Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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1 entry this month

That aside...

00:22 Oct 09 2019
Times Read: 599

Well, I went to the dentist with my broken plate and, when I went to pick it up I learned of an issue with a cap on the lower left. It'd been the last thing I'd wanted to hear, as it meant yet another visit, with the distinct possibility that the gap between the gum and the base of the cap would have to be filled. The gap had appeared due to gum recession, something I can't do anything about. Anyway.
I went to the dentist, having had a join-aching day, the day prior. Well, stress got me and I managed to give myself every darn symptom I could, until shortly before I was due to get my taxi to the dentist. And, as I've said many a time, I do like the dentists chair: as it goes back, I can hear and feel every out of place vertebrae sitting into place. Anyway. As ever, my somewhat extensive fears proved groundless and, my treatment, with filling, had been comparatively pain-free. Just before I'd left, the dentist had suggested some Diazapan, before my next appointment. Perhaps it might be needed.
Talking of causes for undue stress, my brother emailed me again, ostensibly about divorce papers. He'd then mentioned I'd written I'd loan him money if needed. He'd been right, I had. But, that had before he'd later borrowed money from my Dad and, not paid it back, nor made an offer to pay it off in instalments... or any such thing.
Needless to say, I'd been a tad surprised at his request and had made a point of reminding him about the money Dad had lent him...
I'd been doing some weeding in the front border, when I found a small tomato plant growing there, with little tomatoes on it, which I have taken up and potted and put in the small green-house, attached to the garage.Saturday and the diverticula breaking and bleeding, was irksome to the extreme. Then I saw myself and how my looks, in a film I made and, that seriously brought me on a downer, as what I saw looked like a reject from Belsen.
And then, there'd been my meal with Dad on the Monday. He likes us to eat together, so I try. But, there's one thing about having having a restrictive diet; mine is restrictive and, obliges my Fathers routine. Meaning I have liquids on a Sunday and Wednesday, so I can see to the housework with Dad. But, there we were, eating on Monday, a meal that should have been suited to my gut.
Then the next day, I couldn't go too far from the toilet, with almost all of my many times in the bathroom made all the more irksome, by my stricture. One thing though, I now have a blue debit card, for my internet purchases, as I'm wary of being dependant on Karl; as he now has his Lady and prospective child, to look after and my worlds of friendship do seems to be getting smaller and smaller.
Then Monday brought me the dentists company again,with the knowledge that the next appointment I would have with him would be the extraction of Peggy, the single tooth left at the front. That's why I'd had the impression of Peggy and my upper set made, ready for Peggy's removal. As he had examined my mouth I had explained that I'd been using the mouth-guard of late, due Loosey annoying me, with an irritating wobble.
As I'd done the housework with Dad, I'd been looking out the back window and noticed that my Mum's last Gladiloli had finally seen it's last. I did so with the thought that as long as I was able to grow things, that plant would find my help, every year, while needed.
Come Wednesday I'd gone to St.Catherines Hospital in Birkenhead, for a 'bone density x-ray'; the idea of which had initially scared me goodstyle. Yet as it had transpired, the actual appointment itself had not been worth worrying about, at all. I hadn't even had to take off my Ankh, which had been pleasant.
Then on the Thursday I was back to the dentists, with Peggy's removal surprisingly painless, thanks to the young dentist Mr. Nolan, who I have a lot of respect for. The only 'problem' I had was in the evening, when the anaesthetic had worn off and boy, did I know it.
Friday afternoon following the same NHS path I had begun at the beginning of the week, with a appointment to take blood, with a phlebotomist, to see how low on vitamin D, or something like that...
Well, silly is better than panicking and, the next week I became very good at panicking: I had found a lump, where a guy would not want one. Funny thing, if there is one, I ran into my doctor on the way back from the shops, after making an appointment to see her.
With a wry smile, I'd said to her, “Good to see you...” then I'd told her of my forthcoming appointment and added, “If you read my notes, you might want to bring my appointment forward.”
Sure enough, I log onto my email account and, there's a message from my doctor, via a receptionist that I speak to, with a new appointment for me, much earlier than the previous one.
That aside, I am enjoying my distractions...



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