
Quote: It is always by way of pain one arrives at pleasure...
Welcome to my profile! Enter at your own risk...
Some of you know me already, some of you have seen me around or perhaps I'm just one of those forgettable people...I dunno...I tend to glide under the radar a bit...Not a fan of drama either, which explains why I only last for short periods of time on this site...but as we ALL know, VR has it's way of sucking you back in so I'm going to make the most of it this time round...

I found VR through a friend who's also a member...It seemed to fit me a bit better than myspace and facebook...You know, kind of an escape from reality, but I guess that's what cyberspace is all about right??? I've made a few friends and even enemies too...I'm looking at following that tradition...

I've always been the black sheep of the family, and I don't mind...A bit of an outsider, weirdo, freak, loner...whatever...Call me what you will, I'm pretty happy in my own skin with who I am :P

Rope bunny and BDSM enthusiast...! I love rope like a fat kid loves cake...The smell, the texture, the marks it leaves...It takes me away to my safe place...

I'm not ashamed to admit I am a Star Wars fan and overall geek! I grew up watching these movies, and my love for them hasn't changed...I am however disappointed that they keep killing off the evil villains, I mean wft...Darth Vader, Darth Maul...I'm really hoping this will change in the near future but I highly doubt it with Disney owning the rights now...Oh well, one can dream right??

I love sport...Have taken up waka ama which is outrigger canoeing and also my latest craze of Grid Iron...From one extreme to the other...Paddling on an average of 60km a week, so relaxing and stress free, then smashing the shit out of girls on the field...Go Lady Hawks...

This is my new home away from home...

So, that's about it for now. Reading my journal is a good way of getting to know me...just a hint. Keeping it short and simple
Member Since: | May 09, 2012 |
Last Login: | Apr 14, 2014 |
Times Viewed: | 15,052 |
Times Rated: | 668 |
Rating: | 9.899 |
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As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…

You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
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Antagonist (37)
I'm not well health wise
20:40 - February 18 2025

Carnal Creature (56)
Welcome tp Mortuary and Pizzeria
20:04 - February 18 2025

Sire (100)
Ronin Vampiric Demon
19:38 - February 18 2025
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