Enter the Grey.

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All pages by SaintoftheDarkestLight
Page last updated: Sep 09 2012
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This page is to question your belifes. Have you ever stoped to think about what is "Good" and what is "Evil". This is a question that often ask myself. If killing is bad then should we forgive Hitler, Stalin ,or even JOSEPH FRITZL . The flip side is if killing is ok who judges who should die. The Christan god says stealing is wrong; but what about the people in countries were stealing is often the only to feed your children. If I could have just a moment of your time? Ask yourself would my god damn, forsaken, or subject me to enternal torment? What would incure the wrath of higher beings? We are raised that you are ether good or bad. When the truth is the only thing ground in pavement is self-preservation right?

Now ask yourself when is even that simple fact questioned. Any parent would risk there life for there child, Houses are put out everyday and pepeol pulled from fire by total strangers risking there life everyday.

I do not want you to not belief in higher power, simply to question what force you fallow and how do you explain that force.

To close out this first question question. I Shall remind you our history is filled with men who became gods. People who walked on water, men who lift cars to save his family. As far back as the stone age we told stories of men who can not die. Warriors who gained a life with the gods though honor in death. Even those in the differnt "Hells" can have god like power. So who is winning who is losing and should we change the balance or do whe fight to tip the scales in our favor.

The second thing we must think upon is Death. What is a good death, how would you like to die. why do we need death. Is death a living force dose he have a face or form.

The way to a happy after life or better next life is often how you died. self-sacrifice is often the key to the gates, but putting your self in the path of a bullet. can just as easly be viewed as suicied.

we all can see that with 380000 babbies born each day and only 300000 deaths each days that death is a must. yet no one would be willing to join the lower number to help with the worlds over croweding. by lets say you could how would you order your death. In battle with a weapon lost to time. enjoying the pleasures of the world of flesh. or peacefully in your sleep.

Mortal problems for the immortal soul. Many have broken away from these problems. Mighty warriors forever ingrain in legends, Men of magic and wonder. In the times of our forfathers. Men were not limited by the laws of science. Once we bosted a grater understanding of our world then we do today, or even that we may in days to come. Once we understood how to work miracals and how to insnare the minds of the weak. For far to long we have let others tell us what is possable, yet they offer few answers and provide only questions. Seek out the truth by your own means. Let nothing stand before you and say you are wrong. Reach to the world around you and feel the embrace of all things good and bad, live and dead. Take the power they offer and live for the better you.

Trust nothing, and question everything.

All pages by SaintoftheDarkestLight
Page last updated: Sep 09 2012



16:19 Sep 10 2012

I only have one question concerning, "would my god damn, forsake, or subject me to eternal torment?"

If you rob a bank, does the judge send you to prison or did you send yourself there by robbing said bank?

16:14 Oct 25 2012

The subject of mans law is another topic. The law of man is not based on the morality of the defendant but rather or not the actions taken were legal. I bring to question right or wrong not legal or illegal. Back in 1995 Danny Richburg vs the State of Oklahoma my dad was convicted of shooting with intent . At this time you were only allowed to use lethal force to protect your own life. However since my dad was using the gun to protect his wife, he lost his right to own a gun and has a federal charge on his record. Now thanks to the make my day law my dads actions would be 100% legal. My question is even with it being legal now was what my dad did right or wrong on a moral level. what if he hadn't missed by that two inches. then my dad would be in prison for shooting a gay that was with 5 other men beating my mom would that mean his soal was damned for act. The laws of man are legal and illegal, the laws of morality are different depending on who is telling the story.

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