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19:58 Feb 07 - STABB666 was in Journals. 19:58 Feb 07 - STABB666 was in Journals. 19:58 Feb 07 - STABB666 was doing something Mysterious. 19:58 Feb 07 - STABB666 was doing something Mysterious. 19:58 Feb 07 - STABB666 was doing something Mysterious. 19:58 Feb 07 - STABB666 was doing something Mysterious. 19:58 Feb 07 - STABB666 was doing something Mysterious. 19:58 Feb 07 - STABB666 was doing something Mysterious. 19:57 Feb 07 - STABB666 was doing something Mysterious. 19:57 Feb 07 - STABB666 was doing something Mysterious. 19:57 Feb 07 - STABB666 was doing something Mysterious. 19:57 Feb 07 - STABB666 was doing something Mysterious. 19:57 Feb 07 - STABB666 was doing something Mysterious. 19:57 Feb 07 - STABB666 was on the Who's Online page. 19:57 Feb 07 - STABB666 was doing something Mysterious. 02:35 Feb 07 - STABB666 was doing something Mysterious. 02:35 Feb 07 - STABB666 was looking at their Dashboard. 02:35 Feb 07 - STABB666 was in the Message Center. 02:35 Feb 07 - STABB666 was doing Premium Member stuff. 02:34 Feb 07 - STABB666 was in Journals. 02:34 Feb 07 - STABB666 was in Journals. 02:34 Feb 07 - STABB666 was in Journals. 02:34 Feb 07 - STABB666 was in The Forum. 02:33 Feb 07 - STABB666 was in The Forum.
I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become. - Jung
What I am not
There are those in our world whose opinion of vampires can never broach beyond a certain point of view.
This is due to their edification at the hands of the schooling systems and societal hierarchies in which they have developed, during childhood and further into adolescence via the ever present influence of the media, through TV and Hollywood, resulting in an eventual adult mind incapable of seeing beyond that limited spectrum of opinion and accepted bounds of reality, in which they base their individual understanding of their paradigm of the universe.
I cannot fly, I have not lived for hundreds or thousands of years, though I may have lied on a poll or three about it, just for the sheer hell of it and the chance to amuse those like minds who actually find it funny.
I have no fangs, no canines at all even, I cannot see clearly in the dark, but interestingly, I can see ok with my eyes closed. I can't turn into a wolf or bat or mist or anything other than a different version of me, which is a neat enough trick in itself.
Similarly, I have to drink water and I eat food that everyone else eats, but I haven't tried starving myself to see if I can live without it yet. There is no way that I would run around at night hunting young virgins and I like garlic to be in my food that I would cook these sweet ladies.
So what's with the crucifix? I don't really hold a place in my mind for them, but it's not like I run away. And sunlight- I do get awful sunburn after about an hour anywhere south of where I live, but I am fair skinned and almost always forget my sunblock.
SO, what's the bloody point of this ramble I sense you to be thinking...
Despite all of these things, I believe that the core concept of vampirism still exists and is a valid dichotomy of life.
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)