Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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3 entries this month

memory man - chapter fifteen

01:32 Nov 21 2016
Times Read: 528

Chapter Fifteen – What goes up, must come down

As the curtain fell Bertram hurried off stage. He felt exhilarated, yet nauseous and, fresh air was needed.

“Memory Man!” Shrike called out, watching the little man hurry down the short corridor that held the dressing-rooms.

Bertram ignored the theatre manager and holding onto the wall with his left hand, he made it to the exit.

“You alright?” a young lad by the stage door asked.

Bertram turned to the youth, his face alight with the power he felt within, whilst his stomach reminded him that he needed to either be sick, or eat.

He couldn’t decide which though…

“I’m alright Mikey,” he answered, pushing the door open, “thank you for asking.”

Bug-eyed the lad watched Bertram stumble out of the theatre, puzzled as to how the man knew his name…




memory man - chapter fourteen

01:13 Nov 21 2016
Times Read: 530

He nodded and made every effort to look at Laura Mae’s eyes and, not her bust: “Yes m’dear, I look forward to that…” he whispered softly…

Chapter Fourteen – it comes in three’s.

Night after night Bertram and his memory act, that was so much more, packed the small theatre, much to Shrikes delight. Then, to his bemusement he noticed the normally avaricious Laura Mae cuddling up to Bertram, just before he went on.

Not only was it unexpected, but her actions made him wonder…

‘Is she planning on taking the act elsewhere?’ It was a reasonable *uestion to pose, he decided, after seeing such uncharacteristic behaviour from her.

And then Bertram went on stage, seeming to illuminate the entire auditorium with his presence, such was the confidence he exuded, as he stalked the stage, looking for his first punter, to exploit… or, “explore,” as Shrike had heard him call it.

‘Either way,’ he mused, ‘the little fellow is too good at what he does to lose.’

He went from one to another, elucidating the difficult and, explaining the impossible.

Yet, he knew it all… so it seemed.

“An perhaps that means dealing with Ms. Mae” He concluded, as he watched Bertram tell a woman about the husband she had thought dead, but was living with another.

He watched as the woman turned white at the information, particularly with the amount of detail Bertram supplied. Then as she sat crying, dumfounded, the people around her began to clap – to show their appreciation for what they’d seen and, grateful that Bertram had not chosen them, to incorporate into the act.

The applause picked up and, his headache diminishing second by second, Bertram turned and began to walk up the aisle, towards the few small steps leading onto the stage, where he took a deep bow and, caught his top hat as it fell from his head.

This only served to increase the rapturous applause and, for a moment the headache ceased…




memory man - chapter thirteen

01:20 Nov 10 2016
Times Read: 545

Laura Mae was dumbstruck at his arrogance, then listened… as the silent theatre was suddenly filled with clapping, that went on and on… unlike she had ever heard from an audience before…

And for a long moment, she was in awe of Bertram, for what he had done…

Chapter Thirteen – she’s not the same, ‘is whatsername.

Laura Mae looked for Bertram for hours after the show, before finding him sitting on the steps leading up her apartment, his top hat in his hands.

At her approach he lifted his head and Laura Mae could see that Bertram had been crying: “What’s the matter?” She asked, with genuine concern – and, that surprised her somewhat.

“Any gin?” He asked and, from his speech it was apparent he’d already drunk more than he normally did.

“How about a bath and a hot chocolate Bertram?” She asked instead, kneeling by his side and draping her right arm over his shoulder.

“Instead of a gin?” He queried.

“Yes Bertram,” she told him slowly, “instead of a gin.”

At this they both grinned and, he followed as Laura Mae led him upstairs to her rooms safe in the knowledge that at this time of night, it would not be too hard to acquire the makings for a bath. After all, it wasn’t a workday and those still in would not need the small room, the tin bath; or the endless stairs trudged, carrying water.

But, tonight Laura Mae was willing to do these things for Bertram, although she would not be able to explain to herself why, yet.

She would justify her actions, to Shrike, or anyone else curious, by telling them it was all to protect the act.

But, as she brought the hot chocolate up from the kitchen to Bertram and, found him dozing in what had become his favourite armchair, she hardly wanted to wake him.

Yet, she did…

“Honey, your bath is ready,” she said to him, handing him his cup of hot chocolate, which he sipped at gratefully.

“I’ll go get it, but I’d rather stay here and drink this and be with you…” he opined.

In reply, Laura Mae leant over, kissed Bertram on his forehead and told him, “You go get ‘cha bath sweetie and, I’ll make us both a hot chocolate, alright?”

He nodded and made every effort to look at Laura Mae’s eyes and, not her bust: “Yes m’dear, I look forward to that…” he whispered softly…



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