> Kittens/Pupps
> My phone
> Computer
My dislikes:-
> Being paranoid
> Stabbed in the back by people i trust
> Being made a fool of
> Cruelty to others
> Spiders and insects
> Loneliness
> Being in a situation i don't want to be in
> Being judged by those who cant accept being judged.
> Irritating people
> Liars
> Being forced to do some thing i don't want to do.
> Bullies
> Violence