Adessa's Journal

Adessa's Journal


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Asher's Story

03:30 Apr 15 2013
Times Read: 602

My human name is Asher Blake Bijan. I am a wealthy Lord of many estates and holdings. I've traveled the world and seen many things. I'm older then most of my kind but one. The one of course thats older then me is the Queen.

I spent most of my unnatural life in solitary confinement. Learning the ways of my kind and magic, but mostly learning how to take on my destiny and survive. I had to become this abomination in order to live and save, but why do I need to be more then what I was in order to do this? I was immortal already with speed, magic and strength to spare I was but a child when I made this choice all because of Her.

She that stole my heart in a vision of destiny, the second I saw her I knew I was doomed until we met, for I would save her and her me and then the world would be in peace once more. I wonder if I knew of the hardships I would bear would I make the same choice? Yes... Damn me for that curesed yes. How could I ever say no? How does a man ever say no when his heart betrays him? I'm so far beyond screwed that hell has been my comfort for millenia by my own choosing. This girl better be worth it.

My Fate grows closer every day the nearness of it makes every fiber of me fear more then I did when I made the choice. I try to run but no matter what way I start in or how far I go I'm only going where fate needs me. Yup screwed is a great term for what I am.

Perhaps if I sit and meditate something my people taught me often I can figure out what to do. Then it happens so fast that humans would have a hard time desifering what just took place, me on the other hand it felt like minutes. A voice calls to me telling me its time and to relax, next I felt as though the wind blew right through me and my body had no substance. I was part of the air itself flying no being carried with the warm late spring breeze, only to be dropped off at one of my largest estates. "Look your best and start your ride you only have 12 hours left." The voice says in bearly a wisper as the wind retreats.

As I said no matter how far away I get I still end up exactly where I need to be. Damn! I was at least a month ride from here about three weeks on foot, and still less then an hour goes by and I'm home, about a six hour ride to the estate that seals my fate.

I let myself in as my servants are shocked to see me and my "family" not knowing what to say or think.

"I'm only here a moment continue with life as though nothings out of the ordinary." I order frustrated that no one ever expects me to visit. As I enter my chambors that are of coursed sealed by magic, nothings changed not even dust has settled as I expected, the man who's known as my son follows.

"Father you haven't been around for quiet some time I thought you had passed." My son who's name eludes me at the moment says with both fear and joy. He was a good looking boy when I found him his story clear in mind like it was yesterday.

"Father.... Are you alright?" His voice pulls me back to the here and now.

"Yes child I'm fine, just remembering the day I found you. I'm sorry I made you worry but as you can see I haven't aged a day, death is a welcomed thought to me yet will never come. I am not of your world son nor will I ever be. I stay away for many a reason but none more then to protect the people I care for and the holdings they care for. I love you a great deal but as my people are things of myth to most who only visit on occation I can never stick around or I'll be called demon. These are things I cannot allow. Look at me as a long lost brother who's here to collect some of his fathers clothes for you know who I am but others will fear me and this would put everyone in danger." I had explained to him when I found him and proved my immortality to him to show that when he saw me next I wouldn't have changed to prepare him for this moment. I took a child who's parents died of a plague and turned him into the Lord of this estate. I raised him and showed him enough magic to save himself or others in small ways as well as to entertain. He in many ways is my pride and joy. I remind him again of the things I showed him and told him.

"Yes Sir. Sorry for forgetting myself, a boy's dream is always to see his father before he passes, I'm glad to have gotten to meet you brother you look so much like him." He says with joy and a smile.

It's then that I realise he was testing me to be sure I was who I said I was. That little basterd I taught him well. A smile crosses my face as pride fills me. I feel his magic stretching out searching for the familiar feel of mine.



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