Herbs of Healing

Page information provided by VoodooHeart


Magickal Uses: A small red and black legume often carried in magic amulets for good luck.


ACACIA: (Acacia senegal)

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Sun

Element: Air

Associated Deities: Adonis, Apollo, Astarte, Diana, Ishtar, Osiris, Ra, Vishnu.

Magickal Uses: Meditation, Relaxation, Protection, Psychic Powers. Symbolizes the afterlife; the leaves are burned on charcoal to develop personal power.

ADDER'S TONGUE (Erythronium americanum)

GENDER: Female


MAGICAL USES: Healing. Soak some adder's tongue in cold water and apply it to a wound or bruise (wrap it in a piece of cloth) until the herb grows warm. Next, bury the wet herb in a muddy place. The wound will be cured.

AFRICAN VIOTLET (Saintpaulia ionantha)

GENDER: Feminine



MAGICAL USES: Spirituality, Protection. The purple-colored flowers and plants are grown in the home to promote spirituality within it. The plants are also slightly protective when grown.

AGARIC (Amanita muscaria)

GENDER: Masculine

PLANET: Mercury


DEITY: Dionysus

MAGICAL USES: Fertility. Place on the altar or in the bedroom to increase fertility. Unfortunately, the amanita is so virulently poisonous that it is unwise to use it.

AGRIMONY: (Agrimonia eupatoria)

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: To banish Negative Energy, Protection, Sleep, Psychic Healing, To cleanse the Aura. One of the few magic herbs believed to reverse a jinx, curse, or hex after it has been put on you.

AGUE ROOT (Aletris farinosa)

MAGICAL USES: Protection. Sprinkle around your home to keep evil at bay, or carry in a sachet for same purpose. Also, use in hex-breaking and uncrossing rituals and mixtures.

ALFALFA (medicago sativa)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Prosperity, Anti-Hunger, Money. Kept in the home to protect against poverty; carried to the bank when you ask for a loan.

ALKANET ROOT (anchusa officinalis)

GENDER: Feminine

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Purification, prosperity. Ends the work of those who try to trouble your money matters or jinx your gambling luck.

ALLSPICE (eugenia pimenta)

GENDER: Masculine



Magickal Uses: Much used in magical spells prosperity, success, luck, and money gained through business ventures. Female aphrodisiac (a female lust for a male), competition, vigor and therefore health, strength, confidence.

ALMOND (Prunus dulcis)

GENDER: Masculine

PLANET: Mercury


DEITIES: Attis, Mercury, Thoth, Hermes

MAGICAL USES: Money, Prosperity, Wisdom. Almonds, as well as the leaves and wood of the tree, are used in prosperity and money spells. Additionally, climbing an almond tree is said to ensure success in business ventures. Eating almonds will cure or combat fevers as well as give the partaker wisdom. Five almonds eaten before drinking prevents intoxication. Magical wands are made of almond wood, for it is a plant of Air, which is the elemental ruler of the magic wand, in some traditions. Finally, placing almonds in your pocket will lead you to treasures.

ALOES: (Bitter Aloes)

GENDER: Feminine

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Beauty, reflection, divination, interpretation of dreams, astral journeys. Used in a graveyard bottle spell to silence the lips of those who speak evil lies.


GENDER: Feminine

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Protection, psychic powers, clairvoyance, divination, calm and tranquility. To attract benevolent spirits to the home, to increase psychic ability, to heal and soothe. Althea is also known to be a good "spirit-puller', i.e., it brings good spirits in during rituals when placed on the altar. This is a popular voodoo practice.


Magickal Uses: For stopping gossip and for other protective and cleansing purposes.


MAGICAL USE: Protection, Moderating Anger. Dioscorides recommended the alyssum as an amulet, for it has the power to 'expell charms.' Hung up in the house it protects against fascination, that magical process which is also known as 'glamour.' Alyssum also has the power tocool down an angry person if placed in the hand or on the body, and was even said to cure hydrophobia (rabies).


GENDER: Feminine

PLANET: Saturn


DEITY: Artemis

MAGICAL USES: Healing, Protection, Invisibility. A crown of amaranth flowers worn on the head speeds healing. To make sure that you are never struck by a bullet, pull up a whole amaranth plant (including roots) preferably on a Friday during the Full Moon. leave an offering to the plant and then fold it, roots and all, in a piece of white cloth. Wear this against your breast and you'll be 'bullet-proof.' The dried amaranth flowers have been used to call forth the dead, and are also carried to 'cure the affections', i.e. to mend a broken heart. A wreath of amaranth worn confers invisibility

AMBRETTE SEED (hibiscus moschatus)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: The Male, Lust, Virility, Strength, Prowess, Pursuit


GENDER: Masculine



DIETIES: Adonis, Venus

POWERS: Health, Protection, Healing

MAGICAL USES: Gather the blossoms when first seen in the spring, wrap them up in a red cloth and wear or carry to prevent disease. Grow red anemones in the garden to protect both it and the home. Use the blossoms in all healing rituals.

ANGELICA: (Angelica archangelica) (ARCHANGEL, HOLY GHOST)

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Associated Deities: Michael, Sun Gods, Venus

Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, divination, harmony, peace, exorcism, protection, visions. Exorcism, Healing, To cleanse the Aura, Cleansing, Protection, Psychic workings. Enhances female magical power and strength, protects children.


GENDER: Masculine

PLANET: Jupiter


Astrological Sign: Cancer, Leo

Magickal Uses: Psychic development and protection, divination, nightmare prevention, dreams. A magick herb used to ward off the Evil Eye and also to increase personal psychic abilities.


GENDER: Feminine



DEITIES: Venus, Dionysus, Olwen, Apollo, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Diana, Zeus, Iduna

Magickal Uses: The bark of apple trees or the fruits themselves have the power to transport a true-hearted seeker to the Otherworld. Burn the bark as an offering to the Good Folk on Midsummer's night. Also used in faery love spells. Cut an apple open to reveal the five pointed natural star.


Magickal Uses: An old-time hand-dusting powder for gambling luck; combine with lucky Sachet.


Magickal Uses: Said to keep off diseases, evil spells, conjure work, and interfering law officers.


Magickal Uses: Used in ancient Zoroastrian and Muslim spiritual rites to protect from the evil eye.

BALM (LEMON) (Melissa officinalis)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Associated Deities: Artemis, Diana, Moon Goddesses

Magickal Uses: Longevity, health, travel. To connect with the Emotions, Friendship, Healing, Love, Success. Comforts those who have lost in love, encourages the reconciliation of estranged lovers.

BALSAM FIR (abies balsamea)

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Air

Astrological Sign: Capricorn, Sagittarius

Magickal Uses: celebrations, festivals, happiness, banishing, luck, protection, inspiration, friendship. Burned by tradition in the winter months, fir balsam helps purify and cleanse the home. It is used to enhance work with the animal kingdom. The scent is warming and grounding. Aromatic fir is used as incense for meditation and psychic work and is used in aromatherapy to relieve anxiety and stress. Add balsam fir to dream pillows for a woodsy feeling. It is perfect for stuffing traditional balsam pillows and sachets.


Magickal Uses: Sprinkled in the paths of your enemies to bar their way and stop them following you.

BASIL (Ocimum basilicum)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Astrological Sign: Scorpio, Aries

Magickal Uses: Aphrodisiac, clairvoyance, fertility, fidelity, prosperity, success. A magickal herb for money and success, happy family, and Peaceful Home; drives away the Evil Eye. Basil soothes a lover’s temper because it encourages sympathy between two people. It is added to love incenses and sachets. It was thought that a young man would love the woman from whose hand he accepted a sprig of basil. Carry basil in your pocket to bring wealth. Attract business by placing it in the cash register or on the door sill. Basil given as a gift brings luck to a new home. Place small amounts in each room of the house to bring protection.

BAY (Laurus nobilis)

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Associated Deities: Adonis, Apollo, Aesculapius, Ceres, Cerridwen, Cupid, Daphne, Eros, Faunus, Ra, Vishnu

Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, Protection, Purification, To induce Prophetic Dreams, Inspiration, Wishes - write you wish on the leaf then burn it for it to come true. For protection and to avoid being jinxed, especially if you are doing a job on someone else.


Magickal Uses: Leaf - Native American spiritual smoke, also used as a psychic and spiritual incense and tea. Root - Sprinkled on the money in your wallet to attract more money and good fortune to you.

BENZOIN (styrax benzoin)

Planet: Sun

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Burned on charcoal to purify the home, break jinxes, and dispel evil.

BERGAMONT MINT (Orange Mint) (monarda fistulosa)

Planet: Mecury

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Alleviates stress, tension, releases cares, calms, also money and success.


Magickal Uses: Leaf - Used to remove evil spirits from a home and to return evil to a person doing you harm.


Magickal Uses: Provides magical protection and strengthens those who are weak, timid, afraid, or shy.


Magickal Uses: Brewed into a magick herbal tea which is sprinkled around the home for protection from evil.


Magickal Uses: Strengthens family relations where "blood" ties bind you but respect is sometimes lacking.


Magickal Uses: Used to protect people and places from evil; used by Native Americans to protect children.


Magickal Uses: Used in money-drawing magic spells, for prosperity, and to bring wealth.


Magickal Uses: Said to attract faeries to dance in your garden. On Beltane eve, make an ankle braclet of "Bluebells" and "jingle" bells to attract helpful fae folk to you.


Magickal Uses: Harmony, spirituality. Said to repel and keep away evil spirits, bad customers, unruly people, and even diseases.


Magickal Uses: A famous magick herb that opposes unnatural illness and wards off snakes.


Magickal Uses: For peace in the home, tranquility in the family, and calm in domestic relationships.


Magickal Uses: To drive away witches and unwanted visitors; for magical protection from evil.


Magickal Uses: Said to prevent rheumatism, arthritis, and headache, and to enhance male vigour.


Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Communion with nature - both plants and animals, protection, grounding, love. A cleansing, protective, and uncrossing magic herb, said to restore male nature.


Planet: Jupiter

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Harmony, tranquility, peace, protection, luck. Strong for winning in court and powerful to induce prophetic lucky number dreams. Used by those who wish to control a situation or to dominate a specific person.


Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Beauty, divination, happiness, protection, awareness. Strong for winning in court and powerful to induce prophetic lucky number dreams.

CAMPHOR (cinnamomum camphora)

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Chastity, divination, health, psychic growth and development, release. Burned on charcoal for purification and laid down to protect a home.

CARAWAY SEED (carum cavi)

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Aphrodisiac, fidelity, honesty, keep secrets, memory, prevent theft, protection. Believed to provide protection and to keep young children safe from illness and harm.

CARDAMON SEED (Elettaria cardamomum)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: brings elequence, idealistic artistic beauty, female aphrodisiac, attracts men to the idealistic beauty of the woman. Used in magic spells intended to bring about lust, passion, and love in one not your mate.


Magickal Uses: Said to bring good luck and especially to help you win in court cases.

CATNIP (nepeta cataria)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Used to captivate your lover with your special ways and to capture his or her heart.

CEDAR WOOD (Juniperus virginiana) (Thuja plicata)

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Air

Mineral association: Amethyst and Sapphire

Magickal Uses: Luck, happiness, prosperity, wealth, success, home. Used to draw a two-armed cross on the ground to peacefully cause an unwanted person to move.


Magickal Uses: Said to keep off witches and law officers; helps one win in court by confusing opponents.


Magickal Uses: Believed by many to enhance latent psychic powers and to bring on prophetic dreams.

CHAMOMILE: (Anthemis nobilis) (MANZANILLA)

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Associated Deities: Cernunnos, Ra, Sun Gods

Magickal Uses: To heal and regenerate the Spirit within, Relaxation, Sleep, Money, Love, Purification, Peace, Sleep. A magical herb used in gambling spells and washes, and also for uncrossing.

CHAMPACA (Michelia champaca)

Planet: Mercury

Magickal Uses: Balance, harmony, love. Calming; centers the mind. Promotes a state of inner harmony and balance. Bolsters self-esteem. Reminds us of the divine in all things. Champaca is an auric energizer and balancer.

CHANEY ROOT (Chainey Root, Jamaican Sarsaparilla)

Magickal Uses: Said to grant health, happiness and prolong life.


Magickal Uses: Said to be efficacious in matters of love, romance, sexual attraction, and conjugal relations.


Magickal Uses: To stop gossip and back-biting; may be added to Slippery Elm Bark for this purpose.

CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWERS (chrysanthemum morifolium)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: protection, contentment, calm, pleasant happiness.


Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Astrological Sign: Aries

Magickal Uses: Aphrodisiac, clairvoyance, consecration, divination, good luck, meditation, peace, prosperity, wisdom. Courage, Power, Energy, Spiritual Development. Believed to rapidly attract luck, money, and love; also for purification and protection. Stimulating and energizing, cinnamon is one of the oldest spices known to mankind. A popular aphrodisiac used in India and Europe, cinnamon invigorates the senses, encouraging confidence and generosity. In powdered form, cinnamon bark is a favorite addition to incense burning mixtures. The fragrance of cinnamon was very popular in ancient Egypt as one of the ingredients of Kyphi, a favorite ceremonial incense mixture. Cinnamon incense heightens spiritual vibrations. Use in mixtures for healing, prosperity and to stimulate clairvoyance.

CINQUEFOIL (potentilla erecta)

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Love, money, or when you require an abundance of something.


Magickal Uses: A sacred faery plant, clovers of all kinds will attract them. Lay seven grains of wheat on a four-leafed clover to see the Faery. CLOVER FLOWERS, RED - Used in love-magic, for a prosperous marriage, and to insure conjugal felicity. CLOVER FLOWERS, WHITE - A magick herb used for personal purification and to drive away evil influences.


Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Astrological Sign: Aries

Magickal Uses: Confidence in love money and all competitions, protection, gain, reward. Said to attract good luck to your home, to stop gossip, and to help sustain friendships.

COLTSFOOT: (Tussilago farfara)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Communication with animals, visions, attraction. Can be used in smoking mixtures, Relaxation, Love, Visionary Work. Burned with other magic herbs to aid psychic visions; removes sickness and mental problems.


Planet: Saturn

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Leaf - Helps you hold onto the money you have or the money that you win while gambling. Root - Carried for safety and good health while travelling or when away from home.

COPAL, MAYAN NEGRO (bursera bipinnata)

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Happiness, celebration, invocation, protection, luck, divination. Burned on charcoal in Central America as an offering to the gods.

COPAL, MAYAN ORO (Gold Copal) (bureseru microphylla)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Happiness, celebration, invocation, protection. Burned on charcoal in Central America as an offering to the gods.


Planet: Moon

Element: Air

Astrological Sign: Aries

Magickal Uses: Dreams, restoration of calm, sleep. To draw love to you, to stimulate passion, and to keep your lover faithful to you.


Magickal Uses: Golden coin-shaped dried flowers are used in gambling and money-luck baths and spells.

CORN, BLUE (Zea mays)

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Protection, luck, divination. The Corn Mother or Corn Goddess, a deity of plenty and fertility, has been worshiped throughout North America. The Zunis utilize blue corn meal in their religious rituals for blessings and to scatter as an offering. Pollen from corn is used in rainmaking ceremonies by tossing it into the air. Corn may be placed within a baby’s cradle as protection against negative forces. It is believed that a bunch of cornstalks hung over a mirror brings good luck to the household. The plant essence is thought to dispel disorientation and stress in urban settings. Use to stay centered and connected with the earth in congested, chaotic environments.

COSTUS ROOT (Saussurea lappa)

Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Aphrodisiac. Costus is native to the highlands of Kashmir. Well known in the classical world, the Romans appreciated what Pliny called its "exquisite scent." Used in China as a chief ingredient of joss-sticks and called Mu-Xiang in Chinese medicine, costus root is used to move Qi, or body energy, and to alleviate pain. Throughout Asia, the fragrance of costus is considered to be very sensuous. It heightens body awareness and sensitivity, acting as an aphrodisiac. In Japanese incense it is believed to be emotionally relaxing and mentally rejuvenating. Tibetan medicine prescribes costus in cases of emotional weakness.


Magickal Uses: Used in binding spells, both for love-magic and for evil purposes.


Magickal Uses: Used to control a lover and to increase sexual heat; will also help you meet a new mate.


Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Believed to keep evil and bad luck away from your home, to keep your lover faithful.

DAMIANA: (Turnera diffusa)

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Pluto (Moon?)

Element: Water

Mineral association: Quartz

Associated Deities: Artemis, Diana, Ganesha, Vishnu, Zeus

Magickal Uses: Aphrodisiac, Divination, Lust, Love, All Psychic Workings, Tantric Magick, Visionary Work. Used to draw a new lover, to intensify sexual passion, or to bring back a straying lover.

DAMMAR (Canarium strictum)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, contact other planes, happiness, spirituality. Burn dammar to alleviate depression, melancholy and sadness. It’s ethereal fragrance lifts the spirit and brings light to the darkness of the soul. Dammar is used to increase clairvoyance and facilitate contact with the angelic realm.


Magickal Uses: Drunk as herb tea or carried in a bag to enhance psychic dreams and second sight.

DEER'S TONGUE (Liatris odoratissima)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Love, psychic powers. Used to get someone to love you, to obtain a proposal of marriage, also for court cases. Deers tongue is used when working with the brow chakra to project mind energy. It can awaken psychic gifts of an expressive nature. When worn by women, deers tongue is said to be attractive to men.


Magickal Uses: For strong protection from evil; also used as an offering to dark forces.


Magickal Uses: For protection from crossing and gossip, for gambling luck, for job getting.


Magickal Uses: Leaf - For folks crossed or jinxed in love, and for men who have had their nature taken away. Seed - To make you irresistible to the one you desire, and also to help you win in court.

DITTANY OF CRETE (flora cestrica)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Divination, healing, protection. Manifestation, bringing things to fruition, engendering, healing. Fed to the one you love to promote desire; burned to bring a vision of your future mate. Burn it in incense to drive away all illness-causing influences. The smoke strengthens the subliminal shield which surrounds us, protecting against damaging negative energy while connecting us to our inner strength. Dittany of Crete is calming and harmonizing in cases of fear and nervousness. It is a visionary ally which can be used to seek wisdom from those who live between lives, best used on the occasion of All Hallow’s Eve. Mix with vanilla, benzoin and sandalwood to make an astral projection incense.

DRAGON'S BLOOD (daemonorops draco)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Mineral association: Ruby

Magickal Uses: Strength, virility, victory, victorious celebrations, prosperity, potency booster. A magical plant resin carried for good luck, for making magic pacts, and to attract riches. Burned on charcoal for good luck, invocations, and pact-making. A pinch of dragon’s blood increases the potency and effectiveness of other herbs in an incense mixture. Burnt at night by an open window to entice an errant lover to return. A piece of the herb placed under the mattress is said to cure impotency. Mix with sugar and salt, place in a tightly covered bottle and hide it where it won’t be found to quiet a noisy home. Dragon’s Blood is associated with shape-shifting and astral travel.

ELDER: (Sambucus nigra)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Associated Deities: Crone aspects of the Goddess, Dryads, Earth Goddesses, Fairies, Holda Goddess of Winter, Venus

Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, To make contact with Fairies and Dryads, Exorcism, Healing, Protection, Prosperity, Sleep. Elder is said to offer protection to the faeries from negative spirits.

ELDERBERRY (Sambucus nigra)

Planet: Venus

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, protection, transformation. Used to make Faery wine, these berries can be burned on a fire to invite the Good Folk to a gathering. Make a homemade brew of Elderberry Wine and you are sure to have some thirsty visitors. It is said that if a human drinks the wine, she will be able to see the Faery. If a human should drink Elderberry wine from the same goblet as a Faery being, he will be able to see them forever after. Berries are scattered to the four winds to bless a person, place or thing and carried to protect against evil and negativity. Place elderberries beneath the pillow to allow peaceful slumber. Elder branches are used to fashion magick wands. It is thought that the elder tree provides protection from lightning. Elder is said to be an herb for those attuned to the countryside. Those who wish to see the spirits of the wood should spend the full moon night in a small grove of elder.


ELECAMPANE (Inula helenium)

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Love, protection, psychic powers. A famous magical love herb. Also known as Elfswort. This root can be scattered around the home to attract the Sidhe. It can be added to any magick or spell to invoke Faery blessing. Elecampagne, inula or "wild sunflower" is sewn into a pink cloth and worn as a charm to attract love. Used in the Middle ages as a universal remedy, inula root was believed to have special healing powers. It is burned on charcoal to sharpen psychic power when scrying, and smoke from inula incense is used to purify candidates for initiation. Used by Native Americans to feel more connected to the earth, inula promotes an awareness of beauty and an inner confidence. The dried root has a subtle aroma reminiscent of frankincense, violet and camphor. Inula root incense is helpful in times of grief, melancholy or depression. Its fragrance is calming in times of tension and stress, activating inner strength and creating an atmosphere of protection. Burn during the short days of winter to bring the healing energy of the sun.

ELEMI (Canarium luzonicum)

Planet: Uranus

Mineral Association: Elestial Quartz

Magickal Uses: It’s name in Arabic means "Above and Below" a contraction of "As above, so below." Use to anoint and balance the upper and lower chakras. Elemi increases psychic ability, enhances visualization and openness to mystical experiences. Use at the beginning of meditation to shake off external preoccupations. Valuable in group meditations, it can help bring the energy of the participants into harmony. It is useful for relieving nervous exhaustion and stress-related conditions. With its grounding yet joyous effect on the mind elemi instills a feeling of peace.


Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Sign: Sagittarius

Magickal Uses: Truth Finding, Healing, Protection, Realization. To drive away pestiferous people and also for personal cleansing after contact with evil. Eucalyptus leaves are carried to maintain good health and for protection. Blue candles are ringed with eucalyptus leaves and burned for healing vibrations. On an emotional level, eucalyptus encourages balance, centering, concentration and rationality. Eucalyptus is thought to awaken the spirit of the healer within. Used as a flower essence for its freeing influence, eucalyptus helps to accept life on life's terms.

EYEBRIGHT: (Euphrasia officinalis)

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Sun

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Inspiration, Mental Powers, All Psychic Workings

FENNEL SEEDS (Foeniculum vulgare)

Planet: Mercury

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Healing, protection, purification. For protection, to keep the law away, to strengthen a women's courage, to prevent curses. Fennel is used as a magickal herb to give strength, vitality, virility and fertility. Fennel seeds are carried to ward off evil spirits. Fennel is used in healing mixtures and purification sachets. Grown in the home garden, fennel provides protection. Fennel allows for a greater sense of grounding which can be useful in certain healing states that require a connection to the earth. Fennel supports an attunement to the earth’s energy and the understanding that all people on the earth deserve love and joy. The chakras located in the soles of the feet are stimulated by fennel.


Magickal Uses: Carried with your money for prosperity, increase in wages, lucky money-finding, and wealth.


Magickal Uses: Used to prevent jinxes, to remove evil spirits from the home, to help ward off burglars.

FEVERFEW: ( Chrysanthemum parthenium)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Meditation, Relaxation, Protection. A magic herb carried by clumsy or accident prone people to protect them from harm.

FIELD MINT (mentha haplocalyx)

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Mind-clearing, concentration, relief of mental-stress and headaches.


Magickal Uses: For success in all the things that five fingers can do, to get others to do you favours.

FLAX SEED (Linum usitatissimum)

Planet: Mercury

Element: Fire

Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Magickal Uses: Beauty, healing, money, protection, psychic powers. Used to increase psychic abilities and mental powers, and for protection of children. Traditionally, flax seeds were used to attract money by placing the seeds in a jar with a few coins. A bit of flax placed in the shoe is thought to ward off poverty. A mixture of flax seeds and red pepper kept in a box somewhere in the home has been said to prevent evil from entering. Sprinkle flax seeds on the altar while performing healing rituals and add them to healing mixtures. Use flax seeds to create aromatherapy eye pillows.


Magickal Uses: The source of the modern heart drug Digitalis, Foxglove can have seriously dangerous results if taken internally. DO NOT INGEST!! Instead, plant Foxglove near your front door to invite the Faery in. Put a dried sprig of Foxglove in a talisman to keep you surrounded in Faery light.

FRANGIPANI (Plumieria rubra)

Planet: Moon

Magickal Uses: Aphrodisiac, calming, sedative. Frangipani is a small flowering tree from the American tropics. Once used to scent gloves, it was named after the Italian botanist Muzio Frangipane who visited the West Indies in 1493. With its soothing vibrations, frangipani helps restore inner peace and harmony. Guiding us to honor the sacred in intimacy, frangipani invokes the beauty of our soul’s infinate journey. Its five petals represent the five qualities of spiritual perfection: aspiration, devotion, faith, sincerity and surrender.

FRANKINCENSEM: (Boswellia thurifera)

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Mineral association: Topaz

Associated Deities: Adonis, Apollo, Baal, Demeter, Hades, Helios, Moon Goddesses, Pluto, Ra, Other Sun Gods, Venus, Vishnu, Yama

Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, consecration, contact other planes, divination, inspiration, meditation, psychic protection, success, transformation, wisdom. Cleansing, Exorcism, Meditation, To generally Lift the Spirits, Purification, Protection, Spirituality. Burned on charcoal for spiritual worship, as recommended in the Bible. The gum was traditionally used to fumigate sick persons, driving out the evil spirits causing the sickness. Frankincense may lessen the pain of rheumatism due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It will clear the atmosphere following an argument and may be burned before moving into a new house. Healing stones and crystals may be cleansed in the smoke of frankincense.


Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Banishing, Grounding, Removal of dead matters.

GALANGAL ROOT (alpina officinalis)

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Attraction of the male, female arousal, potency and power, menstruation, female sacred mysteries. Powdered galangal root is burned to break spells. If worn, galangal aids psychic development and guards health. Placed in a leather pouch with silver, galangal is thought to attract money. Galangal is an ingredient in incense burned for knowledge of and conversation with holy guardian angels. Hildegard von Bingen mentions galangal as a remedy for many illnesses. Burning galangal strengthens the flow of energy throughout the body, especially in times of exhaustion or despondency.


Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Exorcism, Banishing, Protection, Virility, Competition. Protective, powerful, and edible; used in cooking and to repel all manner of evil.


Magickal Uses: A love-drawing herb; carried in a conjure bag with the name of the one you desire.

GINGER ROOT (zingiber officinale)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Astrological Sign: Aries

Magickal Uses: Aphrodisiac, love, psychic protection, psychic development, success, power. Power, confidence, success, vigor, virility. Fiery protection from evil magic; also heats up love affairs and sexuality. According to legend, ginger root sprinkled into pockets will attract money. Eating ginger before performing spells will lend them power; especially true of love spells. Ginger is known for its ability to improve the state of health. A piece of the dried root may be worn within an amulet to strengthen and protect the health of the wearer. When ginger is grown in the garden, how it flourishes is said to govern the health of the gardener.


Magickal Uses: For male vigour and nature, good luck in gambling, and to control your mate.


Magickal Uses: A magic herb used by those who seek wisdom, strength, and beauty, also better health.

GOLDENROD: (Solidago odora)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Venus

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Divination, Money

GOTU KOLA (Centella asiatica)

Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Aphrodisiac, longevity, meditation, psychic development, renewal. To use gotu kola as a meditation incense, burn a small amount prior to meditation. Known as poor man’s ginseng. Traditionally used in India to improve intelligence, increase memory, and heighten resistance to fatigue and stress.

GRAINS OF PARADISE (Aframomum melegueta)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Love, luck, lust, money, wishes. For good luck, protection of the house, to get a job, and to make wishes come true. Grains of paradise are used for wishing. Hold the seeds while making a wish, then toss a few seeds to each of the four directions, beginning in the North and ending in the West. Grains of paradise are used in love sachets and incenses. Also known as Guinea Grains or Melegueta Pepper, the seeds have a rich reddish-brown color and were used to spice wine in Medieval times.


Magickal Uses: Carried when looking for a new job or when asking your boss for a raise or benefits.

GREEN TEA (Camellia sinensis)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Calming, courage, simplifying life, soothing, strength, wisdom. Tea originated in China where its use dates back several thousand years. It is an evergreen shrub native to the mountainous regions of southern China, Japan and India. Green tea does not undergo the fermentation step taken in the manufacture of black tea. Research suggests that green tea lowers cholesterol, eases arthritis pain, boost immunity and helps against cancer.

GUGAL GUM (Commiphora mukul)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Brighten disposition, compassion, consecration, happiness, positive energy, prosperity, protection, transformation. Gugal gum, from the Sanskrit Guggulu, is also known as Bdellium or common myrrh. A well-known remedy in Ayurvedic medicine for increasing pitta or energy, gugal gum rejuvenates and mentally revitalizes, creating a feeling of emotional well-being. It is also burned as a sacred offering in temples and in the home. Use during prayer and meditation to cleanse the aura and dissolve disturbing influences. Combined with benzoin resin for evening relaxation before retiring, common myrrh reduces stress and nervous insomnia. It has a balsamic odor somewhat like cedarwood.

GUM ARABIC (acacia senegal)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Attract money, contact other planes, insure agreements, meditation, peace, protection, tranquility. Burned on charcoal for contact with the dead; used as a binding agent in inks. When employed in love spells, the result is said to be a platonic love. Burn with sandalwood for incense to stimulate psychic powers. The source of gum arabic is a small thorny tree found in Sudan, Nigeria and Kenya. Water soluble, gum arabic makes a good binder for other ingredients in incense recipes.

HAWTHORN: (Crataegus Monogyna)

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Associated Deities: Blodeuwedd, Cardea, Creiddylad, Fairies, Flora, Hymen, Olwen, Thor

Magickal Uses: Fertility and Growth, Sex Magick, Happiness. Berry - Sprinkle around the home to keep another person from trying to become your spouse's lover. Hawthorn, also known as Witches' Tree, is one part of the sacred triad of trees that are said to be sacred to the Faery. Oak, Ash, and Thorn, when growing naturally together, create a place where it is easy to see the Fey. Hawthorns were once believed to be the transformed bodies of Witches, who had shapeshifted into tree form. It is more likely that the spirit seen in the Hawthorn was that of a dryad or tree faery.

HEATHER (Calluna vulgaris)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Mineral association: Citrine and Carnelian

Magickal Uses: Luck, protection, rain-making. Heather is said to ignite faery passions and open portals between their world and our own. Make an offering of Heather on "Beltane" eve to attract good fae to your garden. Heather is known as an herb of immortality, long physical life, and beauty. It is carried as a guard against rape and other violent crimes, and to bring good luck. Heather is burned outside with fern to attract rain. It has been used to conjure spirits. Heather is employed as a flower remedy for fear of darkness and empty spaces. It supports acceptance of all aspects of the self and helps find the strength to be alone. Heather may also help those who feel the need to isolate or withdraw, making barriers between themselves and others because they have been hurt.

HELIOTROPE (Heliotropium grandiflorum)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Healing, invisibility, prophetic dreams, wealth. Use as an aid in psychic communication. The scent supports peace, prayer, meditation and spiritual development. To attract wealth, anoint green candles with the oil before lighting.

HIBISCUS FLOWER (hibiscus rosa sinensis)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Divination, love. Meditation, awaken the subtle energies, peace, calm, divination, love and lust. An aphrodisiac, hibiscus flowers are used in love incenses and sachets. In the western Pacific, sorcerers use hibiscus flowers placed in a wooden bowl of water as a method of divination. As a flower essence, hibiscus helps women to feel comfortable with their sexuality and to express warmth and love.


Magickal Uses: For magic spells of protection of the home, to invite helpful spirits into the household.


Planet: Jupiter

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Erotic dreams, intuitions about money and wealth, and personal things - therefore luck and happiness. A twining vine with sweet-smelling flowers, it is used to entangle and tie a lover to you.

HOPS FLOWERS (Humulus lupulus)

Planet: Mars

Element: Water

Astrological Sign: Aries

Magickal Uses: Healing, sleep. Aids peaceful sleep when placed in the pillow; ends nightmares, brings beneficial dreams. Hops are used in healing incenses and sachets, and as a relaxant in psychic work.

HOREHOUND: (Marrubium vulgare)

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Associated Deities: Horus, Isis, Osiris

Magickal Uses: Cleansing, Exorcism, Healing, Cleansing of the Aura, Mental Powers, Protection. Said to keep off wild animals and packs of dogs around the home; medical aid for coughs.


Magickal Uses: Said to make your dreams come true; used by gamblers to produce lucky number dreams.

HYSSOP (Hyssopus officinalis)

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: purification, contact other planes, protection, consecration, cleansing, healing. A purification herb, for home cleansing, to put an end to crossed conditions, to take off a jinx. Hyssop is an ingredient in protection incenses, and was used by the ancient Greeks for cleaning sacred spaces. The Hebrews considered hyssop to be a sacred plant of mystery. Mentioned in the Bible eleven times, its warm fragrance has strong purifying properties. Hyssop is a popular purification herb. It is added to baths, hung in the home to purge it of negativity, and sprinkled on objects to cleanse them. Hyssop grows wild on the island of Crete. It can easily be cultivated in the home garden. Mix with frankincense and mastic for an incense mixture enjoyed since the ancient Minoan kingdom. Spiritually, hyssop stimulates a greater connection to people, with an increased sense of harmony and oneness if shared within a group.

INDIAN OLIBANUM (Boswellia serrata)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: , contact other planes, divination, inspiration, meditation, transformation, wisdom. The fragrance of olibanum assists the human spirit to communicate with energies on a higher plane, thus its use during prayer, meditation and reflection. It is also a remedy for stress, providing a sense of comfort and warmth. Burn to cleanse the atmosphere after an argument, or before moving into a new house. Cleanse healing stones and crystals of negative energy in the smoke of olibanum.


Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Banishing, Grounding, Protection


Magickal Uses: To bring continuous good luck and a steady flow of money in business and gambling.

IVY: (Hedera helix)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Associated Deities: Ariadne, Arianrhod, Bacchus, Cerridwen, Dionysus, Hymen, Isis, Osiris, Persephone, Saturn, The White Goddess.

Magickal Uses: For binding Luck, Love and fidelity to one’s self, Healing, Protection.

JALAP ROOT (High John)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Seriousness, works, tasks, plans, urgent issues

JASMINE: (Jasminum officinale)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Mineral association: Sapphire

Associated Deities: Artemis, Diana, Maternal aspects of the Goddess, Vishnu, Zeus.

Magickal Uses: Dreams, fertility, abundance, passion, sleep, secrecy. Love, Meditation, Money, Prophetic Dreams, Relaxation, Psychic Protection to the Aura. Said to aid in the reception of psychic dreams and to enhance the power of love herb mixtures. Jasmine is a powerful aphrodisiac and a potent aid to spiritual development. Jasmine helps understanding that there is no division between physical and Divine love. Use jasmine to attract angelic beings and develop the artistic senses. The scent of jasmine inspires harmony, awareness, inspiration and joy.


Magickal Uses: Attracts men with money; also used in the famous curse of Jezebel against enemies.

JOB'S TEARS (Coix lachryma)

Magickal Uses: Healing, luck, wishes. Seven seeds used in a special seven-day magic spell to grant an important wish. Three job’s tears should be carried for good luck. For wishing magick, make a wish while holding seven seeds, then throw them into running water. Another method dictates counting out seven seeds while concentrating on your wish. Carry the seeds for a week, and your wish should come true. Necklaces are traditionally fashioned from job’s tears and worn for sore throats and colds. The seeds are thought to absorb the illness.


Magickal Uses: For use in luck-magic spells and for making your own John the Conquer dressing oil

JUNIPER BERRIES (Juniperus monosperma)

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Air

Astrological Sign: Aries

Magickal Uses: Festivities, protection, gain, good fortune, mirth, happiness. To increase virility in men, enhance sensuality in women, and to attract physical love. It is used frequently to welcome guests and to cleanse horses. Juniper creates a sweet, warm fragrance that is strengthening and healing. The smoke is suited to accompany prayer and sacred song. It is believed that the dignified fragrance of juniper carries all things to the Creator, clarifying the mind, and expanding internal space. Juniper is an excellent herb to use in rituals for good health. It is used throughout Europe as a protective herb and is thought to guard against theft and accidents. Juniper strengthens the third chakra and helps restore confidence.

KAVA KAVA (Piper methysticum)

Planet: Saturn

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Luck, protection, visions. Kava kava has a history of religious and ceremonial use in Hawaii and Polynesia where it is used as a sacrament for welcoming guests and friends. Kava kava is used to enhance psychic powers and induce visions. Preparations of the dried rhizome are used to reduce nervous anxiety and stress.

KESU FLOWER (butea frondosa)

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Good dreams, tranquility


Magickal Uses: To bind, restrict or control a person's movements; to symbolically tie things down.

LABDANUM (Cistus ladaniferus)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Creativity, inspiration, positive self-image. The warm fragrance of labdanum creates inner warmth and sensuality, strengthening the awareness of the body. Use in meditation to stimulate the higher chakras.

LAVENDER: (Lavendula officinalis)

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Venus

Element: Air

Astrological Sign: Gemini and Virgo

Associated Deities: Cernunnos, Cirse, Hecate, Medea, Saturn, Serpent Goddesses.

Magickal Uses: Love, Sleep, Purity, Chastity, Contentment. Cleansing, Chastity, Happiness, Longevity, Love, Meditation, Peace, Protection, Purification, Sleep. To promote passion, romance, harmony, friendship, and cooperation with a lover. It can bring a sense of stability to life. The flowers are scattered about the home to maintain tranquility. Lavender calms headaches caused by stress and fatigue, bringing inner peace. The odor of lavender is conducive to long life, and a greater acceptance and understanding of old age. Lavender attracts energy of a high vibration and is useful in mediation where increased awareness is sought. It energizes and harmonizes the root, heart, and crown chakras. Burning the flowers induces sleep. Crystals may be cleansed by soaking in lavender oil and water.

LEMON (Citrus limon)

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Friendship, longevity, love, purification. Lemon is used to purify amulets, jewelry, and other magickal or ritual objects, especially those which have been obtained second-hand. Add the dried peel of lemon to love sachets and potpourris. Lemon stimulates and lightens the intellect while it stills emotional interference. LEAVES - For spells to remove old conditions and open the way to draw a new lover. PEEL - Alertness, awareness, awakenings, clarity, cleansing, refreshing.

LEMON BALM (Melissa officinalis)

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Fire

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Magickal Uses: Brightens disposition, compassion, gentleness, happiness, longevity, love. In aromatherapy, lemon balm is used to relieve depression, anxiety, insomnia and nervous tension. A mixture of lemon balm and lavender in equal parts is useful to relieve headache and stress. This herb combines well with roses, lavender, thyme, hops and spearmint for aromatic dream pillows. Lemon balm is useful for past-life regression and to remember and understand lessons from the past. Balancing karma, it also supports fulfillment in the current life. Lemon balm may be of benefit in meditation, especially in groups where energy is aligned to a common spiritual purpose.

LEMON GRASS (cymbopogon citratus)

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, divination, honesty, psychic powers, repel snakes. To receive dreams and messages. For protection and to increase the power of all amulets; also for a good sexual time. Planted around the home, lemongrass will repel snakes. It is used in infusions to aid in the development of psychic powers. As a flower remedy, lemongrass is said to aid those experiencing parental rejection and those drawn to painful relationships. Lemongrass is a perennial herb that is native to tropical Asia and is used to promote self-nurturing. Lemongrass makes a nice addition to potpourri and dream pillow mixtures. The essential oil is useful for mental fatigue and loss of concentration.


Magickal Uses: To break up bad conditions and promote health; to draw a new lover.

LEMON VERBENA (Aloysia triphylla)

Planet: Mars

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Dreams, happiness, harmony, love, prevent nightmares, psychic protection, rest, sleep, tranquility. To magically break up or casue discord and strife between two people. Lemon verbena is used in love spells and mixtures to help make a person attractive to the opposite sex. Add lemon verbena to other magickal herbs to increase their strength. Lemon verbena makes an aromatic addition to potpourri mixes and dream pillows.

LICORICE ROOT (glycyrrhiza glabra)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Physical energy, to ensure love and fidelty. To gain power over others and control them; also to change someone's mind.

LILAC (Syringa vulgaris)

Planet: Venus, Mercury

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, gentleness, harmony, protection, recall past lives, tranquility. The sweet scent is said to draw Fae spirits to your garden. Lilac and primroses for midsummers eve, will please the Fae. In New England, lilacs were originally planted to ward off evil influences. The scent of lilac brings peace and harmony into everyday life. Synthetics are commonly used to achieve a lilac scent due to the scarcity of natural oil that can be extracted. Lilac is the state flower of New Hampshire. Lilac flower essence is healing to those whose personal development has been stunted, often by a domineering parent.

LILLY OF THE VALLEY (convallaria majalis)

Planet: Venus

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Gentleness, happiness, modesty, protection. Happy memories, peace of mind, happiness, tranquility. The flowers cheer the heart and lift the spirits. The scent will improve memory. Use for a restful sleep and to ease heartache. Lily-of-the-valley calms the nerves and promotes spiritual peace.

LINDEN (tilia europaea)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Protection, love, immortality

LOOSESTRIFE: (Lythrum salicaria)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Moon

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Peace, Protection.

LOTUS (Nymphaea lotus)

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Mineral association: Amber and aquamarine

Magickal Uses: Blessings, luck, protection. It is an ancient light symbol, closing its blossom and retiring into the water at sunset, then opening again at dawn. The eight-petaled lotus represents cosmic unity; the thousand-petaled lotus symbolizes the totality of all revelations. Anyone who breathes the scent of the lotus will receive its protection. Lotus is used for healing and fertility. It’s fragrance attracts good fortune and love and promotes long life. Dress a candle with lotus oil and burn to kindle harmony while opening the crown chakra to high spiritual energies. ROOT - Used in Lunar magical workings, for love, and for protection. SEEDS - Love, beauty, purity, sexuality, fertility, longevity, immortality.

MACE (Myristica fragrans)

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Magickal Uses: Gain, good luck, protection. Mental alertness, mental quickness, mental stimulation. Mace is an ingredient of powdered incense used for creative work, money and business. Mace is derived from the crimson-colored aril or outer covering of the nutmeg. Nutmeg was highly praised in the writings of Hildegard von Bingen. Belief was that whoever received a nutmeg on New Year’s Day and carried it in their pocket could fall without breaking the smallest bone during the coming year. It has been said that carrying mace improves the intellect.


Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Sexual awakening, energy, will, confidence

MANDRAKE ROOT (Mandragora)

Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: A famous root used by conjurers to create love-dolls and also for money-drawing magic. Tradition ritual uses only - not an incense - not a medicine, Removing sterility, removing hindrances and enemies, exorcism. *POISONOUS - USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION*

MARIGOLD: (Calendula Officinalis)

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Astrological Sign: Leo

Associated Deities: Sun Gods

Magickal Uses: Brighten disposition, clairvoyance, divination, dreams, good luck, happiness, memory, protection, renewal, sleep, success. Consecration, Divination, Legal Matter, Prophetic Dreams, Protection, Psychic powers. Leaves - Placed under the mattress for marital happiness, fidelity, and mutual sexual attraction. Known as a love charm in garden magic, marigold should be gathered at noon for love sachets. Widely used in dream pillows, marigold flowers placed beneath the head at night may induce clairvoyant dreams. Marigolds are found in recipes for love divination and it is also said that they give off bright sparks of light during a thunderstorm.

MARJORAM (Origanum majorana)

Planet: Venus

Element: Air

Astrological Sign: Aries, Capricorn

Magickal Uses: Happiness, harmony, love, peace, tranquility, weddings. To drive off those who would harm your family; to protect home or business from jinxes. The scent of marjoram tranquilizes and brings peaceful sleep. It is a popular inclusion in dream pillows. Known as a symbol of happiness, marjoram is given to a grieving person to draw happiness into their life. An infusion of marjoram, rosemary and mint can be used to cleanse physical objects. A bit of the herb placed in every room of the house is said to provide protection which can be sustained by changing it every month. Add to love charms and incenses, marjoram may also improve concentration and memory.


Magickal Uses: For mastery, strength, and control over adversaries, also used to prepare a healing oil.


Magickal Uses: A power enhancing herb for protection, psychism, luck, and to command respect from all.

MEADOWSWEET (Filipendula ulmaria)

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Peace, love. Also known as "Queen of the Meadow," its gentle vibration establishes peace and gladdens the heart. Use in dream pillows to encourage a state of receptivity. Meadowsweet soothes headaches and induces restful sleep. The flower essence is for people who feel tense and anxious, with tightness in the head and neck muscles. Meadowsweet is associated with Beltane.


Magickal Uses: Both Monarch butterflies and fairies like milkweed. If Milkweed is planted in a Witches garden, the fey will always be in the area. The silky tassels of the Milkweed pods can be added to a dream pillow to not only make it softer but also to make you dream of fairies.

MIMOSA (Acacia decurrens)

Planet: Saturn

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Love, protection, prophetic dreams, purification. With its warm, sweet honey fragrance that soothes worries, fears and sensitivity, mimosa is a gentle nurturer used in healing for its calming vibrations. Mimosa has been recommended for channeling. It can be used to free the soul of the physical body and reach the angelic realms of dream states. Unlocking the subconscious mind, it enhances psychic awareness during dreams and visualizations. Mimosa is an excellent fixative when mixed with other aromatic substances. It adds a radiance to other scents in the mixture, creating depth and complexity.


Magickal Uses: An herb said to break hoodoo spells and jinxes and to gain mental strength during times of difficulty.


Magickal Uses: The most sacred herb of the Druids. Mistletoe is a magickal activator. In Faery spells, use a dash of Mistletoe taken on Summer Solstice to empower your workings with Faery magick. *POISONOUS - USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION*

MUGWORT: (Artemisia vulgaris)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Mineral association: Moonstone and Pearl

Associated Deities: Artemis, Diana, Hecate.

Magickal Uses: Aphrodisiac, consecration, divination, dreams, healing, longevity, prevent theft, protection, sleep, strength. Cleansing, healing, protection, vigor, vitality. Astral Projection, Clairvoyance, Divination, Healing, Prophetic Dreams, Protection, Psychic Powers, Strength. Burned and inhaled for psychic abilities, made into tea to wash amulets and crystals. Named after the goddess Artemis, the protectress of virgins, mugwort has an ancient reputation as a specific for female cycles. Mugwort as a magical plant is known to increase psychic powers. Sleeping with mugwort beneath the head may bring dreams of the future and of inner enlightenment. Mugwort protects from all forms of evil. In China it is hung over doors to keep out harmful spirits. It is tossed into the fireplace to keep a house safe from lightning. Mugwort oil is used in the consecration of crystal balls and items of silver.

MULLEIN (Verbascum thapus)

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Courage, health, love divination, protection. Attraction, Health and love. Used in "dark arts" spells and conjurations; burned with incense when raising spirits. Mullein is an herb of protection and the presence of this tall, stout biennial is thought to bless the garden. Monasteries often grew mullein to protect them against manifestations of the devil. In India it was highly regarded as a safeguard against negativity, evil spirits and magic. Ulysses used the mullein plant to protect himself against the wiles of Circe. Known as "Candlewick Plant," its large dried flower stalks have been soaked in vegetable oil or tallow and used as torches on Hallow’s Eve. Mullein is carried to instill courage, and wearing it while hiking in untamed areas is thought to provide protection from wild animals. Employed in rituals for women, mullein is also used in dream pillows to prevent nightmares. As a flower remedy, mullein can help listen to inner voice and conscience.

MUSK MALLOW (malva verticillata)

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: The Male, Lust, Virility, Strength, Prowess, Pursuit


Magickal Uses: To disrupt the activities of unwanted associates or troublesome, meddling people.


Magickal Uses: A symbol of faith, carried for protection and to keep trouble away.

MYRRH: (Commiphora Myrrha)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Mineral association: Pearl

Associated Deities: Adonis, Demeter, Freya, Hathor, Hecate, Hera, Isis, Juno, Marian, Neptune, Nephthys, Poseidon, Ra, Rhea, Saturn.

Magickal Uses: To brighten disposition, consecration, protection, release, success, transformation. Usually burned with Frankincense, for Exorcism, Healing, Protection, Spiritual Awareness, purification, romance, love. Myrrh incense is used to consecrate and bless objects such as rings, amulets, charms, and talismans. It purifies, lifts vibrations, creates peace, and aids meditation and contemplation. Myrrh is appropriate to burn when attempting to understand personal sorrow. It energizes the crown chakra.


Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Fertility, happiness, matrimony, to increase the longevity of promises


Magickal Uses: A strong jinx-breaker herb when used as a sprinkle or brewed and drunk as a tea.

NIGHTSHADE (solanum nigrum)

Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Tradition ritual uses only - not an incense - not a medicine. *POISONOUS - USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION*

NUTMEG (Myristica fragrans)

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, fidelity, health, luck, money. A most powerful lucky charm is made from it by gamblers to bring in the winnings. Nutmegs have been carried as good luck charms and to ward off rheumatism. For a potent herbal necklace, they are sometimes strung with star anise and tonka beans. Sprinkle ground nutmeg on a green candle to attract money and prosperity or burn in incense mixtures to increase clairvoyance. Nutmegs have a strong, peculiar and delightful fragrance which invigorate and activate the mind, encouraging dreams and visions. The essential oil encourages unity and peace. Nutmeg should be used in moderation.


Legend tells us that "Faery folks are in the oaks". Oak trees are believed to provide safe havens and homes for many varieties of faery.

OAKMOSS (evernia prunastri)

Planet: Earth

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Nurturing, grounding, fertility, starting of works, calm

OATS: (Avena sativa)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Money, Prosperity, Sexual Magick.

ONION, WHITE (allium cepa)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Exorcism, Protection, Confrontation, Strength, Virility

OPOPONAX (Commiphora holtziana)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Healing, protection, spirituality. Opoponax, also called sweet or bisabol myrrh is a close relative of myrrh. Various cultures have used opoponax in incense burning against negative influences, using its fragrance to protect against disasters. It is also used to support intuition, strengthen the senses, and increase awareness. Use in conjunction with exercises to balance the aura.

ORANGE (Citrus aurantium)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Beauty, fertility, good luck, happiness, love, money, prosperity, weddings. Confidence, courage, success against challenges, confronting of obstacles, employment, legal matters, government matters, leadership, friendship happiness, home, peace, physical energy, health and strength, divination, travel. The folk name for orange is "love fruit." Add the dried peel to love sachets and prosperity incenses. The Chinese have long considered oranges symbols of luck and good fortune.

OREGANO (Origanum vulgare)

Magickal Uses: A magical herb said to keep the law away; also used to keep troublesome in-laws away.

ORRIS ROOT (iris germanica)

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Divination, love, protection .Love, communication, grace, beauty, the arts, the muses. Orris root is used to find and hold love. Orris root powder is referred to as "Love Drawing Powder." Orris is used in Japan to protect against evil spirits, and a whole root can be suspended from a cord and used as a pendulum. Orris root has also been traditionally used to still gossip. Use with caution as the powder has been known to cause allergic skin reactions.

OSHA ROOT (ligusticum poteri)

Planet: Mars

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Healing, grounding

PAPRIKA (capsicum annum)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Completion of long tasks, excelling at work

PASSION FLOWER (passiflora incarnata)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Friendship, peace, sleep. Symbolic of clinging love and of the crucifixion; brings peace and blessings to the home. Carry passion flower to attract friends and increase popularity. Blend in oil for anointing of sacred and ritual objects, for blessing, and for use during prayer. Passion flower supports greater awareness associated with channeling, clairvoyance and heightened spiritual states. It is used for protection against negative and harmful vibrations that cause biological stress which eminate from electronic devices such as computers, televisions, and microwave ovens. It calms anger, substituting an understanding of the human condition.

PATCHOULI (pogostemon cablin)

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, protection, sensuality. Protection, grounding, encouragement. Used in both love-drawing and money-drawing magic rites, and to break jinxes. Add patchouly to the bath to attract love. Use in money and prosperity mixtures. To attract wealth, place patchouly in purses and wallets, or place around the base of green candles. As an herb of Venus, patchouly’s energy can enhance the ability to attract what is desired. Burn in clairvoyance and divination incenses. Patchouly increases psychic awareness and refines sensory perception. Assists persons desiring to be more outgoing and social. Patchouly provides a link between the spiritual and the physical levels. It is grounding but at the same time can awaken a person’s spirituality.


Magickal Uses: An herb used to help students pass tests and to increase studious concentration.


Magickal Uses: To keep peace in the home, end family troubles, and help solve marital problems.


Magickal Uses: ROOT - To protect against misfortune, bolster health, break jinxes, and draw good fortune. SEEDS - were once used to protect children from faeries. A garland of the seeds were placed around the child's neck to keep them safe from kidnapping. In this day and age, with faery contact so drastically diminished, I doubt that anyone would want to don this faery banishing herb unless they were living smack dab in the middle of a circle of crazed Fae!!

PEPPER, BLACK (piper nigrum)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Strength, Courage, Attack, Bravery. To get rid of evil or to cast evil onto someone; to make someone move out of your way.


Magickal Uses: To make problems for someone, cause a break-up, make them move out; also for cleansing.

PEPPERMINT (mentha piperita)

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Astrological Sign: Cancer & Aquarius

Magickal Uses: Aphrodisiac, dreams, good luck, happiness, love, draw prosperity, protection, psychic development, renewal, rest, transformation. Dreams, rest, sleep, uplifting of spirits, purification, healing. Peppermint is a popular ingredient in dream pillows to encourage pleasant dreams. Inhale the fragrance of the crushed leaves if you have trouble falling asleep. It is believed to allow glimpses of the future in dreams. Peppermint has the sweetest scent of all the mints. It is used to ease nervousness and headache. The presence of peppermint is thought to raise the vibration of an area. Dried peppermint is added to healing incense and burned to cleanse the house in winter.

PENNYROYAL (Mentha pulegium)

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Protection. Pennyroyal is a species of mint named by Pliny from the Latin pulex (flea) for its reputed power of driving away fleas. Highly aromatic, pennyroyal was recommended by physicians for hanging in sleeping rooms. Pennyroyal tea is and old-fashioned remedy for menstrual "derangements." Placed in the shoe, it is said to prevent weariness. Used as a flower remedy for energy blockages in the throat chakra, pennyroyal protects on the subtle energetic level. It helps mend damage to the aura, especially holes caused by addictions. For those disturbed by the negative thoughts of others, pennyroyal can reduce mental confusion.


Magickal Uses: Placed under the mattress for love; carried to attract money and to dispel the Evil Eye.

PINE (pinus edulis)

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Air

Astrological Sign: Aquarius

Magickal Uses: Animals, clairvoyance, exorcism, fertility, healing, money, protection, strength. Pine is burned during the winter months to purify and cleanse the house. In Japan it is customary to place a pine branch over the door of the house to ensure continual joy within. Pine activates energies associated with the third eye or brow chakra and enhances work with the animal kingdom. It supports the ability to sense the shape and color of auras. Pine pinon is best collected during the ascension of Sirius, the Dog Star. Incense burning with pine resin supports the nerves, giving energy, courage and emotional strength. NEEDLES - A spiritual cleanser, draws steady money, drives out spirits, removes mental negativity. RESIN - Purification incense favoured by Native Americans of the Woodlands Tribes.


Magickal Uses: A magick herb that is said to protect one against snakes and also against thieves.

POMEGRANATE PEEL (punica granatum)

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Attraction, temptation (usually for abundance, luck, wealth, riches, and rewards)

POPPY (OPIUM) (Papaver somniferum)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Associated Deities: Anubis, Demeter, Freya, Hecate, Hera, Isis, Mut, Neptune, Rhea, Saturn

Magickal Uses: Fertility, Invisibility, Love, Luck, Money, Relaxation, Visionary Workings. Flowers - To induce psychic dreams and visions while you sleep; to confuse someone for love. Seeds - Used in magic spells to confuse someone; also used to dominate and morally weaken enemies. Said to invoke the faery into your dreams Make a dream pillow of fresh poppies to entice the fae to your dreams.


Magickal Uses: When planted in a garden or hung dried on the front door, primroses will attract the company of Faeries. If you have them growing under your care, do not let them die! The Faery will be deeply offended by your carelessness. Primroses are great in container gardens.


Magickal Uses: Used in controlling and domination spells to replace or augment the hair of the target.


Magickal Uses: Root used to attract men and to cause them to love you.

RASPBERRY (Rubus idaeus)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Love, protection. Used in an herbal spiritual bath by women so that their men will not want to wander. Raspberry supports the ability to have a child-like state of mind, incorporating joy, fun of life, and a sense of relaxation. It is particularly useful for those too intensely involved in spiritual practices. Raspberry enhances powers of clairvoyance, especially in children. It also reduces sibling rivalry and increases bonding between two individuals. Raspberry is cleansing to the etheric and emotional bodies, and energizing to the root chakra. It is used as a flower remedy to increase kind-heartedness in over-reactive and insensitive people.


Magickal Uses: For magickal protection from actual and symbolic "snakes in the grass".


Magickal Uses: For use in a magic spell to being prosperity to the home and draw customers to a business.

ROSE (rosa centifolia)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Mineral association: Emerald

Magickal Uses: Love, fertility, clairvoyance, tranquility. Love, secrecy, beauty, sometimes transformation, hidden delights, treachery. Roses attract the Faery to a garden. Their sweet scent will lure elemental spirits to take up residence close by. Roses can be used in Faery love spells. When performing the spell, sprinkle rose petals under your feet and dance softly upon them while asking the Faery for their blessing on your magick. Roses are loved by the fey so you can plant Roses in your garden to attract fairies. Wild Roses are best for this purpose. Rose buds and petals tossed into a fire are said to bring good luck. Roses have traditionally been used in love mixtures due to the flower’s association with the emotions. Roses are sacred to Aphrodite, Goddess of love. Roses are often added to healing incenses and sachets. When carried, they act as personal protectants. Rose petals sprinkled around the house calm personal stress and household upheavals. When meditating, anointing the heart chakra with rose oil assists in attaining the manifestation of love. Roses bring with them the ability to learn the joy of giving selflessly rather than expecting a return. BUDS - For conjugal love; combined with lavender and red clover tops in love-drawing spells. PETALS - For good luck in love; also to remove any kind of love-jinxing someone has done to you.

ROSEMARY: (Rosemarinus officinalis)

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Mercury (in its nature), Sun (in its use)

Element: Fire

Astrological Sign: Leo, Pisces, Scorpio

Associated Deities: Fairies

Magickal Uses: Remembrance, Love, Fidelity, Oaths, Clarity, Purification, Home, Friendship, Happiness, Youth. Cleansing, Exorcism, Healing, Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Purification, Rites of Passage, Repels Negativity, Relaxation, Use to attract Fairies. Protects against evil, cleanses, ensures fidelity; gives a woman domination in the home. Rosemary is one of the oldest incenses and its powerful cleansing and purifying vibrations eliminate negativity as it is burned. Place beneath the pillow to drive away nightmares and under the bed to protect from harm. Rosemary hung from the porch or doorpost will keep thieves from the house. A rosemary infusion is used to wash the hands before healing work. To receive knowledge or the answer to a question, burn rosemary on charcoal and smell its smoke.

ROWAN: (Pyrus aucuparia)

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Associated Deities: Brigantia, Brighid, Cuchulain, Thor.

Magickal Uses: Healing, Invoking Spirits, Familiars, Spirit Guides and the Elementals, Power, Protection, Psychic Powers, Success.


Planet: Mars

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Discovering and Banishing of enemies and malignant forces, Protection, Divination. To break curses, hexes, or jinxes that have been cast upon you; to ward off the Evil Eye.


Magickal Uses: Burned for love by gay men; mixed with Sampson Snake Root to draw a dominant lover.

SAFFRON (crocus sativus)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Love, Sleep, Purity, Chastity, Contentment

SAGE: (Salvia officinalis)

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Air

Astrological Sign: Virgo and Leo

Associated Deities: Consus, Jupiter, Zeus.

Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, consecration, divination, domestic harmony, inspiration, longevity, meditation, peace, tranquility, wisdom. Protection, banishing, spirituality, calling of spirits, wisdom, purification, longevity. Cleansing the Aura, Immortality, Longevity, Protection, Purification, Wisdom, Wishes. For wisdom, discernment, and decision-making; keeps off the Evil Eye; reverses magic spells. White Sage Bundles are a traditional incense of ceremonial offering, cleansing, purification, and protection among some tribes of Native Americans and have become popular for these same uses with spiritual workers of diverse cultures.Sage carries the virtues of strength, mental health, and healing. It is a significant religious herb among the tribes of North America and is used for energy protection. Sage brings one in touch with common sense, cleansing the thinking process and clearing the mind of negative thoughts. It is the appropriate incense for meetings of business and important decisions. Sage strengthens the fifth chakra while promoting harmonious communication. Sage is thought to be helpful during life transitions, allowing one to step back and consider the unfolding events.


Magickal Uses: A root of power and strength, especially for men.


Planet: Moon

Element: Air

Mineral association: Emerald and turquoise

Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, divination, good luck, meditation, protection, success. Sandalwood is a holy incense in India and has always been popular in blended incenses burned for fragrance and in magical rites. Scatter sandalwood to clear a place of negativity. Burn for protection and healing. Possesses high spiritual vibrations especially when mixed with frankincense and burned at the full moon. Mix with lavender to make an incense designed to conjure spirits. In the orient, sandalwood is a funereal herb believed to carry the soul into the next life. With sandalwood, deep states of relaxation take place on the spiritual level. Burning sandalwood incense can benefit healing work by promoting a deeper relaxed state in the healer, increasing spiritual energy. Sandalwood also relaxes the heart and throat chakras.

SANDARAC (Tetraclinis articulata)

Planet: Saturn

Magickal Uses: It’s warm, balsamic fragrance is calming and relaxing. When burned in the evening, it eases insomnia caused by tension and stress. Sandarac can be burned to neutralize negative energy and illness-causing tension. Because the resin creates a great deal of smoke, other ingredients are usually mixed with it. Folk recipes combine coriander seeds, benzoin and mastic.


Magickal Uses: For health, to draw money, to bless a house, and to arouse sexual passion.


Magickal Uses: Carried in wallet near money, helps you control and make your money go further.

SCAMMONY (convolulus panduratus)

Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Banishing, exorcism. *Poisonous - not for internal use*

SCHIZANDRA BERRY (schisandra chinesis)

Sign: Scorpio

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Calming of fears and axieties, increased focus of reflexes and mental faculties, alertness


Magickal Uses: A magic herb to protect from liars, false friends, backbiters, and "snakes in the grass."


Magickal Uses: Leaf - Used to draw love from someone unaware of your interest, also for faithful love. Pods - Mixed with other herbs to make a rinse water for laundry that keeps a lover faithful.

SKULLCAP: (Scutellaria lateriflora)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Saturn

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Fidelity, love, peace. Sedation, a punative for keeping a person loyal to their oaths or vows. Fidelity, Love, Meditation, Relaxation, Peace. To encourage fidelity; also used to magically attract gifts of money. Skullcap is used in magic for spells of peace and relaxation. Women wear skullcap to protect their husbands from the charms of other women. Skullcap is used in the binding of a handfasting for a couple willing to pledge their commitment for the rest of this life, or for a relationship that will extend beyond this life. Skullcap herb is used for nervous headaches, neuralgia, and inducing sleep. As a flower remedy skullcap, recommended for those who are frazzled, disconnected and preoccupied, allows contemplation and being present in the moment. It helps to dissolve old thought-patterns, clears the effects of toxins and eases withdrawal from addiction to drugs including caffeine.


Magickal Uses: To stop all types of slander, gossip, and back-biting by strangers, neighbors, and family.


Magickal Uses: For luck and money; to protect against snakes and false friends.


Magickal Uses: Strange, grey plant used to stuff doll-babies ("voodoo dolls") and for enemy-work.

SPEARMINT (Mentha spicata)

Planet: Venus

Element: Air

Astrological Sign: Leo, Gemini

Magickal Uses: Animals, aphrodisiac, dreams, endings, happiness, love, prosperity, renewal, rest, sleep, transformation. Spearmint makes a good addition to love mixtures and sachets. It has many applications as a healing herb. Its scent increases and sharpens mental powers. Pillows stuffed with spearmint are believed to provide protection during sleep. Spearmint used in amulets carries the qualities of success and protection, and is believed to add clarity, vividness and color to dreams.

SPIKENARD (aralia racemosa)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Animals, love, money, psychic protection. Calming the heart, mental health, mental strength, reduce anxiety. A noted love-herb, mentioned in the Bible and often used love spells, oils, and incenses. Since ancient times, spikenard has been used as a sedative for treatment of the nervous system. It is balancing and deeply calming, lessening feelings of fear, restlessness, and nervousness. Its grounding effect when burned in incense mixtures helps to alleviate mental exertion. In magic it is called the ‘herb of the student.’ Spikenard increases mental clarity, helping to more quickly learn from experiences and to remember details when studying.


Magickal Uses: Used by pregnant women to protect an unborn baby from being "marked" by jealous eyes.

ST.JOHNSWORT (Hypericum perforatum)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Divination, health, happiness, love, protection, strength. The name Hypericum is derived from the Greek and means "over an apparition," a reference to the belief that St. Johnswort would cause evil spirits to fly away. Associated with the energies of Midsummer’s eve, it was worn to ward off fevers and colds, to cure meloncholy, or to attract love. According to legend, St. Johnswort placed beneath the pillow allows an unmarried woman to dream of her future husband. A flower remedy for worry and paranoia, St. Johnswort brings protection and guidance. It seals the aura and help brings a sound sleep which allows the release of subconscious fears.


Magickal Uses: Stops misfortunes, increases psychic power, brings back a lost love, increases good luck.

STORAX BARK (liquidambar styraciflua)

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Concentration, will, strength, alertness


Magickal Uses: To be given a reduced sentence or fine in court cases.

SUNFLOWER (Helianthus annus)

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Astrological Sign: Leo, Virgo

Magickal Uses: Fertility, health, wisdom, wishes. Use sunflower petals as a bathing herb to bring happiness and replace sorrow with joy. Sunflower corresponds to the Sun card of the tarot. Use to consecrate stones which will be used for healing. To know the truth about any matter, sleep with a sunflower under the bed. Sunflower is known as the herb of immortality. It is the patron herb for Leo and Virgo, and is said to attract dragons.

SWEETGRASS (Hierochloe odorata )

Magickal Uses: Sweet Grass is best known as an incense smudge, but it is also a medicinal tea for coughs and sore throats. Burning sweetgrass attracts positive energies and cleanses the atmosphere. According to Native American tradition, kind and helpful spirits love the fragrance of sweetgrass. It can provide a positive connection between teacher and student and help people within a group become better attuned to one another. Sweetgrass is a fragrance for the soul.

TARRAGON (Artemisia dracunulus)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Animals, aphrodisiac, confidence, courage, prevent theft, protection, sensuality. Called "Little Dragon" or sometimes, "Dragon Mugwort," is was said to cure the bites and stings of venomous beasts and mad dogs. Spiritually, the odor of tarragon stimulates a deeper sense of the true self. It also supports conscious or lucid dreaming, and astral travel.

THYME: (Thymus vulgaris)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Venus (Sun?)

Element: Water

Mineral association: Pearls

Associated Deities: Ares, Fairies, Mars.

Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, confidence, consecration, courage, divination, love, magic, meditation, money, prevent nightmares, protection. Clarity, clear mind, courage, nobility, honor, banishing of poisonous things and hidden treacheries. To help focus Personal Energies, Courage, Healing, Health, Love, Purification, Psychic Powers, Sleep. To make money grow and stay with you; to promote good health; to stop nightmares. Wearing thyme will increase your ability to see the Sidhe. Sprinkle it at the base of your door, and on window sills to invite the Faery to enter your home. It is burned as an incense to purge and fumigate magical spaces, and to attract good health. A pillow stuffed with thyme is said to cure nightmares, and a sprig of thyme may be worn at a funeral as protection from the negativity of the mourners. In spring, a cleansing bath with marjoram and thyme may be taken to ensure that all the sorrows and ills of the past are removed. Wearing thyme is said to aid in the development of psychic powers. The scent of thyme may give courage and energy. It can be useful for people who need to share information.


Magickal Uses: To win in court; to reach folks when you don't know where they are.

TONKA BEAN (dipteryx odorata)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Courage, love, money, wishes. Luck, Success, Gain. Whole beans in pod; used in magic spells to make love-wishes come true. Finely ground beans may be added to incense mixtures in small amounts for an emotionally warming and harmonizing effect. Aromatic, but toxic and narcotic, tonka beans should never be taken internally. The beans are used in love sachets and are carried to attract love. They are also carried or worn to attract money, bring luck, prevent illness and strengthen courage.

TURMERIC ROOT (Curcuma longa)

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Aphrodisiac, purification, protection. A mild aromatic stimulant which is strengthening to the emotions, turmeric evokes passion and is considered to be an aphrodisiac. Scatter the powder about a magic circle for protection.

UVA URSI (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)

Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Animals, protection, strength. A religious herb to Native Americans, uva ursi or bearberry is included in pipe-smoking mixtures. Some tribes employed it in the training of shamans in skills of divination and prophecy. Uva ursi is used in magic by those wishing to increase their psychic ability. Add to sachets designed to strengthen psychic powers. Uva ursi is an evergreen shrub with small, tough, shiny leaves found growing in hilly areas of upper midwest North America and Canada.

VALERIAN: (Valeriana officinalis)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Calming, Healing, Bonding with Cats and attracting Cat Familiars, Love, Purification, Protection, Relaxation, Sleep. ROOT - Used in raising demonic spirits, making pacts, and casting evil spells.

VANILLA BEAN (vanilla aromatica)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Love, attraction, lust, pleasure, desire

VERVAIN (verbena officinalis)

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Nourishing, nurturing, engendering, increase of energy, empress, eloquence. Sacred herb of the Druids.

VETIVER ROOT (vetiveria zizanioides)

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Mineral association: Black Tourmaline

Magickal Uses: Love, luck, anti-theft. Calming, stabilizing, restful, protective, good for emotional recall (associative memory). Vetiver, or khus-khus is used in love powders and incenses, or may be added to the bath water to attract the opposite sex. Place in the cash register to increase business, carry for luck, or burn in incense to protect against theft. Vetiver is grounding to the root chakra. Use on the solar plexus chakra to protect against oversensitivity. Vetiver’s gentle energy is calming when unsettling events effect the spiritual self. A small amount added to an incense mixture produces an earthy-sweet, erotic fragrance.

VIOLET (Viola odorata)

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Fidelity, gentleness, harmony, healing, love, luck, modesty, peace, protection, serenity, transformation. At festivals in antiquity, participants were crowned with violets to protect them from intoxication. In the Middle Ages, the violet signified modest virtuousness and humility. A favorite scent in the Victorian era, violet fragrance is often made synthetically due to its high cost. Sprinkle violets around the corners of the house to attract the blessings of good spirits. Violets possess healing vibrations and are a source of inspiration and good fortune for women. The scent of violet calms lovers’ quarrels. The flower essence is used to develop warmth and faith, bringing increased openness to people who feel lonely in a group. Worn in the shoe to attract a new lover, bring back a lost love, or heal a broken heart.


Magickal Uses: Leaf - An herb that is used in hexing, jinxing, crossing, and break-up spells. Nut - Used in a magic spell to rid oneself of ties to the past, to remove obsessive love.


Magickal Uses: Brewed into an herbal tea in which one bathes for purification, jinx-removal, and cleansing.

WHITE SAGE (salvia apiana)

Planet: Mercury

Element: Earth

Astrological Sign: Virgo and Leo

Magickal Uses: Clairvoyance, consecration, divination, domestic harmony, inspiration, longevity, meditation, peace, tranquility, wisdom. Protection, banishing, cleansing. White sage is thought to be effective for cleansing the atmosphere and is used by Native Americans during healing rituals and sweat lodge ceremonies. Tribes also burn sage to treat rheumatism. Sage smoke cleanses indoor spaces and objects. The fresh, herbal fragrance refreshes the mind, enhances memory, and supports the path to wisdom and mental clarity.

WILLOW: (Salix alba)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Associated Deities: Artemis, Belili, Brigantia, Brighid, Ceres, Cirse, Hecate, Hera, Hermes, Isis, Mercury, Moon Goddess, Osiris, Persephone, Poseidon, Zeus.

Magickal Uses: Healing, Initiation Rites, Love Divination, Love, Protection. Brewed into an herbal tea in which one bathes for purification, jinx-removal, and cleansing. Healing, dreams, recuperation.


Magickal Uses: Draws money and good luck; aids in sexual matters; used to smoke gambling halls.

WISTERIA (Wisteria sinensis)

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Magickal Uses: Gentleness, inspiration. knowledge, love, psychic development, wisdom. Wisteria is for women who have problems with their femininity and sexuality, and for men who deny the softer and more feminine part of themselves. It relieves fear of intimacy in both men and women. Use as anointing oil for prayer and meditation. Wisteria oil is also an aid to channeling. An herb of scholars and students, wisteria aids in keeping thoughts organized in the pursuit of intellectual development.

WOOD BETONY (betonica officinalis)

Planet: Saturn

Element: Water

Magickal Uses: Protection, purification, dreams, sleep. Protective against evil spirits and disease; burned with Agrimony to reverse jinxes.

WORMWOOD (artemisia absinthium)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Banishment, vengeance, discovering enemies and harm. Protective magic herb, prevents accidents; stimulates psychic visions and contact with spirits.

YARROW: (Achillea millefolium)

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Moon (Mars?)

Element: Water

Associated Deities: Cernunnos, Herne, Pan.

Magickal Uses: Creativity, problem-solving, lust. Courage, Exorcism, Love, Psychic Powers. Breaks curses, increases psychic power, and stimulates courage in dangerous situations.

YERBA SANTA (eriodictyon californicus)

Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Magickal Uses: Animals, beauty, healing, psychic powers, protection, strength. Exorcism, banishing, protection, animals. The name means Holy herb; kept on altars as an offering; brewed into a cleansing herb tea. Considered to be a sacred plant of energy, it is traditionally kept in medicine bags. Native Americans believe that burning the plant neutralizes negative energies which cause illness and that its fragrance creates an atmosphere of healing. It reduces fear and emotional injuries, and helps correct inappropriate behavior which leads to illness. Burned in small amounts to create a warm fragrance, the best way is to combine yerba santa in a mixture with other plants. Yerba santa is used in magic for spiritual strength and to increase psychic powers. It is carried for protection, and added to the bath to attain beauty. The leaves are added to healing incenses, and worn in amulets to ward off illness

ZEDOARY (Curcuma zedoaria)

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Magickal Uses: Aphrodisiac, confidence, courage, magic, passion, protection, spell-breaking, strength. Zedoary is an ancient spice. It is a close relative to turmeric and native to India and Indonesia. It is a rhizome or underground stem and grows in tropical and subtropical wet forest regions. It is used in magic for protection and purification. In Eastern medicine, Zedoary is valued for its ability to purify the blood.

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