Oooo do I see a budding romance? Nope it's just Stockholm Syndrome!
Set at 01:11 on February 21, 2013

Quote: May you be consumed in eternal darkness!
If you want to know about me just ask me. I hate wasting my time telling people shit about me that they most likely won't remember anyway. All I do eat, go to school, go to classes, come home, eat, shower, sleep, draw, rinse and repeat.

My name is Jennifer, but my friends call me Jenn. I'm 26 years old. I really hate talking about myself because I don't really see myself as an very important person.

Relationship Status: Taken by the love of my life! :D
Orientation: Straight
Likes: music, hanging out with friends, drawing, painting, writing, and etc
dislikes: posers, preps, loser ex bfs that don't know how to move on and stay out of my life, and etc
If it isn't too much to ask for, before you add me to your friends list, PLEASE ask me before you just randomly add me, then I can add you back.

Rating System:
I rate based on content, which is how much is written on your profile, photos on the page, the background that ties it all together. I do not and I mean DO NOT give automatic 10's.
If you are new here and don't a single thing on your account I will simply pass you up and come back later when there is something on your account.
If you have been here for months with nothing on the account, that gets you a 1 rate from me.
If you have just a paragraph that will get you a 6 or a 7 depending on my mood.
If you have a lot of content on your account and that including photos and a nice background that ties the profile together, gets a 10

Now here's what will get you rated a 1 and a block:
Revenge rating. I will not put up with it. If you do not like what I rated you, let's say a 9 and you hit me with a 1 because you wanted to be rated a 10, will get you rated a 1 and a block.
Rating me a 1 and blocking me without even speaking to me will get you rated a 1 and blocked.
I also rate all suspended accounts 1s. If you did something so bad that has gotten your account suspended, it will be rated a 1.

My Coven:


My Mentorship:

my protectors:

Yes I belong to MordrakusxMortalitas and he belongs to me, but I belong mostly to him. XD I AM his princess! He is my greatest protector. He always has my back, while I have his. He is the only one that will ever be able to lay claim to me. Anyone who wants to try to claim me as their own, has to fight him to the death. In his own words, "Tell them to get their coffin size ready." >;)


Look its me!!!!!!!!!! LOL

The slipknotBabe356 graphic was a gift that was made by my good friend Francesca! Isn't she very talented? I think so!

I have been marked by the amazingly awesome LordRazr! :)

My Stamps
Make sure if you add my stamps to your profile to let me know so I can add yours. Thanks!!! ^_^

Member Since: | Apr 08, 2008 |
Last Login: | Nov 26, 2024 |
Times Viewed: | 40,595 |
Times Rated: | 2,288 |
Rating: | 9.852 |
Rate this profile
Funny Kismet- welcome back.
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