![]() |
![]() Bite vampiresofcem |
![]() Stalk vampiresofcem |
!!!!!!!!!!The hell is full so we come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we, the vampires of cem, a group of students ,just formed a gang/band/group called so n we r going to, just to be inagurated, n we are searching for wonderfull pics n 'll be here soon with lots n lots of photos
if any 1 have wonderfull pics(That can be printed on T-Shirts) n Emplom of vampire, then plz sent to our e-Mail , thanking u all "Sleep all day & Enjoy all night"
Basics | |
Name | jayan |
Nick Name(s) | bRiTTu |
Birthday | 12-april |
Age | 23 |
Age you wish you were | i'm enjoying this life |
Gender | male |
Birthplace | hell |
Current Location | same |
Eye Color | brown |
Haircolor | black |
Height | 156 |
Righty/Left?Ambidextrous | right |
Sexuality | hum? |
What grade are you in | ??? |
Zodiac Sign | aries |
Do You | |
Smoke | no |
Swear | sometimes |
Sing | bathroom |
Drink | yes - occasionally |
Want to go to College | i'm on some college |
Want to get Married | yea |
Belive in yourself | yes |
Think you are Attractive | depends on person watching me |
Get along with your parents | yes |
Like thunderstorms | yes |
Play an instrument | yes |
If yes, what one(s) | drums |
Consider yourself tolerant of others | i think so |
Trust others easily | yes |
Physical | |
Whad do you like most about your body | i love mylegs b'coz i play football,i like my brain its a wonderfull thing , every thing are special lol |
Least | hum? |
Are you a health freak | what? |
Your heritage | ... |
Favorites | |
Food | every thing that does not turn back n bite me |
Place to eat | where it is avilable |
Person | my dream girl - i'd not found her yet |
Drink | coffee |
Band/Singer | Brain Adam's |
Music Genre | rock |
Color | red |
TV Show | no |
Sexual Fantaasy | ? |
Turn on | .... |
Season | all |
Weather | hates heavy rain |
Late night activity | browsing if possible, movie, etc |
Animal | wolf,Dog |
Have you ever | |
Had sex | no |
Drank alcohol | yes - occasionally |
Thought about committing suicide | not yet |
Cut yourself, on purpose | not yet |
Had surgery | no |
Been out of the country | yes |
Played strip poker | no |
Want to (again) | 'll think abt it later |
Slept with someone of the opp sex, that isn't related to you, wo having sex | no |
Kissed the same sex | no |
Dated the same sex | no |
Done anything sexual with the same sex | no |
Been betrayed | may be |
Killed an animal on accident | yes i'd ride over a snake |
On purpose | ? |
Been on Radio/TV | no |
Danced in the rain | yes |
Had a reoccurring dream | yes abt a girl who i dono(i mensioned as my dream girl) |
If is; do describe | i'd |
Yes/No | |
Have you colored your hair | no |
Have any tattoos | no |
If yes; where | |
Cook | yes i love to |
Talk to yourself | no i'm not mad |
Have actual conversations with yourself | no |
Sleep walk | no |
Snore | no |
Name one thing you're obsessed with | dono |
Fall sleep better with the TV/Radio on | sometimes |
Take walks in the rain | no |
Do you wish it were more socially acceptable for a girl to ask a boy out | dono |
In the past month | |
Drank alcohol | yes |
Smoked | no |
Been on drugs | no |
Gone on a date | no |
Eaton an entire box of Oreos yourself | no |
Eaten sushi | no |
Been on stage | no |
Been dumped | no |
Gone skinny dipping | no |
(ever gone skinny dipping) | no |
Stolen Anything | no |
Been called a tease | no |
Regret something you did | no |
Regret something you didn't do | no |
This/That | |
Soda or Coffee | coffee |
Coffee or Cappuccino | coffee |
Chocolate or Vanilla | chocolate |
Briefs/Pantis or Boxers(on yourself) | ? |
Spandex or Shorts(on yourself) | ? |
Skateboarding or Blading | blading |
Taken or Single(currently) | single |
Windows or Macintosh or Unix(Linux) | windows n linux |
Loner or Group(on average preferred) | group |
Passive or Aggressive | aggressive player(football) |
Optimistic or Pessimistic | ? |
Pepsi or Coke | both |
McDonald's or Burger King | both |
Single or group Dates | no |
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea | both |
In a Boy/Girl... | |
Favorite Eye Color | every thing beautifull |
Favorite Hair Color | every thing beautifull |
Short or Long hair | every thing beautifull |
height | they have |
Body Type | every thing beautifull |
Best clothing style | every thing beautifull |
Number of Piercings | every thing beautifull |
Number of Tattoos | every thing beautifull |
Glasses | every thing beautifull |
Party hopper or more stay at home | both |
Relationships | |
Currently have a crush | no |
If yes; what's their name | |
Do you dream about your crush | |
What do you find most remantic | |
Do you consider your significant other hot | |
Who pays | |
Holding hands is | |
Do you like watching the sunrise/set with you sig other | |
Had a stalker | |
Are YOU the stalker | |
Miss someone right now | |
Biggest turn off | |
Should they be willing to give you a back rub at almost any time | |
Would they play with your hair | |
Kisses | |
Do you like kissing | yes |
Do you only kiss one person on the lips | had not |
If so who | |
Do you prefer tongue or no tongue | depends |
Where is the best place to be kissed on your body | wanna check that out |
Worst place | same |
Last person who | |
Turned you on | dono |
Made you laugh | friends |
Laughed at your joke(s) | friends |
Made you cry | dono |
Brightened your day | friends |
You saw a movie with | friends |
Emotions | |
What makes you cry your heart out | dono |
Do tears make eyes look pretty | dono |
What do you do when you're angry | 'll b very angry |
What makes you happy | thinks |
What/who makes you smile uncontrollably | every 1 i love |
Who cheers you up more than anyone else | dono |
Miscellaneous | |
Your weakness | dono |
Your biggest fear | dono |
Your perfect pizza | dono |
Goal you would like to achieve this year | compleate my course |
Your most overused phrase/word on an instant messenger | dono |
Thoughts first waking up | depends |
Your bedtime | 1-3 am |
Your most missed memory | dono |
Have any pets | yes |
Who's the person you talk to the most online | friends who r online |
Who are you on the phone most with | friends |
Who do you trust the most | friends |
Who listens to your problems most | best friends |
Who do you fight with the most | dreams |
Name someone's arems you feel safest in | have to find |
And Finally | |
Was this quiz pointless or did it allow you to tell everyone more about you | yes i think so |
Your Birthdate: April 12 |
Being born on the 12th day of the month (3 energy) is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life. The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental. There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, sometimes "couldn't care less" attitude. You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression. Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing. You are energetic and always a good conversationalist. You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters. Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about. You are affectionate and loving - but very sensitive. You are subject to rapid ups and downs. |
How You Life Your Life |
![]() You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside. You tend to avoid confrontation and stay away from sticky situations. You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly. You tend to always dream of things within reach - and you usually get them. |
You Are 21 Years Old |
21 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
Member Since: | Jul 04, 2005 |
Last Login: | Nov 08, 2009 |
Times Viewed: | 3,907 |
Times Rated: | 413 |
Rating: | 8.852 |