AsphaltTears's Journal

AsphaltTears's Journal


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Why some don't log in much after awhile

17:48 Apr 14 2015
Times Read: 371

I personally have had many ups and downs in my life. My parents died, my best friends son died in a very freak manner, my only son died and my three daughters are estranged. Well truthfully two from the one. The one I live with unfortunately. I'm sort of caught in the middle and getting along in age. I have other interests such as writing and I have been doing it for a number of years now. I had my time writing essays...non fiction articles for websites and e-zines. I now write novels but only for fun or maybe I want to leave behind some sort of a legacy. I don't think I'm an outstanding writer and sometimes I shunned those "so-called" rules of novel writing. They're my stories and I have found over a number of years, I can only write in a certain way because of how my mind works. I can't do it from outlines and often I don't know the ending. Once I'm on a roll it just pours out and sometimes I'm surprised where it goes. What I have found interesting is the unusual things that happen when I have chosen a name or place to find I have chosen correctly and it's out of the blue. Sometimes it's almost scary. I step into my stories figuratively and feel their pain, happiness and accomplishments so maybe that makes me a little OCD about the writing but I've never asked anyone who is an established, published author (not self done but by a viable publisher) if they had these types of experiences or if it was all clinical for them, a means to an end. I write because I guess it gives me an escape. My stories are paranormal romances and not really geared for male readers but there is no obstacle put in the way of anyone no matter gender reading them. They are complex and every time I try to explain them it's just too many words. This is one of the reasons I'm not here because I don't have the time to go through hundreds of profiles that aren't really profiles anymore like when I first came to this site. I find it tedious and uninteresting but every so often I find new people who are wonderful and beautiful profiles. I simply don't want to keep up with all the upgrades in coding or even try. Keep it simple is my motto. I just barely get by but I do and that's all that counts for me and if I'm not here often it's because I have been on this site far longer than five years.




Whoever you may be

20:26 Apr 02 2015
Times Read: 392

I find it interesting I had a message that disappeared when I tried to answer it. I don't know if that means they deleted their account since I posted or what it means. I never speak condescendingly about the ToV or Aset Ka. I do know what most think of both of these groups but my personal view is to each it's own. I only know a smidgen about Aset Ka and I can tell you they were not visible in the early 2000s. Not sure what that means but the ToV was.

People who are searching tend to run across their creed (ToV) and it does indeed ONLY apply to that group which is actually a Vampire Religion with Vampire gods, but just because it exists does not mean this is what the mainstream members of the vampire community believe. Most of them consider it a cult, others just tolerate it. The main reason is, even though sanguinarian vampires are a minority in the community, because their views are in total opposition to what most in the community believe. They are connected to the community but actually outside of it like the Stregoi Vii. Even so some intermix. The ToV was started by Satanists. They believe blood drinking vampires are unevolved and they abhor them...truth. As for me, how someone feeds is personal and I don't judge sanguine vampires. The ToV feeds from energy they say they take from the astral plane. The Vampire Creed and the Vampire Bible is of their origin and only applies to that organization. No one else uses these ideas whatsoever unless they unwittingly emulate them. I'm a live and let live person so I say what I know to be the facts and that is that, not judgments.



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