1.) Wager match.
-sticks and stones.
- Just tomahawk people.
2.) Wager match.
-Gun game.
-Just knife people. ( this works amazingly )
3.) Wager match.
- One in the chamber.
- Wait for them to shoot ( and miss ) and act like you have no bullet, until there real close, then shoot!
4.) Any mode.
- lay down by dead bodies and act like one and pick people off.
5.) Demolition/Sabotage/S&D
-let them get to bomb site..wait 5-6 seconds then shoot them. ( then they ALMOST has it planted )
6.) FFA-hardcore
-Camp in a spot for 3 kills, and slightly move to different spot in same area. It really unnerves people.
7.) On Summit place turret on cat walk, in the middle building by all the computers! ( this is horrible )
8.) will explain care packages soon...
I'll add more as I think of them! Just love pissing people off on it! If you got any, leave as a comment, and I'll add it, and give you credit!