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"Good things do not come to those who wait. They come to those who go after them." Fm
Did you say hello?
No I said 'ello, but that's close enough.
This is the soundtrack to my life. Welcome to the wonderful world of Oh my god, what song is going to come up next?! Trust me, this is exactly how my iPod sounds...from bagpipes to NIN and from Enigma to Marilyn Manson. It's all in there. Enjoy!
The girl next door gone all wrong...
So I appear sweet and innocent and have a persona that allows me to wonder through the world that society has created for us. Behind the masquerade is someone more soulful, more alive, more real then the world allows. So who is the real me? They both are. One gets me through this thing called life and the other gives me life.
I lead my life with peace in heart, balance in mind, praise to the Lord and Lady above, and a wish to feast at the table of Valhalla at the end of my days.
I have been practicing the Craft for over ten years now. I am a high priestess though I no longer formally belong to a coven. I had to break my ties to move away and fulfill my dreams on this earthly plane we call life. I am now a solitary practitioner and carry the traditions of the Teutonic path close to my heart.
I read runes and tarot and always warn my quertants, if you don't want to know, don't ask. I refuse to sugar coat the truth. My stones and cards don't lie, nor do I.
Let's see, a few things I'm obsessed with:
Renaissance Faires
Queen Elizabeth I
Ren Faire
King Henry VIII (and his wives)
Did I mention Renaissance Faires?
A little ditty about my chosen career field. Thanks to Vdub for sending it to me!
I've been encouraged to write I have. Please take a moment to peruse my journal. You'll find a lot of what drives me in there.
I've just recently graduated college and I have to give credit to my childhood friend Jason who created this cartoon to explain the mind set of college students everywhere.
A huge THANK YOU to Morrigon and Birra for this one. So true, so true. Gods, I'm gonna be in debt for school until I'm dead...
All the idols made by man, however terrifying they may be, are in point of fact subordinate to him, and that is why he will always have it in his power to destroy them. - Simone de Beauvoir