AshMoon's Journal


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Please allow me to introduce myself

19:22 Jul 20 2016
Times Read: 233

So you read my profile description, to all accounts I seem fairly normal. However, I have two sides, and they differ like day and night. What you read on the description is my normal humanly side with all the pretty colors. That is the side I show the world.

But just beneath the surface lurks a much darker, more sinister side. A Darkness I have fully embraced and nurture. My Darkness gives me my strength in life and drives my will power.

I have a strong spirit which has been broken many times and rebuilt even stronger. My star sign is Libra and my Element is Fire. I am a Dark Witch, an ordained Priestess. My blood line is Egyptian and I have been reincarnated many, many times.

I am well trained in the art of fighting, with any kind of weapon and without. I am a collector of strange and some rare weapons including an authentic Zulu spear used in the boer war. I am small but swift and deadly. My most beloved weapon is my Dragon sword with a very unique history.

I am accustomed to bear great amounts of pain, and have learned to overcome pain to the point where I am oblivious of it. I have suffered greatly throughout my life and have nearly died several times. I have been a blood donor to several vampires and have 42 feeding scars on my body from it. I have lived among vampires in their world and walked their path. I have seen things that would make a human go mad with fear. The Darkness is very real and very alive, more so than you could ever fathom.

I have met devils and demons, saints and Angels. I have had the great honor of meeting many unique and strange people. I had masters, mentors and trainers that shaped me and made me the strong person I am today. My darkness is my power and my greatest achievement.

I live by the old ways and follow a set of rules in life that guide me so I never falter. My word is my honor and to that you can hold me. I love with all my soul and heart. I hate with all my being, and it feeds my Darkness. I do not show weakness. My temper is that of Dragon fire, but my compassion is that of an Angel. I can inspire or destroy. Authority is a problem for me, I do not yield and I do not follow commands very well, my spirit is too strong. I decide my fate in life and will it no other way. I make my own destiny.

I am the most loyal person you will ever meet, to those deserving of it. I can be the kindest and the most gentle to those whom I deem worthy. I protect the ones I love fiercely and with all my acquired skills. I would die to save the ones I love. I am a very honest and straight forward person and I always speak my mind.

In my spare time I create new medicines and treatments for a range of conditions, made from the plants I grow. I also dabble in potions and poisons, I have many very toxic and deadly plants which I cherish. I understand nature and have a very deep connection with all nature around me. I draw good energy and life from my plants and nature. Nature ever guides and teaches me, shows me new ways to make my medicines. Apart from that, my strange plants are also very good for my Dark magic, works very well.

I strive to always better myself and to learn as much as I possibly can. Each experience I have shapes me into something more, better. I strive for freedom and happiness. I strive to be all that I can be. I constantly study and research many different subjects.

I am a very observant person and I notice and see everything. I pay close attention to my surrounds and always make sure to know exactly whats going on around me. I have a very sharp eye and can spot strangeness rather quick.

I have a very strong sense for what is right and what is wrong, and pride myself on the strength I have to follow through. I lead a very difficult, not so pleasant life, and it has thus made me appreciate all the small things in life. I see beauty where few others can. I am also an Empath, gift and curse. It does help me connect with people better and I am loved for it. I loathe ill mannered and rude, arrogant people. I can see right through them. I can tell when a person is lying to me as easily as I can tell when a person means me harm. I can anticipate situations in daily life by relying on feelings of energy I get from people and how their emotions change. The down side of it is, I feel a persons pain and grief they have suffered once someone touches me. There is no off button for this so I make sure to not allow people to touch me at all.

I am a very driven and determined person and I'm relentless. When I set my mind to something I make sure it happens. I have been trained to never give up, never give in.

This is the Darkness I am. Accept me or hate me, I am what I am and I am proud of it. I embrace both my sides fully and relish the Darkness I am. If this is too much for you to handle then stay away from me, as simple as that. I will not tolerate drama and bullshit on my page. If you disturb me for no reason with annoyances then you will get my ugly side. Show me kindness and respect or leave me alone. I am not here to be anyone's friend or playmate. I will choose to whom I speak and what actions I take. And if I say no, I mean it. If you are a like minded soul, you are more than welcome to chat. But don't come here looking for trouble, there are many ways to get rid of a pest. And please don't bother telling me what you think about me, I really don't give a fuck.



20:22 Jul 20 2016

Greetings. I Have a question... do you believe there is something different or special in being empathetic? Thank you, id like to read your thoughts about it, if you dont mind.

20:35 Jul 20 2016

Well in terms of it being a special gift, yes its makes one different. But it doesnt make me special. There are many empaths out there but each is unique. Each is different. But no doesnt make me special at all. To me its more often a burden. But I accept it for what it is, merely another tool to survive this horrid life.

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