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I have raised five children, and i have one left in the nest. I enjoy cooking, reading, playing out in the rain, well just about anything that comes along,
My Lord is Lucifer
He is My Light
Child molesters, Child abductors, & Child fondlers, yes fondlers! according to the law if it is not penis vagina contact it is not rape. Well to all you law makers if you stick something in somewhere, it is still rape!!!
I enjoy all music except rap.
My all time favorite artist is Loreena Mckennit
I love to read book on:
Dark Arts
The Art of War
The Human Anatomy
Feng Shui
Fantasy:Merlin, Dragons.
I have 3 fish tanks.
a 55 gal. with 5 Frantosas
a 10 gal. with community fish
a 10 gal. with sichlids.
I am a witch
I love to read tarot cards
**My Protectors**
I am a
I dont care what branch of the military you are in. You all serve one Flag!!
I am a Proud mom of two soldiers in the US army, soon to have 3 as soon as she finishes school.