Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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6 entries this month

Epitaph Wonderland

14:25 Jan 31 2009
Times Read: 971

Probably not for little people, for scenes of general weirdness and ...

Part One

Wading through the long corn as if I were swimming, my approach to the house ahead of me was slow and arduous.

It was a two-storey building, built with a facia of horizontal planking, painted white.

It boasted a long porch, which extended the front of the building and a small veranda, on the floor above.

There was single stack tall chimney and a roof of red-tiles, with a looped ‘u’ finish.

None of the four windows at the front, two either side of the central door, showed any signs of life.

It seemed like it mid-afternoon, judging by where he sun sat amidst a fine blue sky.

The effort of moving through this endless sea of corn was taking its toll and my exhaustion was showing.

Beads of perspiration exuded from every pore.

I was hot and quite breathless.

So, wiping the sweat out of my eyes, with the back of my right hand, I trudged onward.

With no knowledge of how and why I was there in the cornfield, I felt driven toward the house. Yet, I could no more understand the compulsion than my lack of a short-term memory.

Late in the afternoon, I had found myself aware, in the middle of a fully-grown cornfield, walking toward a farmhouse. I knew little more than that. As I took the first of the four steps up to the long porch, I mused on that one.

‘It was a real puzzle,’ I muttered to myself, my feet sounding heavy on the old, worn floorboards, as I crossed the couple of feet to the front door, it’s paint dried and peeling somewhat.

I reached for the brass doorknob, which surprisingly still looked shiny.

Pausing, just a moment, I turned it and pushed the door inward…

To be continued…




'I lost all desire': Ever been lost for words??

00:28 Jan 24 2009
Times Read: 988

Not for minors

My first fiancée was on her knees between my legs: and before me, the tv had on 'Bridge Over Remagan'.

As she satisfied me, I said, "How did you get that good?"

She answered, "My Father taught me."

For some reason, I lost all desire.



17:44 Jan 30 2009

Uncomfortable but unique.

04:17 Feb 01 2009



Memories of Love and Lust – Part Two

00:10 Jan 22 2009
Times Read: 995

Not intended for minors.


Memories of Love and Lust – Part Two

Debbie was upstairs in the guest room, looking ever-so cute, her shoulder-length rich brown hair splayed all around the pillow beneath her head. Peter, Bev’s partner was in their room, across the small landing from where she slept.

He’d gone to bed last, having stayed with me to try and finish the ten inch joint we’d built together, “laid to fuck” and “going down smooth.”

But, he’d had polio as a child and we’d walked a lot in town, so even he had gone, leaving me with instructions as to which light to turn off, before I decided to retire myself.

So there I sat cross-legged before a full ashtray, half a glass of wine before me and at least five inches, or so, of the well-rolled joint left between the fingers of my right hand.

Then, the door opened and I’d looked from the bare feet, up the calves, to the shapely thighs, as Beverly entered the room and closed the door to the stairs.

She was wearing a long grey, baggy tee-shirt, that reached mid-thigh.

“I couldn’t sleep, maybe too much wine,” she’d added. “I’m going to get some water,” she informed me, briefly looking to me as she passed, on the way to the kitchen.

My eyes followed her bare legs as she walked between the gas-fire and the sofa through to the kitchen.

After a minute or so, she was back and standing near me, as I continued to pull away at that stogie of a spliff.

“Do you want some?” I’d asked, reaching up with the joint in my right hand.

“Yeah, why not,” she replied

I passed her the joint and as she inhaled I took Beverly’s left hand and kissed it gently on the back, my eyes locked on hers.

And then she continued to sit and smoke awhile, as our eyes held contact and my hand held hers.

After a few minutes, she placed the joint in the ashtray before me and the moment flowed as surely as if it were foretold.

We embraced, kissing with abandon, hands roaming.

As I eased her tee-shirt upward, I quickly learnt how her body had changed: very little, she still had the most slender androgynous body of almost any woman I’d known, with perky breast and stub-like nipples, with a few hairs around the aureole.

I brought both her bud-like breasts into view, each topped with a highly erect, long nipple: and I latched onto one with eager lips, using my free hand to play with the other.

I suckled, nibbled and nipped at the sensitive flesh, as I my right hand moved between her thighs’s to learn that she was sans panties and shorn, to a light down.

She had eased backward and I followed, arms round her waist, my mouth adhered to her flesh.

Then moving from those perky delights, I followed a trail of light hairs with kisses and tongue, to her navel. There, I swirled my tongue into the small well, tasting her. Yet, wanting more, I continued downward.

I placed my hands on her thighs and pushed them apart gently, before immersing myself in her essence.

"You're really warm here Bev," I told her as I rubbed up almost hairless folds, studying closely.

I ran the tip of the middle forefinger on my left hand along the outside of the folds, getting some beads of moisture on it. I brought it up to my face and looked at it carefully for a moment before licking it off.

After inhaling a bit, I pressed my lips onto Beverly’s warm flesh, running my hands over her long legs.

I kissed her vulva and the labia, hanging lower. Then drawing my tongue upwards to part her folds, I began lapping at her clitoral hood, bringing her bud out of hiding, to excite her further

Beverly instinctively put her hands on my head, stoking my fine fair hair as she started writhing under my attention.

Her gasps became louder, as I dug in more and more with my tongue and lips.

I sucked and licked at Beverly, trying to devour her.

She spread her legs even father apart, moving her butt up and down, responding to my probing tongue, her hips bucking beneath me.

Beverly was squirming with pleasure beneath me, as her head shook from side to side. Abruptly, she sat up, pushing me to my knees.

“Feels… so tender…” she murmured, “Hold me.”

She pulled me toward her, on top of her body. My hard self rubbed against the heat of her sex and we kissed.

Boy, our bodies felt great against each other. And, I had no inhibitions about our surroundings, or who was upstairs.

As we dry humped, I teased at her right nipple through the tee-shirt, as I began to suckle on her right earlobe.

She sighed with pleasure, and then groaned, as the pad of my right-hand middle finger thrummed at her somewhat hypersensitive clitoris.

Breathing hard, a wild look in her eyes, she wrapped her arms around my neck, just a little bit too tight, then hissed in my ear: “I need to fuck, now.”

I didn’t need to be told twice. No way.

I moaned against her ear, then sighed, “Yes.”

She was horny: and, I didn’t want to lose this opportunity, not now.

Hands behind my neck, Beverly drew me down to her, as she spread her legs a little further. In response, I clumsily undid my belt and shucked my jeans and pants down to my thighs hurriedly.

Oh-boy, I so wanted her.

I didn’t need lube; she was wet from the tonguing.

So I eased back and raising her legs, leant forward once more, and placed the head of my shaft at the entrance to her inviting sex.

“C’mon,” she hissed, eyes wide with lust.

I inched forward slowly; as I guided myself into her, all-in-one, then lay against her.

She moaned some more and I begin moving in and out of her, feeling her inner muscles tighten against me: her eyes closed, the lids fluttering.

She ground herself against me, her pubic-bone hard against mine, biting her lip.

I began thrusting from my hips, in short, jerking motions. And with wide-eyes, Beverly wrapped her ankles around my calves, trying to pull me in further.

I began to pound her harder, my pubic bone hard on hers; as I saw her snake her hand between us, to play with her clit.

“Uuh, uuh, uuh,” she moaned with each thrust as I fucked her, and now those muscles were working overtime around my hard flesh, milking it with her fuckhole.

Suddenly she went still.

Then she pushed me away and with wide-eyes told me, “I want you doggy-style.”

Beverly was definitely in charge.

“Mmmmm..” was my only answer, as she got on her hands and knees. She wanted me, right then, as much as I wanted her: I was sure of that.

I grasped her hips, easing into her liquid honey warmth, with a sigh of pleasure.

As I began to slide back and forth, I ran my left hand down her lithe body, running it down the pronounced ridges of her spine, to her pert, taut buttocks.

The way her lithe body moved against me awakened something deep in my gut, something instinctual, something primal. I felt sexual; like an animal possessed as I was, with my desire to form union with my lover.

I wrapped both arms around Beverly’s belly and drove with my hips. I was taking her with me, planting my feet; and, her body undulated to meet my thrusts.

Looking back, her eyes fluttering, she looked as if she were in another world, a world of pure pleasure.

Her eyes met mine, and I bent from my waist, bending over her long back, and kissed her roughly, sliding my hands over the sides of her body, to find her erect nipples, waiting for attention.

So I took each, twixt thumb and fore-finger and pulled, as I thrust forward and now her eyes closed, she sighed.

I began pumping faster and faster and Beverly threw her head back, and moaned.

We went a long time, and I lay down against her sweat-sheened body and sucked on the nape of her long neck as my orgasm gathered itself like a slow-building storm.

“Not in me,” she pleaded.

So, I drew from her slowly, to shoot my seed over her lower back.

Then I leant down, on her back, my face close to hers, as I slowly softened.

We got ourselves disentangled and straightened our clothing quickly.

Then, kissing me briefly on the cheek, Beverly left me, to finish the joint and the last of my wine.

And, as I sat there, cross-legged as before, I couldn’t help but smile, at the turn of events. Finally, the joint was just a roach in the ashtray and the wine was gone.

“Well that was a surprise,” I thought, for the umpteenth time, as I turned the lights off, before I retired to bed myself.




Memories of Love and Lust – Part One

13:58 Jan 18 2009
Times Read: 1,003

Not intended for minors.


At the bottom end of Mayor Park in Bebington, is the railway, the Wirral Line.

Just before the wrought-iron railings, then embankment and track, was a path, worn into the grass by a succession of dog-walkers.

As you followed the path, you would come to a housing estate eventually, having passed a series of lock-up garages, facing one another.

Up till then, our destination had been unknown.

One minute we’d been standing by a tall privet hedge on Ellens Lane, on the far side of the park, talking intently. Then, for a second longer than I’d expected, there had been silence between us.

And, slowly the distance between us had narrowed. Our faces closer than before, it’d been inevitable what happened next.

I slid my long fingers between her long, slender, bony-jointed fingers had slid into mine staring into her green brown eyes, with mine of hazel, mixed with light-blue.

I had felt small drops of rain, taking on my forehead.

I sensed and revelled in the nervous air of expectation in that narrowed space between us.

‘My best-friend, she is my best friend,’ a small voice had reminded me, again and again.

With my right hand I’d run my hand over her right cheek, to the fine hairs just before her ear, then upward, through her thick auburn hair, cut to the neck in a mannish style.

Ah, her neck: she’s such an exquisite, long neck.

Then I’d run my hand gently down her firm jaw, and up a little, to the slim firm lip, with just a hint of moisture on it.

Beverly had opened her mouth a little and I’d eased my fingertip inside, a little.

Then withdrawing my finger, I slid my hand inside her duffle-coat and around her slim waist, drawing her toward me and we kissed.

Our tongues entwined as they had desperately sought to explore the other’s mouth.

Finally the kiss had ended and Beverly had looked at me with a very intent look on her face.

As the kiss ended she looked across the road, then up and down the pavement.

She looked as nervous as I was: and, perhaps as aroused, to judge by the flush to her cheeks.

“I know somewhere,” she told me, voice breathy, betraying her excitement.

And, I recall how my heart had pounded, as I allowed her to dictate what we had done next, as I felt so out of my depth.

Our finger still entwined, she had led the way, off the pavement and up a slope onto the park.

As she did so, it had been with strong determined steps: she knew just here we where going.

“I’m on…” she had said briefly, turning her head to me.

“Uh huh,” I’d acknowledged, my mind in a whirl still. ‘Coz there I had been, hand in hand, with the young woman I felt most of and… ‘what was that she’d said, she was on?’

“Is that a problem?” she asked, with a sight note of concern to her voice.

“Oh good grief, no!” I’d assured her. And boy, had it felt good, holding her hand.

The grass we walked through was wet and my socks had got wet, as we’d walked toward the breezeblock pre-fabricated garages many of which were in a severe state of disrepair, as was the tarmac surrounding them, which had several small pools of water on it.

She led me ahead and to the garage third on, to our right, then took me inside.

It’d been dark inside than out and it had already been a grey cloud day, with the promise of more rain to come.

Toward the rear of the garage was a double mattress, which she had taken me to, with a slightly bashful look to her face.

We known had both known what the mattress implied: both knew why we were there, without saying any thing.

Looking at me briefly, she had undone the toggles on the duffle-coat, removed it and dropped onto the middle of the mattress.

‘The coat, thrown on the mattress?’ I’d thought: fully realizing that all my dreams had really come true for me, all at once.

Stupid maybe, but true.

She’d unclasped first one button to the strap holding the bib of the blue-denim dungarees, then the other.

As the flap of material fell forward and she undid the brass buttons at each hip, the flesh of her belly came to view.

Many times, after college, I had stood at the bus-stop across the main-road from it with her, standing behind, arms wrapped round her well-wrapped slim body.

I would hold her for ages, oftimes erect and aroused, as the world passed us by; and occasionally I might smell her neck and her short brown-hair, worn in a boyish style.

That day I had chosen to see her home instead, which had led to and kiss, then more.

I was entranced, spellbound, as she had lain there on the red woollen lining of the duffle-coat, with an expectant look on her face. So I’d dropped to my knees, on the mattress, between her splayed legs.

Then I’d leant forward; and with trembling fingers, I’d eased the dungarees over her pronounced hipbones and down her toned firm thighs.

“Not all the way,” she’d hissed, a note of urgency in her voice.

Then as an after thought, she’d added, “Just in case.”

‘Just in case?’ I’d wondered for but a moment, as I began to undo my belt and zip.

“Just in case?” I’d mused aloud.

Beverly had raised herself up on her elbow’s, then slipped her thumbs in the sides of her greying, faded cotton panties and lifting her self up a little, eased them over her buttocks and down her thigh’s. After she had so, she reached between her thigh’s and pulled the used pad from there and cast it to her right.

It had land in a fairly large, shallow puddle a few feet away.

And, there it had been, her lightly sex, all closed on itself, within the light nest of pubic hair, but ooh-wow, it looked so perfect, to me.

“It doesn’t matter,” she’d assured me, reaching up with both hands.

I had leant down, onto her, my friend, my lover, caressing her face with my right hand, as I pressed my right cheek to her left, nuzzling into her warmth.

Or lips had found each other and we’d kissed again. Oh, how I’d enjoyed that, as our hands roamed, with each of us in anticipation of the next moment.

And, then I’d looked to my left, as through the entrance to the garage, I saw the rainfall. It wasn’t heavy, but it was rain, to add water to the puddle, where even now, the pad had absorbed as much as it could and swollen to a large mass.

We had held one another, as I realized, slowly that I couldn’t, just couldn’t.

I’d been mortified, but Beverly had just kept stroking the back of my neck.

“Shhh… Don’t worry about it, it happens to lots of men,” she said in an attempt at reassurance, the added, “There’ll be another time.”

* * *



17:38 Jan 30 2009

You have the knack of using just enough words and phrases to give the reader a very full picture in a very short span of time...clever git !


The Acquiescent Model

16:22 Jan 13 2009
Times Read: 1,021

A short-story, written by an adult, to be read by like-minded adults.

* * *

The Acquiescent Model

I watched some stylish porn, of a black girl, starting her scene in an outfit somewhat like I’ve seen you wear, bent forward at the waist, the crotch of her panties pulled between the lips of her sex, as she looked over the her shoulder and I thought of you.

I think of you "accidentally" drop something on the floor and bend way over to pick it up. I would kneel behind you and slowly licked upward.

Easing the crotch aside, using my tongue, to moisten your neat lips and part them, as I hold your haunches, my eyes closed, as you lean well forward and I lap at your juices, now beginning to run freely.

Tonguing deeper, I open my eyes as I lick on the tip of my right forefinger and then slide it into your anus.

I imagine you looking back at me nervously as I do something never done had before.

Then noting your nervousness, I ease my finger out and my tongue in.

You're still nervous, but let me do as I wish because you trust you.

I wonder for a moment, if you realize I will soon fuck you: not "make love", but 'fuck', base and primal.

And, as I continue to tongue you: I urge you onto all fours.

Now I really use the tip, to widen you, as I seek to get deeper.

You close your eyes and relax as I do so, unaware of what will happen next.

I look down at my obedient lover, dressed to please, waiting to be used and I smile. The evening promises to be interesting and I intend to enjoy it.

"Crawl to the chair and back," I instruct, allowing your panties to fall back into place.

You says "yes, Sir" and do as I ask and slowly crawl my way over to the chair and back toward me.

I sit watching your eyes, as you look to me, crawling.

A plan has formed...

You crawl to me and kneel at my feet, looking upward.

Caressing your hair and neck, I stand.

Then grasping a handful of hair, I walk to the bedroom, with you following.

"Keep up," I tell you.

You silently follow behind me, trying to get to your feet quickly enough to not get dragged.

I walk fast and enter the room quietly and then, throw you the middle of the bed. You look shocked, but also aroused: just what I wanted.

I sit by you side and just look at you a moment.

"Now, use you left hand and play with her..."

You look at me shyly and see the sternness in my face as I slowly reach down and begin to touch yourself.

"Ease those panties aside, I want to see you show me 'everything!'" I tell you.

You reach down with my other hand and pull them aside as you continue rubbing your clit, legs spread wide open for me.

"Wider," I say quietly.

You spread your legs as far as you can and hold your lips apart with one hand as you slide a finger inside of yourself.

Now I watch your face, as you continue to pleasure yourself.

You slide another finger inside yourself as I start to move my fingers in and out a bit faster and then take them out, glistening with your wetness, and start to rub your clit again, breathing increasing, a quiet moan escaping your lips,

Now I pick up my camera and start taking photo's, "for my own 'personal collection'" I say, with a smile.

You close your legs slightly out of reflex and looks at me self-consciously.

"You know what I want!" I snap, "Now, give it me, or...?"

You spread your legs again and continues doing as you were earlier, still feeling self-conscious but wanting to obey me.

Now, I smile again, as I continue to take photo's.

"Good," I say checking the time, "I have awhile yet."

Rubbing your clit you can feel yourself getting closer and closer to cumming, as you lift my hips slightly in the air and moan out loudly, becoming less and less aware of the fact that I am still taking pictures.

Now, I place the camera down and unzip my fly.

"Nice," I mutter, "just too much distraction..."

You look up at me as I unzip my fly and smirk slightly. Then still touching yourself you look down at my pants as you unknowingly bite my bottom lip slightly.

"Your thoughts are bad.." I mutter, "That's obvious." I take myself in hand, easing my hand back and forth, as I watch you.

"But, I'm selfish... right now, I want what you want..."

I'm erect.

"And, you want it, don't you??"

You look up at me: "Very much," you answer quietly, biting your lower lip.

"Then learn to enjoy and wait.." I tell, you, my arousal held in check, as I suspend the moment, to make it last.

You lay in front of me, almost to the brink of not being able to control myself, but maintain your composure as you don't want to defy me.

"Now slowly," I instruct, "circle that little clit slowly, with the pad of your right forefinger, nice and gentle .. and .. don't stop.."

I smile, watching.

You lick the tip of your finger to moisten it then reaches down and slowly caresses my clit, you look up at me questioningly when you notice I am watching closely, hoping you are doing it the way I wanted.

My gaze is fixed on your fingers movement, although I occasionally look to your eyes. When I catch you watching me, I snap: "Eyes down, at your pussy!"

Your eyes immediately drop down.

"Yes, Sir" you respond, as you continue rubbing your clit, for me.

Now, I watch intently, for signs of defiance, of arousal, of satisfaction attained: and I stare at you, intently.

You continue rubbing as you feel yourself getting more and more aroused, you bite your bottom lip and let out a moan as you try to keep your body from twisting so not to disrupt my view.

Pleased you obey, I begin to play, with my erection, again.

You start watching me play with my erection then quickly drop your eyes back down to your own playing, remembering the instruction you got when caught looking at me earlier... The glimpse of me, however, is arousing you even more as you continue rubbing your clit. You can feel yourself getting close to cumming but hold it back, knowing you haven't been given permission to yet.

I caught the glance.

"Stop playing!" I shout.

You stop what you’re doing but continue looking down.

"Good, now what did you do wrong?" I ask in a gentle voice.

"I disobeyed and looked away from where I was supposed to be looking" You answer, in ‘a little-girl’ voice.

"Pain, or pleasure, for punishment?!" I ask, with a smile.

As you continue looking down, you say very quietly, "Pain."

"Good girl," I say, pleased you'd chosen not to say 'pleasure'.

"Now back to what you were doing my slavegirl. And be sure, to use your nails, on your tender flesh..." I add, with a smile and a granite hard erection.

You do as I ask, flinching when you first do it, not expecting how uncomfortable it would be.

Yet, for me, it's your expression's I find so entrancing.

"Harder, inch harder, as you caress," I instruct, after a moments silence.

You do as I ask; wishing the punishment were over but knowing you brought it on yourself.

I smile, as you pleasure yourself, watching your every expression intently.

You pause for a moment as you take a deep breath as it is getting more and more uncomfortable each moment.

My smile widens, as sweat sheens your flesh.

You continue punishing yourself and accidentally let a slight gasp of pain escape from your lips.

"Maybe enough, for now," I muse aloud.

"Stop," I tell you and offer you my hand to kiss.

"You may thank me, for allowing you to play."

You kiss the back of my hand, "Thank you, Sir"

"Now.. go tidy-up your outfit. We're going out..." I instruct.

You rise from the bed and do as instructed, getting ready 'to go out.'

You're reticent, to go-out, dressed for the bedroom, but you will, for me.




06:22 Jan 14 2009

Wow, that's really good.

00:33 Jan 23 2009

Fantastic as usual darling


Ill, but Willing

17:31 Jan 01 2009
Times Read: 1,036

A short-story, written by two adult’s, to be read by like-minded adults.

* * *

"I'm a bit weak... but willing though," You say, as you stand in the doorway.

You are wearing a simple cotton shift, which is plastered to your very moist, hot body.

You have me lying before you. Naked, on a sunny afternoon, as the light-coloured drapes drift into the room, on a light breeze..

"ahh.. now there's a thought.. a lovely body, to use and abuse," I think aloud with a smile, as my eyes slowly open. I have been dreaming, of your full breasts and dark, erect nipples.

"mmmh i have that thought too..." you murmur, through your flu-ridden mind: "a lovely body to use and abuse.... yours...." Your smile is lighting the darkest recesses of the room.

Crouching on the bed, where I lie, hands behind my head, you lick me up, from nipple to navel.

Looking up momentarily, your eyes alight, "Told you, I may be ill, but I am willing."

I look down, as your soft, full lips begin to traverse my belly.

'Feverish, but ever-so keen,' I muse.

Your hands are playing between your legs, while your lips are kissing and your tongue licking my stomach, with cat-stoke kisses.

Then, with my hardness is in your hands while your avid tongue continues licking me, your hands moving up and down, your breathing faster; and, a little wheezy.

But, you're excited and not going to try and calm down, 'not now'.

This is a moment, our moment.

You look to me again; as you take my hardness in my hands, then start licking the shaft ... and, your hands moving up and down it's length...

And then, feeling very aroused, you rapidly take off your clothes to sit astride me, riding me wildly... moving up and down violently... hair going wild, as wild as your eyes... and the hot lust of the moment.

Yet, all too suddenly, you feel it coming; and convulsing in pleasure, you just lie on your back, by your side... just looking at me... as, you try to get your breathe back.

And then as I roll over, I take your left nipple into my mouth.

I suckle on it, a moment or so, then lift my head to look to you and say: "Time for a shower??"

"A shower is not a bad idea," you say as you stand, adding, "sex in the shower isn't that bad."

'Wanton slut', I think for a second, with a grin; as I also stand, to follow you to the shower.

"After all, the good thing about dirrty sex, is getting clean again!"



20:34 Jan 01 2009


Makes me want to take a shower....

17:31 Jan 30 2009

I have to say I don't know anybody who would want to make love when they had flu...still...when your young and in love....lol.

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