
Quote: If you can't beat it, eat it. If you can't eat it, kill it. Can't kill it...fuck it. Most times...victims/people don't make it past the second one.
Don't forget to scroll down!!
In my legion:
Psy Leuvion
I don't care how tired you are of me having a new Lord, or Mate, but I promise this one's going to stick. His username is DavuronAcerbusAnimus and I want you all to have great respect for him, alright? And if anyone has a problem with it, you can deal with me.
Luguile- Magi Sensei
Kuroi Ryu (advisor)
AkashaThantos Newest member into my family. My new sister.
((Dead and gone R.I.P. Feb. 16 '07))
milenko (my puppy, and he's no lap dog, you sick bastards!)
Archangel (here every now and then)
Iopus ((Varimathras))
Manslayer (assasin for hire)
Blackpegasus69 (assasin)
Vamporion (warrior)
Marius Black
nightmareklown (He's here for a while, and hopefully to stay, so give him a greeting every now and then, alright?)
bloodofmartyr ((Has just recently passed away...))
Overlycharmin ((LunaDiAnima))
vampiresquid (Hellismyhome)
Poet ((He may be a little new, but I've known him for a long time. He's a great good, guy.))
Catalunah ((Dark Mage))
New members, please give them a warm welcome.
Blood taintedstars
Positions are still open!
Also...if you are curious as to what this legion is about...it is about getting rid of humanity's high numbers, and replace them with ours, for we should be the ones in high numbers...sure it means more food, but government now sucks, and people are reproducing far from control...the legion is for us, the true power of the food chain...for us to take life back at the top of the food chain. One day, we (vampires/werewolves) Will be noticed in one way or another. When that time comes, other leagues of vampires will try to fight to rule one another...my legion is to help accomplish the fact that we will reign, and not the others...please help! Thank you
Let all enemies beware! I'm joining my Legion, with the House of Noctum Aeternus, and Khan Deaciouse Arkunisso
Listen all you...Wannabes...Freaks...Newcomers...Posers...Labelwearers...
...Psychotic...Chaotic...Mindless...Idiotic...Brainless...Stupidic Beings...
If you are expecting to hear/read almost my entire lifetime of events, or my personality in this description, caption box thingy, then you will be disappointed.
((...And as a future warning/reference...I'm fucking sorry, but no one on here is worthy enough to be of dragon descendant. So get over it. Call yourself one all you want.))
-----------------------Read on, and Enjoy!!-------------------
What are we?
First off, I’ll tell you what we’re not.
We are not the things that go bump in the night, nor the things that bump back. We are the ones who gave reasoning to those creatures who bump back a reason to why they started to bump in the first place, but enough of that right now. Back to the main subject.
We are not easily taken down and are not low in numbers, for our numbers grow each day.
We are not uncivilized beings who do not understand the way of things, and how things should be, just understand that half (or even most of the time) we do not follow, or set an example for those under rule, law, or oath to be civilized.
We (most of the time) are not honest, except for those who have earned it.
We are not the army, or part of the government.
We are not untrustworthy, except to those who deserve it.
We are not kind, for kindness to us would really prove that we hate you that much more.
We are not egotistical. That’s an understatement.
We are not mortal dreams, and wishes.
We are not illusions.
We are not abusers of the law, it’s just we tend not to follow the rules most of the time. And I quote because we figure that the rules are not really rules, we just consider them as “guidelines”
We are not going to rot your brain out with the “we are not” ‘s.
But most importantly…
We are not your average systematic organization for our kind, and those like us. I shall tell you what we are, and what we stand for.
We are the newfound reason of hope for immortals, and mortals that follow in the footsteps that we will provide, or have provided.
We are (or at least I am) an alcoholic of some sort.
We are the uprising that will be the downfall for those weaker than we are.
We are the strongest of the strong, the bravest of the brave, and can be the wisest of the wise.
We are lovers, and passionate to most others who deserve it, or can come to love us.
But most of all…
We are leaders of this organization, to reign and bring freedom to everything we stand for, and everything we are made of.
What we stand for is this:
Our right to survive
Our right to be healthy and free in numbers
To obtain goals and wishes that we see suited for us (or just for selfish reasons)
To feel like we belong somewhere, even if it’s to fight for that place
To be our own government system, and not be under branches or be controlled by a greater power
For us not to be feared anymore for what we do, and how we do it (not saying that fear isn’t a bad thing)
For us to not be feared for who we are, or be called names and feel outcasted
For us to live a life in somewhat happiness, and something we can call “paradise”
But most of all so that we can have a future, something that every being wants to have in this world…is that so damn hard to understand?
Describe yourself
Long black hair, red bangs
Female all 100% of me, and I'm enjoying it!!
Appears 20, but the eldest soul in the body is 625.
My eye color changes from dark brown to black
Half vamp.
Half cat demon
Any fears?
what fear?! Ha!
Drugs? Alcohol?
I don't smoke...I drink!
You steal?
I'm a bad, bad clepto
Do you believe in possesion?
yes, and I still am
Favorite music and movie
...hang on..here we go!
Music ((not in any certain order))
Korn- Let's Do This Now, Freak on a Leash
Slipknot- Scream, Sic, Snap
Disturbed- Believe
System of a Down- Prison Song
Nirvana- Lithium
Pantera- This Love
Velvet Revolver- Slither
Metallica ((older))- God that Failed
God Smack- Voodoo, Serenity, I fucking Hate You
Drowning Pool- ((the entire Sinner album))
Motorgrater- ((too many favorites to name just 1))
Trapt- Headstrong
Ozzy- Mr. Tinkertrain
White Zombie- More human than human
Queen- Bohemian Rhapsody
ACDC- Fade to black
MSI- Shut me Up
Malice Mizer- Beast of Blood
Megadeath- Die Dead Enough
Fear Factory- Descent
It dies Today- Freak Gasoline
Unearth- Fuel of Fire
Demon Hunter- Not ready to Die
Atreyu- The Crimson
As I lay dying- Confined
A Perfect Muder- Possessed
God Forbid- Antihero
Trivilum- Gunshot to the Head
Children of Bodom- Silent Night, Bodom Night
Evil has no Boundaries
Dissection- Night's Blood
Haste the Day- Fallen
Die Cast- Medieval
The Agony Scene- The Darkest Red
Avenged Sevenfold- Unholy Confessions, We Come out at Night
The Classic- Struggle
All that Remains- Passion
Throwdown- Burn
Roadrunner- United
Bullet for my Valentine- Room 409
Bleeding Through- Kill to Believe
Neaera- Broken Spine
Killswitch Engaged- Number of Days
Caliban- Summer Dream
Still Remains- White Walls
Poison the Wall- Botchia
36 Crazy Fists- At the end of Aggression
Hatebreed- Before Dishonor
Himsa- Sleezevil
Darkest Hour- Tranuqil
Celldweller- Stay with me (Unlikely)
Stone Sour- Bother, Omega, Through Glass
Tenacious D- Wonderboy, Tribute ((version I and II))
Drist- Arterial Black
Coal Chamber- Wishes, Apparition, Dark Days
Marilyn Manson- Deformography, Sweet Dreams
Billy Idol- White Wedding, Buried alive
Orgy- Slept so Long, Dissention
Powerman 5000- Bombshell
I'm sure there's more, but my mind's drawing a blank
Blade I, II and III
The Mummy, and Mummy Returns
Jeepers Creepers I and II
Underworld and Underworld Evo.
Amityville Horror
House of Wax
Ring and Ring II
Nightmare before X-mas
Saw and Saw II
Interview with a Vampire
The Shining
Night of the Living dead
Dawn of the Dead
Shawn of the Dead
Reign in Darkness
Wolf Hound
Alien vs. Predator
American Haunting
Silent Hill
Employee of the Month
The Covenant
The Prestige
Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny
Blood and Chocolate
Smokin' Aces
Ocean's 11 & 12
will list more later
There goes that feeling again
The feeling of lonliness,
Emptiness...the feelings no one
Wants to feel, yet I do
Someone forces me to,
She doesn't care how I feel
Feeling stressed, between
Love, and one I once loved
I don't know where to go
What to do, how to be
My soul is losing its spark
It feels like it's falling apart
I don't know when it'll stop
Or who'll guide me to the end
Who will stand my only friend:
My beloved, My trusted, my only...M'Lord
If you haven't noticed...here's some things that piss me the fuck off...
people who don't talk to my sister
country and rap music
people who think they have to kill themselves just because they think their lives suck
I hate people who cut themselves for other things than blood
I hate peach pie
our government
and i strongly dislike parents when it come to dating their children
stereotypes, posers, and people saying they are vamps when they don't know shit
And the only way I'll rate you, is if you message me
I enjoy being me
I have a lot of "guy" friends
Loved by few...hated by most.
Do yourself a favor and die.
I bite back...hard.
I like to fight.
I'm not the type of person you should fuck with.
I have a 357 magnum that says you won't fuck with me.
I cuss, obviously.
I like pie.
I like human food.
I like to have fun (if you haven't noticed)
Blood is like water.....without it, I'd die.
You matter not to me.
I don't know you.
It'd be best not to talk to me, but if you dare, go ahead and try me.
Come on! I dare you!
Don't be scared!
Member Since: | Nov 02, 2004 |
Last Login: | May 07, 2020 |
Times Viewed: | 14,935 |
Times Rated: | 1,219 |
Rating: | 9.46 |
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