
Quote: Do you know the terrorof he who falls asleep?To the very toes he is terrified,because the ground gives way under him,and the dream begins.
Greetings and welcome to my profile.I have tried to include as much information about me as I can.Hopefully after you view my page you will learn a little something about me! So i hope you enjoy and if there is anything else you want to know feel free to ask.
Yes I am a wiccan.I did not choose to be wiccan because it was "cool"....I spent quite a bit of time studying and reading about different religions and found that wicca most closely resembles my beliefs.
Some things I enjoy:
I am pretty much a fan of all music because different types of music can make you feel different ways.I have also been playing the guitar for about 8 years now.
I also read a lot.Some of my fav. authors are Stephen King, Anne Rice, and even though i havent read much by her....Michelle Belanger (The Psychic Vampire Codex).
My other hobbies are painting,writing,and I storm chase whenever i can.
I also have two pet boa constrictors (rover and manson), and two dogs(a doberman named Evan and rottwieler named Sadie).
Things I dont like:
I cant stand when people add me to thier friends list without ever talking to me.If you want to add me to your list you could at least message me and ask.
I also HATE people who are fake.The kind of people who only do things because they are trying to be part of a group.
i heed not that my earthly lot
hath little of earth in it-
that years of love had been forgot
in the hatred of a minute-
i mourn not that the desolate
are happier,sweeter,than i,
but that you sorrow for my fate
who am a passer by.

Greed: | Medium
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Gluttony: | Medium
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Wrath: | Medium
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Sloth: | High
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Envy: | Very Low
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Lust: | High
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Pride: | Medium
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You are 80% evil

You are super evil. You are constantly figuring out how to get revenge on people. You are not afraid to do illegal things because you feel that you are above the law.
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blessed be

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Member Since: | Jan 21, 2006 |
Last Login: | Jun 15, 2015 |
Times Viewed: | 16,983 |
Times Rated: | 980 |
Rating: | 9.739 |
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Enjoy the darkness..
As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…

You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
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