Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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2 entries this month

The Replacement

15:28 Feb 13 2008
Times Read: 1,047

A Short-story with Adult themes.


The phone had rung after tea and during a re-run of ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.’

“Hi friend,” that’s been better than the usual ‘deary’ I’d not heard in ages.

“I have a problem; and thought you might help..”

“Go on,” I’d enquired.

“I have someone booked in for a session: and I’m taking the wife out tonight.”

‘The wife’ was his ex.

Davey was a bi-tv who made quite a bit as a dom. I knew him quite well. And, had the photographic evidence, to prove it.

But I’d not heard from him in ages: not since he had been overly familiar in the way he’d spoken to my Mother: as I live with my parents again, after a series of failed relationships.

I still hadn’t asked the obvious question: ‘Why have you phoned?’

“So, you’re double-booked, aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” he reported, “and I did promise the wife.”

I could see where this was going, but wanted it spelt out for me.

I heard him gulp down his drink before answering: the ice-chinking against the glass as he did.

“Well, I was wondering…” there’d been a pause.


“I was wondering if you’d like to earn some money?”

“How so? How much?” I’d queried.

“A hundred, dead,” he had explained to my surprise.

‘That was a lot,’ I’d thought.

“An all you have to do is, dominate a tv…” There it had been. He’d said it.

“And I know you can do that…” Of course he knew I could dominate a tv.

Before Davey had turned dom, he had been a sub, who’d endure many forms of torture, for his partners pleasure. Point of fact, even after he’d made that switch, I had still enjoyed using his body, as I’d chosen and he’d delighted in pleasing me.

That had been months ago though, so this phone-call had been a bolt out of the blue.

“And when do you want me round, to er… dominate this sub?”

“Tomorrow, at eight?” he had quizzed.

“You want me round at eight?”

“If you want to earn some money and have a bit of fun… yes.”

I had thought about it, for about ten second.

The dole doesn’t provide much I the way of luxuries and I had a night out planned: and besides, who knew what sort of fun I might have with Davey’s client.

“Yeah fella, I’ll do it,” I had told him.

“Excellent deary,” Davey had enthused, to my annoyance.

Gawd I hated the way he sounded when he said that.

“One question…”


“Well, they’re expecting you. How will they be when they find you’ll be replaced for the evening?”

“They’re the sub,” he reminded me, “if I want them to serve someone else they’ll do what I want. Without question.” I could almost see him smiling as he had spoken.

“You sure?”

“Well deary, it’s either that, or no Master.”

Again there was a quiet pause, as I thought on what he’s said.

“So you’ll be here for eight?” He had asked again, seeking my assurance.

“Uh-huh!” I’d answered, trying to sound blasé, whilst beginning to find the whole idea quite arousing: “I’ll be there fella.”

After the phone-call, I’d sat down to watch a few fem-dom tapes, in the name of research. Though my client wouldn’t exactly be female, I wanted a few ideas: and, finding what I’d been looking for, I’d eventually gone to bed, with a smoke; and an erection, that needed attention.

Then this morning, I’d got up and tidied away the tapes and rooted through my wardrobe. I would earn my money, sure; but being a switch is one thing. To do what Davey wanted I needed a hook and those films had been the key, or to be more precise, one of them had.

Anyway the day dawned and I plodded on till tea-time ended and I went through to my room, to get ready.

Come seven, I went up the road to the station and got the train to Lower Bebington.

Getting off the train I walked up the hill, past the expanse of Victoria Park surrounded by a small wall, much of it hidden in shadows at then that time of the evening. I then continued past the shops and took a left, to the road where he lived.

I’d been there several times and it still struck me how ordinary the place looked on the outside, considering all I’ve done with Davey.

Pressing the doorbell I waited awhile, wondering whether expectation would meet reality. Or, would reality exceed it, as had happened several times in the past.

The door opened and Davey stood there smiling.

“Good to see you on time. They’re in the back room, ‘ready for whatever you decide to do with them.’ Me? I have to get out right now!” He said to me, with one hand on the door from and the other went to mine, as he greeted me warmly.


“I have to go, now she phoned up. Wants me there now.” He informed me hurriedly, as he passed by me and stepped through the door.

“When will you be back? What about the money?” I queried anxiously.

Halfway down the path to his small hardwood gate, Dave turned and grinned.

“It’s on the side. Okay? I gotta go. An tie it up and just close up after you. Okay?”

And that was it.

Davey got in his car and was gone, leaving me stood there, wondering what to do next. Well, I knew what to do; I had the balaclava in my pocket.

So closing the door, I turned to walk down the back hall into the kitchen, where I poured myself a vodka and coke, a treble.

I drank slowly and as pulling the black, woollen balaclava out of my pocket, I smiled.

Several of those films had been strong on intimidation and I’m not really that macho.

The balaclava would be the key I needed, after all what you can’t see is scary, I had figured.

I downed the contents, all-in-one, then pouring a second, decided I’d best get to it. So crossing the hall I opened the door to the back.

The room was dim, illuminated by just the wall side-lights, yet there was enough to see my ‘client’, sitting there in the middle of the cream, leather sofa.

Across from where I stand, the television is on playing a dvd; a young slim blonde tv dressed in a little black dress, is being mauled by two older men.

The young man on screen is being very vocal, which is good, as my ‘client’ can’t see what he can hear.

Like the fellow on screen, my client is slim and dressed en femme, wearing a French maids outfit, lots of black and frilled lace; and, on his head, he wears a leather hood, that leaves the lower part of his face exposed.

It seems that my balaclava was hardly needed.



21:56 Feb 13 2008

I do enjoy reading your stories my dear..

09:53 Feb 14 2008

Fabulous =)

I'd love to see this one continued, though it did end perfectly!


‘Dressed to die for…’

23:29 Feb 04 2008
Times Read: 1,067

An Adult fairy tale

I’m thankful; the room is warm, as I stare down at the floor I’m very aware of your eyes upon me.

The fire burns bright and the lights are dim.

I’d called round, at the time you have instructed, my bag stuffed with all I had needed for the evening. And now I wait to see if I have pleased you.

“Are you happy pretty-boy?” You ask, in a tender voice.

I lift my eyes toward you, to see your smile, as you gaze across the room toward me.

You look lovely, with your curves a delight to my eyes.

You lie on your side, legs drawn into your belly, wearing just a white bra and matching panties, which are tight against you, emphasizing your femininity.

“C’mon answer you ask with a smile, “Cat got your tongue?”

My mind whirls, as I think back to the message I’d first sent, which had informed you of my need to dress like this and be held and cuddled.

We had exchanged many messages, then finally I’d received the one which had drawn me to your door.

You had worn a robe when you answered the door, ushering me with a welcoming smile and directing me to the bathroom upstairs, where you told me I could get changed, for the evening.

Now I stand nervously before you, trembling a little.

“I am, very…”

“Come to me,” You tell me, beckoning with a finger.

I look to my reflection in a wall-mirror as I cross the room, pleased with how I appear, even if I know I’ll never pass. But I do look good.

I’m wearing a white shirt and a short red and black tartan skirt, beneath which I have on a pink full-slip, dark tan-coloured tights and delightful lace-edged purple panties that hug my arousal and keep it from spoiling the lines of my skirt.

I stand just before you now and feel ever-so conscious of how sensual I find this moment of now, my anxiety levels at finally dressing for a woman lessening.

“Turn round pretty boy,” you tell me.

I do as I’ve been instructed, a tremor sweeping through me as your hand caress my backside over the taut material.

“Bend forward now, girly-boy,” you command of me.

Again, I do as directed and your hand moves to my nylon-clad thighs, then slowly upward, to the hole in my crotchless tights and my beneath the purple nylon my lubed sex, waiting to be filled by you. It you want, that is.

“Oh good girly-boy,” you purr, drawing around my need.

I like the words you use. I like hearing them: and miss your hand as it moves away.

“Now turn round and kneel down and come to me.”

You reach up as I kneel down before you. Arms round my neck, I find your lips with mine and your tongue enters my mouth, arms wrapped around my neck, drawing me tight against you, into a deep passionate kiss, tongue fencing with mine.

I close look to the mirror, and see myself dressed to die for in your arm, yet there is no-one there. There is no-one there…

It is as I notice this that your mouth opens and your sharp teeth find my neck and puncture my flesh…

“Oh yes,” I muse, caught in the rapture of the gift I offer you, “dressed to die for…”



00:14 Feb 05 2008

splended i love it thank u for the stories i always adore them this is one of my favorites

00:20 Feb 05 2008

mmmm, lovin it Neil! wasn't expecting that at all!

03:37 Feb 05 2008

Well done sweet Neil..

09:45 Feb 10 2008

I like it a lot, keep it up :)

00:36 Feb 17 2008

this is a great write!

09:34 Mar 07 2008

how on earth could i have missed this one!!! omg... gorgeous. love it.

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