Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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42 entries this month

.. chunnering parents

13:58 May 31 2008
Times Read: 958

The kitchen is on my dividing wall and I woke up to the sound of chunnering parents.

It was real sunny and they were up earlier than usual, for a Saturday, so needless to say, so was I. Yet, I hadn’t minded, too much, there were things to do and cartoons to watch, namely ‘Scooby-Doo’, which is kinda like a homage to its old self, with lots of knowing adult asides, I noticed later, in preparation to this ramble. Yet, before Scooby, there was a show on called ‘The Slammer’, a variety show for kids. Now, my excuse for watching it was that I was waiting for my cartoon, but secretly, I do like variety show and people demonstrating real skills: and besides, they had the tv presenter Steven Mulhern on it, doing magic & the seventies Rock ‘n Roll band, Shawaddawaddy. And while I watched the show, the ‘Queen wheels Chew, the beautiful Chinese foot juggler, I watched the kids faces in the audience and a thought struck me, ‘they love variety.’ It’d had been a real distraction from the morning task, some writing I started weeks ago. But, I had got some done, before going to the shops and the chemist to pick up my meds. Absolutely beautiful outside. It was only when I got to the Post Office, to get a stamp for America that I realised I had left my Mother’s pad money at home, so another trip to the chemist was due. Thankfully they are open till one, so I’ll be okay. When I get back, I’ll edge the front lawn.




I feel alive!

14:40 May 30 2008
Times Read: 973

..busy night last night. (someone told a colleague I have a god heart and totally embarrased me.. and it was ever-so-cool,, as the hard fellow he was.. he meant it) windows today. and the weather is good. I feel alive!



14:45 May 30 2008

God/good same thing really ...*hugs*

15:22 May 30 2008

Feeling alive is definately a good thing!

23:53 Aug 27 2016

that,s a very good thing to saY


Liverpool One

15:35 May 29 2008
Times Read: 983

I'm pleasantly tired. I've being helping my Father see to the Beech Hedge.. on a sunny day.. with the prospect of going to Liverpool later for voluntary work, on the day they open 'Liverpool One', the new shopping centre there.




it wasn’t necessary ...

22:47 May 28 2008
Times Read: 990

The wonderful ‘Reaper’ had its penultimate episode tonight and it Kevin Smith of ‘Clerks’ fame pulled a blinder when he put this show together.

I so look forward to next week’s episode.


So Scott McLellan states the obvious and it makes our news: “War should only be fought when it is absolutely necessary. And, in Iraq it wasn’t necessary.”


And watching the news and another country losing its monarchy in favour of a Republic, we contemplated the thought of Australia and New Zealand being the next to say ‘no’ to monarchy, my Father made the observation that more and more, England is taking on the mantle of ‘the mouse that roared’, as in the classic Ealing comedy, starring Peter Sellars.


And so far, to my knowledge.. Photoshop works for my friend.




... after being on YIM for hours last night

13:50 May 28 2008
Times Read: 1,003

My jeans are wet, as is my coat. The rain is still raining, as it has for a couple of days now. But, life doesn’t stop and things have to be done. So I’d gone out.

I still find it a tad amusing that we’d had no rain for ages; had beautiful weather for days; then, I water the lawns, back and front and the hedge. Then, what happens?

The last couple of days happen. Typical.

Anyway, after being on YIM for hours last night, trying to get a file to a nice young lady, the fresh air was going to be welcome. It had been.

As I walked past the block of shops to my right, I walked through the avenue of trees by Westminster Avenue off Allport Road, my cap shielding me against the worst of the rain and enabling me to finish my smoke.

The birdsong was pleasant, the fresh smells were enjoyable: and I got to the doctors with a smile on my face.

I also got my Ma’s chores done and returned home, to finish what I started last night.

Unfortunately, when I logged on, she was in the bath …


I have three attempts at getting her Photoshop, lined up and ready, as I have to get this done for you before I can do the reinstall this machine needs.


Finally I got through on YIM, to try again. Once it was uploading to her, I went for my banana’s and yogurt. I told her. She said …

***** **********: yum i'm waiting for my pizza to cook.

Neil Kendrick: haven't tasted pizza in a teenagers lifetime

***** **********: 0.o

Neil Kendrick: that sounded soooooooooooooooooooooooo funny

***** **********: rofl. it did.



15:28 May 28 2008

She is eternally grateful that you sent it! And that finally it worked. You know what they say, 45,00000th time lucky!. Now, if you'll 'scuse me, Im'a go makes purdy pictures.



23:15 May 26 2008
Times Read: 1,045

When I was a whelp here, there were those who were helpful to me and those who were not. Now, when I see, or hear someone ask for help, I am willing to give it.

Needless to say, there are times when I end up regretting doing so.

Being the person I am, I dwell on such things. That’s me being me, I guess.

Well, early this afternoon, I was on VR, putting some pictures and photographs onto my portfolio, when I noticed someone asking ‘what do you have to do for an answer?’ in the Vampbox, in teen-speak. When I responded, I also suggested ways how to gain favour. Amongst the way’s I mentioned that he do so, was by reading journals.

The young fellow (I’m being ‘extremely’ polite here) then called me a liar.

Now, I can hack many things in life, (and here I could list a helluvva lot of things) but I can’t deal with being called a liar. Call it a character flaw. But there you go it’s real.

“Don’t ask from help from me again, you call me a liar,” I told him, which was mild, considering what I’d have done if the no-mark had been in front of me.

I’d lost it, simple as. And, I haven’t done that for years.

Anger-management works, except for when someone plays with specific triggers and this fellow had played with mine. As it was, I left the Vampbox and the no-mark, who Ladydragonrose continued to talk to, politely and helpfully and it transpires that lady and that’s the right word in context, has far more patience than I do.

As I continued to work, on my coven work, I noted the Vampbox, as she suggested to the fellow, that he might be more respectful, to those who are older and trying to help.

His comeback? “Listen to old ppl. Yeah, Yeah.”

That’s when my blood pressure told me to leave VR and work in the garden, as I had planned to do, after his first comment.



23:38 May 26 2008


00:47 May 27 2008

you did what you thought was right you tried to help and he is an idiot. plain and simple.

01:00 May 27 2008

Absolutely!!! he´s a stupid, immature and deserves no respect at all... you, on the contrary, are sweet and considered... please dont pay attention to those imbeciles....***hugs***

06:25 May 27 2008

What a cheeky little fecker! He won't make many friends on here with that attitude...which screams out from his profile...

16:18 May 28 2008

*pokes* You didn't tell me it was that little bastard!!!


typecasting ...

01:04 May 26 2008
Times Read: 1,055

I still haven't seen the film I was working on throughout the summer, which went to Cannes.

I'm assuming it'll be called The Tree of Death

it's an Indie.. most of the roles were bought on ebay.

I hope I will get to see it some day.

The other one, I was just in the titles, as part of the backstory: Expirydate

In Expirydate I'm the French Monk who dies a good death.

In the new film, the look I have is based on Gunter Von Hagen, the dissectionist & I spend much of it playing cards with zombies.

He is an interesting fellow, but weird: and that's how I got the role, instead of paying for it, typecasting.



17:34 May 26 2008

Yay you x

12:04 May 27 2008

Did you get to wear the cool hat??? and also, yay for you! *hug*


How nice of her ...

16:48 May 25 2008
Times Read: 1,063

I feel good today. No pomposity around, as I saw yesterday, so i feel fine. I am on little laptop, as it's virus software needed updating.

Yesterday I encountered someone more stubborn than me and less enlightened, I had ended up thinking.

“A real pity”.. I had thought, as a friend likes him so much.

He is the reason a couple of good friendships have become so fractured.

The fellow can be SO darned irksome at times: except if you're drooling over him.

In the end, I’d left here, so disappointed in him, simply because he wouldn’t listen to another’s voice, other than his own.


Someone here was kind to me, about my prospective surgery, when she's having facial reconstruction herself in June. How nice of her.




Strange thing to say maybe ..

14:14 May 25 2008
Times Read: 1,070

Dad’s out killing the lawn, again; as my little Mother attends to the washing he put out earlier. It’s not quite the day that ‘they’ were leading us to expect, but rather ‘good drying weather.’ Either way, it’ll be good for Paul McCartney’s Liverpool gig and Karl will have a good walk with his ladyfriend: and I just noticed my Mother is getting old. Strange thing to say maybe, but it’s the little things that you notice and there’d I been, telling her of the friend I visited after Karl’s, who has hopefully left an abusive partner, when I mentioned Jane. Now Jane was someone I used to know very well indeed, who drifted away when she got married; she’s a relative, however distant, of our next door but one neighbour to the right and she couldn’t accept that she knew her, not even when I pointed out that Jane’s phone number was written in her old phone pad, in her handwriting.

My Mother’s always been forty in my mind. It’s difficult to accept that she isn’t.

Not impossible; just very difficult, at times; times like that.



15:11 May 25 2008

I have to agree with you...been going thru it myself!



13:32 May 24 2008
Times Read: 1,082

Walking back home, after buying the Radio Times, I looked to my right, just prior to turning left into my road.

It was as I looked right, I noticed a woman driving a new slim, black estate car, pick her nose and examine the contents.


..and the group Fishbone, are good, I learnt.



13:50 May 24 2008

On behalf of us all.....thanks for sharing lol

03:45 May 25 2008

The things one sees when one dosent have a gun...lol.

08:14 May 25 2008

*giggles* terrible observation my dear.


my day is complete ...

00:09 May 23 2008
Times Read: 1,093

I can now tell my Dad I'll be shutting down soon.

got in, ate.. precessed some photo's.. emailed one off to a nice Lady.. now for bed. my day is complete.




..a busy morning.

14:41 May 22 2008
Times Read: 1,109

I've done my gardening, trimmed my chest-hair.

Washed and dried the bedroom curtains and put them back up.. Voluntary work later..



14:55 May 22 2008

Omg you trim your chest-hair ???? lmao

15:37 May 22 2008

I laughed...thank you!

20:09 May 22 2008

sounds like a good morning to me hun ^_^

20:58 May 22 2008

o.O at the chest hair trimmage...

23:28 May 22 2008

Spring clearance sale.. you should market the hair to the Russians. They make great hats!


..my comment

14:37 May 22 2008
Times Read: 1,112

..alway's tickles me, the ammount of guy's that complain about the same thing: their women trying to change them, from the very thing that drew them to that person in the first place.




later's ...

14:01 May 21 2008
Times Read: 1,139

I need distraction, from hassles with the dole ~ going from Jobseekers allowance to Incapacity.

I am waiting for the papers, to sign. I have the note. The claim is legitimate. I'm losing use of my left hand.

So for Sinora's amusement, I'll play with photo's, so she can see what I look like, sitting abashed, next to a childhood heroine.



14:14 May 21 2008

Can't wait lol

20:01 May 21 2008

Aww sorry to hear that dear~


..a thought

23:58 May 20 2008
Times Read: 1,151

In order to put some more work up in the portfolio, I'll have ta move the picture.. or draw three more.. and I have more DrWho to put up.. one of me looking VERY bashful..

..three years those conventions ran at The Cavern and each time it was on, I met a heroine I had grown up watching on the box.



10:03 May 21 2008

You bashful ? I want to see it NOW....please lol

12:06 May 22 2008

I agree, I want to see bashful Angelus ;)


A good question, that I had to think about.

23:48 May 20 2008
Times Read: 1,153

Someone wrote in their journal, 'How do you know when you're in love?'

A good question, that I had to think about.


I commented: ..when the person you Love is the first and last thing you think about, each day.




..at peace, midst the green.

12:51 May 20 2008
Times Read: 1,168

I'm just in the middle of a break while gardening: though it's milder than it's been of late, the weather is pleasant & it's so nice to be out, doing such work.


It was quite funny at one point, as I back off from the hoeing I'd been doing, there was the Robin watching me from about a foot away, supervising me: as bad as my Mother for giving orders.



14:29 May 20 2008

You see, even the dumb animals understand you have to be kept an eye on ...lol


..am I meant to get on VR tonight??

22:51 May 19 2008
Times Read: 1,183

Two machines and one’s got a poorly copy of the Windows, whilst the other runs XP so slowly, a snail could type faster. But, the lil laptop was needed, so I did my email, as I performed house-clearance on the other, then logged onto VR.

No sooner did I get the welcome screen than I was made to feel less than welcome, as lil laptop told IE was (not responding.) Like.. erm, “thank you, I had gathered.”

So, Disc-keeper was used: and no sooner did I try to login again, than Adobe Reader decided to update.. erm, am I meant to get on VR tonight??




Happiness is..

23:42 May 17 2008
Times Read: 1,202

Happiness is.. having the time to have that well-deserved wallow in the bath, after a bad morning at the dole, then a very good night in with friends; while your parents go out for lunch on a Saturday, as was their routine, prior to your Mother’s illness.


Happiness is.. birdsong, on a warm, damp day, as you sit inside typing.



13:03 May 18 2008


15:23 May 18 2008

sit, crosslegged, in your chair??

i can just envision it :)

so glad Mum feels like getting out again :)

23:14 May 19 2008

You think he can cross his legs at his age ??? lol

07:17 May 20 2008


as a matter of fact, i have seen pics of just that :) lol

he can still sit in full lotus position :)


Homeward Bound

00:57 May 16 2008
Times Read: 1,218

Bag slung over his shoulder, he’d been out all day and at the bus-stop on the way home, he realized quickly that a loose, short-sleeved green shirt wasn’t a good idea, not when it was this darn chilly. So he lit a smoke and then after his ‘toke, he went to light his second – and, lo and behold, there was his bus: just as he went to light it. Quel surprise?



09:56 May 16 2008

it's the only sure way to ensure your transport shows up... light a smoke or get something to eat or drink. does it ever time. lol.



16:42 May 13 2008
Times Read: 1,251

..so this individual has me on their 'friends list'.

..wouldn't it have been nice to have been asked, by this individual, with the moderately offensive name. I wonder why their profile is suspended?


..that last remark was dripping with sarcasm.

(The explantion is for the individual known as fagsonhereactinglikevampires..)



I think twerps like them should be on Barbies Homepage .. sorry Barbie! (Hans that is!)



20:01 May 13 2008


21:12 May 13 2008


you tell 'em !!!

21:30 May 13 2008

Boo, Hooo...not Barbie, she was my favourite dolly!! *pouts* hah


'Doomsday', the film.

00:29 May 12 2008
Times Read: 1,273

“I have a copy of ‘Doomsday’, are you going to see it?” I asked a friend, knowing she likes films a lot. As it transpires, she rather justifiably said she was unsure, as it seems to follow on from 28 days later.

Having now watched it at least ice, I’d both agree with her and take issue with her.

It’s a Post-Holocaust movie, with heavy political undertones; and a great back-story for the female lead, played by Rhona Mitra.

After all, it does have Malcolm McDowell in it post ‘Heroes’; and Bob Hoskins, as the stoic, reliable policeman.

Essentially, Rhona Mitra plays the eponymous loner, in any Post Holocaust film, a role usually played by a man, that she plays well and seems ably suited to.

‘Doomsday’ is what it’s title suggests, a Post-Holocaust movie, that owes a little to several films, before it, There is a little of ’28 Days/Weeks Later’ to it; but also, a bit of ‘Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome;’ ‘Waterworld;’ ‘Damnation-Alley;’ and ‘Escape From …’

Then in the climactic finale, with a backtrack of ‘Two Tribes’ by Frankie Goes To Hollywood, the film reminded me of a little Mad Max; Road Warrior.

Yet that wasn’t a bad thing. It’s a good film: I had enjoyed it and, it’s British.

Or, as one critic on a website wrote ~

Neil Marshall’s simple recipe for


4 cups of 28 Days Later…

2 pounds of Mad Max

5 pints of Thunderdome

2 1/2 cups of District 13

fresh squeezed official* Rhona Mitra

2 tablespoons of Running Man

3 1/2 teaspoons of Resident Evil

4 ounces of Aliens

1/2 tablespoon of Equilibrium

1 teaspoon of V for Vendetta

1 small can of No Escape

some dried Abyss

1/2 ounce of Silent Hill

a dash of 300

3 teaspoons of Gladiator

1/4 teaspoon of Ultraviolet

a dollop of Judge Dredd

a dash of Tank Girl (optional)

a sprinkle of Underworld

Mix all of the futuristic elements in one bowl and all of the apocalyptic elements in another. Slowly fold the dystopic items into the futuristic mixture and carefully combine them all into one script, being careful not to add too much wirework. Drizzle the official Rhona Mitra (see below) throughout and be sure to throw in a gratuitous ass shot. Make sure plenty of the people involved have cool accents and then give it to Neil Marshall (the guy that wrote and directed Dog Soldiers and the Descent) and hopefully it will turn out to be half as good as either of those movies.

I’m not sure if this is a good thing or a bad one, but I’ve never seen a trailer that reminded me of so many other things. I have faith in the writer/director based on his previous projects though, so this film’s definitely going on my to-see list.




15:36 May 13 2008

lol sounds cool lmao would love to see it with ya


I then watched 'Doomsday', again.

23:27 May 11 2008
Times Read: 1,274

..My brother phoned, expecting not to be able to speak to little Mother her and was pleasantly surprised to be able to do so

..We were all in the garden most of the day. Due to a little hard work and the sun, my shoulders are sore, as I type Now.

Then, about an hours after we'd finished up and were sitting down to eat our Sunday roast, with a good red wine, Matua, the skies opened up and we had thunder and lightning, almost overhead.

I then watched 'Doomsday', again.




..while I went to Karls

23:34 May 10 2008
Times Read: 1,285

..both my parents went shopping this week. Yes, that is right! My Mum went.. She's lost too much weight.. but, she's making an attempt at returning to her routine.





16:23 May 09 2008
Times Read: 1,292

accept what you can change.

accept what you can't change

and don't worry about it.


hard one learn, harder to do.



15:36 May 13 2008

so true sweetling


"What's your religion?"

15:22 May 09 2008
Times Read: 1,299

..showers and warm weather & I'm sitting for nearly an hour for a pre-op. assesment.

"What's your religion?"

"Well, I wear an Ankh and believe in one God."

"It say here, you call yourseld a humanist. Is that right?"

Uh huh, I guess.."

"I do voluntary work in a church and he.." pointing upward, "seems happy with that.



15:24 May 09 2008

Well you could have come up with something a bit more exotic...lol


..little Mother

23:57 May 08 2008
Times Read: 1,305

..little Mother went to pick up her own prescription today, with Dad.

..little Mother looks as though she has colour to her cheeks.

..little Mother sounds much better: she's hardly coughing and doesn't squeak.


..and I'm sleeping better.



07:27 May 09 2008

I'm so glad she's doing better =)

15:37 May 13 2008

yays im hapy shes better and inturn your better babe love yas


Supposed Earth humour

17:06 May 08 2008
Times Read: 1,313

she said: "yo, what's up?!

I answered: "prices, all the time. thankfully I have a travel pass. makes travelling to Liverpool easier."

yep .. off to voluntary work soon, on a hot day.




“have you any question?”

16:56 May 08 2008
Times Read: 1,315

On a very warm day, I don’t know who had their time wasted there more, her or me.

I’d had 20 minutes allocated, as I learnt two-thirds of the way through my interview when the interviewer was told ‘your next is downstairs.’

..she hadn’t even seemed interested in my C.V., just what was the nearest option available to my needs. Not a job, another course.

..then again, it was supposed to be ‘my’ Option decider interview.

Needless to say, an Action Plan was drawn up.

..when she started scratching, I asked if the headache was down to me.

“No, hayfever.” She’d assured me. But, it may have explained the young ladies complete lack of interest in me, as a person.

..towards the end she had asked, “have you any question?”

Well, after seeing much of the associated paperwork, I asked, “Why are these thing’s all the same?” Needless to say, there was no answer, to that.


Got home to enjoy some sun in the back garden, before toddling off to voluntary work.



18:44 May 08 2008

Yep, gotta love those action plans lol


..had to sign on this morning

12:52 May 08 2008
Times Read: 1,319

..had to sign on this morning, wearing a jacket very loose, to shpow the chest hair and Akh.. gawd it's warm.

..had to sign on today, as tomorrow it's the pre-op, for the left hand.. blech.



15:59 May 08 2008

*loves the chest hair and Ankh*


*hugs you up tight*


and some people still refuse to use em..

23:59 May 07 2008
Times Read: 1,326

..trudged to the doctors for my represcription and a pee-pot, for my pre-operative assesment on Friday, only to learn that Dad had already picked up my Mum's prescription.

Like .. er, we were given communicative skills years ago .. and some people still refuse to use em..

..anyway's, like yesterday, this was a sunny Spring day. Dad called it Summer. He could have been right. I hope not.

..Got some gardening done for little Mother and got a letter off, to my penfriend in the US forces, in training.




..loads of paper

23:27 May 06 2008
Times Read: 1,333

Having enjoyed the last few days, I had to pay for it. I did so today.. the printer and the scanner don't/or, didn't seem to like one another: and as I tried to work through the problem, I went through loads of paper. It was only when I went next door and borrow some, that my little Mother remembered that I had some leftover from Christmas.




dentis & privatisation.. and Mum.

13:44 May 06 2008
Times Read: 1,337

..now as she is getting much better, what does it take to get my Mum out of the hous, with Dad? It takes our dentist going private and them going to register with another.


I got up early to register myself, then they went andfrom what I've heard, half of the former dentists clientele have moved.



16:19 May 06 2008

i luff Mum :D


writing, like poetry ...

23:03 May 05 2008
Times Read: 1,350

... writing, like poetry, is about the human condition, as you're aware.. but that also includes those quiet, introspective moments. of that I'm sure.


.. I used to draw. now I write down the pictures I see.




Pity was not having much time for VR this evening.

22:46 May 05 2008
Times Read: 1,351

Between showers, I thoroughly cleaned the windows and ggot the back lawn done, slicing two fingers, quite badly, as I cleaned the shears. The bloodflow wasn’t too severe, though boy, did it sting. Pity was not having much time for VR this evening.

I haveta be up early.

My dentists gone private: so I want to find an alternative, asap. That means, being up early.. besides which.. There's also shopping for the Mother to do.




'Doctor Who at The Cavern 2008'

22:39 May 05 2008
Times Read: 1,354

Thinking of Doctor Who at The Cavern, I am slowly writing up the day, as a lot happened; yet I had to temper how many I took, as I only had two smallish memory cards, I’d lent Karl mine for his holiday. Thankfully, one of the two was a 128

I started the day, making sandwiches for lunch, then spending ages on the station, as there was a delay on the line, during which time, spring rain fell and a thunder storm appeared briefly overhead. The weather was on-and-off, all day.

When I got to the station, the exit was closed, so I had to use the old one, a tunnel, through to Water Street, that seems to wind on interminably, all tiles and off cream.

I got there about ten minutes after the start: and after I’d collared a young lady to take my photo, as I walked to the venue.

There were several Daleks on display and I got to see the Doctors Colin Baker and Peter Davidson and a favourite assistant, Nicola Bryant; and two writers, I admire, Terrence Dicks and Barry Letts.

There was even a David Tennant look-alike there, with a far better temperament, than the one who showed up at last years event.

It was an awesome day and although I’ve seen some of the pics, there's loads more photo's to look at, on the other memory card.



06:36 May 06 2008

Glad you had a good time hon.


Sunday.. a.m.

07:59 May 04 2008
Times Read: 1,369

Early morning Sunday here and I'm slowly getting ready to got to Liverpool & Dr. Who and The Cavern. (Sandwiches are made and the flask is nearly ready.. )



12:03 May 04 2008

I look forward to hearing all about it x


copyright doesn't concern me..

01:09 May 03 2008
Times Read: 1,384

after tallking with 'teach' andf trying to see why she gets so irked with those who acquire copyrighted material, a thought occured to me ~

copyright doesn't concern me.. if people can't do what I can do.. and claim my work as theirs.. they then have to prove they can..

..and only I can.



21:12 May 03 2008

Aint no-one can do it like you can son....*grins*



23:46 May 02 2008
Times Read: 1,388

Went to the Spar with my Dad in the morning, an interesting experience to say the very least and as I noticed last time I went with him, a suitable place to meet ladies, hence for appearance sake alone, I had a shave and wore smart casual wear. I’m glad I did actually, as I ran into a young lady I use to go the school with, a thousand years ago in Secondary School. That was interesting.

Irksome were things not being where they had been just two weeks ago. It was also the ignorance of others shoppers with their own trolley’s. Swear down, has no-one ever heard the words ‘please’ and ‘thank you’??

Once everything was packed away at home I decided to do the chore set for me, once the weather was good: cut the short privet hedge out front, with it’s first cut of the year. It needed a really heavy cut back, toward the top and was back-breaking work.

Once I’d finished, there was the clean-up to do. Again it was back-breaking.

But, having finished it and watered the front lawn, I felt more than happy with my work. And, the money I’d earned will be useful for Sunday.




What more could you ask on your way home??

23:36 May 01 2008
Times Read: 1,398

..it was a good evening tonight.

..no ‘on top’ drunks, no rowdies and people helped me clean up.

..And even said it was cool we were there. How good is that?

..the on the train, on the way home, I met the theatre director from last week, ‘tis Carla.

..Nice looking, with good conversation.

..What more could you ask on your way home??




..real medicine.

15:39 May 01 2008
Times Read: 1,408

..though she's still coughing badstyle, Mothers slept well for two days.. so I've slept well, for two days. so I'm smiling.

..she's got the hairdresser coming round. And,that says something!

..Besides, she's getting attention: that and the hairstyle, are as much a medicine, as anything else right now.


...yeah, so I slept well, it's sunny & I have volunatry work.

...and yesterday, a pretty thing showed me with hugs and smiles, how pleased she was to see me. So, I'm feelin good!



20:42 May 01 2008

Oh dear....lmao


‘Doctor Who at The cavern’

14:41 May 01 2008
Times Read: 1,410

Went travelling to friends last night, my last port of call being Pete and Vicky’s, with whom I’m going to ‘Doctor Who at The cavern’ with on this Sunday.

Well, on the way to theirs, I called on Simon, Vicky’s brother.

Listening to me talk with a lot of enthusiasm for the convention, he turned, smiled and said: “..you going to give K-9 a bone?”



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