AsphaltTears's Journal

AsphaltTears's Journal


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12 entries this month

What someone said about the code

12:32 Mar 31 2011
Times Read: 806

This was from a forum discussing this topic and one poster put this:

This is the code which I got (probably a small piece of it) from watching the video and pausing at the frame where the guy is typing the code...

01000110 01001110 10101010 10101001

00101010 00100100 00100001 10100111

10100111 10100010 00100100 10000111

00100000 10101010 00100010 10100001

10100111 10101001 11001010 10001001

00101001 11001010 10101001 11101010

10001010 10101010 00101010 01110010

00011011 0001

when I decode it I get this:

FNª©*$!§§¢$� ª"¡§©Ê�)Ê©ê�ª*r

And this is what I get when I encode their message...

eploration [of] humanity

52° 09' 42.352"N

13° 13' 12.69"W

conti [nuous]

for planetary advan [ce]

In Binary:

00001101 00001010 01100101 01110000 01101100 01101111 01110010 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 00100000 01011011 01101111 01100110 01011101 00100000 01101000 01110101 01101101 01100001 01101110 01101001 01110100 01111001 00001101 00001010 00001101 00001010 00110101 00110010 11000010 10110000 00100000 00110000 00111001 00100111 00100000 00110100 00110010 00101110 00110011 00110101 00110010 00100010 01001110 00100000 00100000 00100000 00001101 00001010 00110001 00110011 11000010 10110000 00100000 00110001 00110011 00100111 00100000 00110001 00110010 00101110 00110110 00111001 00100010 01010111 00001101 00001010 00001101 00001010 01100011 01101111 01101110 01110100 01101001 00100000 01011011 01101110 01110101 01101111 01110101 01110011 01011101 00001101 00001010 00001101 00001010 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110000 01101100 01100001 01101110 01100101 01110100 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000 01100001 01100100 01110110 01100001 01101110 00100000 01011011 01100011 01100101 01011101

You can use this website to decode or encode.


And this is Google Earth's position for these co-ordinates

52° 09' 42.352"N

13° 13' 12.69"W



Note: I went to the URL and it shows a map and an arrow pointing to a place in the ocean near Ireland. Not just off the shore but a ways out.



19:17 Mar 31 2011

This is to deep for me, although I save the http address.

So what does it all mean.


UFO/Binary Code connection back to Hy Brasil

09:09 Mar 31 2011
Times Read: 815

This is about an experience two military men had in the 80s. One kept feeling he should write down something which was binary code. He kept it to himself for a long time but now it has been decoded and this is what they are saying. Fact or Fiction who knows but interesting none the less. There is an ad that pops up at the top of the video. Just click the X in the upper right corner and it goes away. Think a second one comes up and do the same thing.



09:54 Mar 31 2011

wow really interesting! The only thing is, I wonder if anyone could write 6 pages of binary and produce a meaningful message?

12:58 Mar 31 2011

I watched a show about this and thought it was pretty interesting too.



21:13 Mar 30 2011
Times Read: 818




Whistle-blowing witch grounded by TSA

21:18 Mar 28 2011
Times Read: 830

Wiccan is fired after complaint about casting spells — and after she complained about lax security at the airport

Here's a situation for all you aspiring managers: If you were the boss at a U.S. government agency and one of your employees complained that she was afraid of a co-worker's religious practices, what would you do?

By Bill Dedman

Investigative reporter


updated 3/28/2011 8:42:10 AM ET

Here's a situation for all you aspiring managers: If you were the boss at a U.S. government agency and one of your employees complained that she was afraid of a co-worker's religious practices, what would you do?

Here's how the Transportation Security Administration handled it:

It fired the witch.

Each person's story is unique, but what happened to Carole A. Smith gives us a glimpse of the work life of the 400,000-plus Wiccans in the United States. And it sheds light on work life at the TSA, where the 40,000-plus public employees who keep bad people and bad things off of airplanes have started voting this month on whether to join a union.

Read more HERE



21:47 Mar 28 2011

They seriously fired someone for being a witch? Isn't that discrimination? *laughs* You can't be fired for religion. That's illegal.

21:47 Mar 28 2011

I'd sue their asses off for that shit. But that's just me. :D


Interview with Savannah's gentleman vampyre

04:01 Mar 27 2011
Times Read: 841

By Rosa Degennaro

Savannah Paranormal & Occult Examiner

I have to say this is something I never thought I would be doing. In fact, when the man known as Savannah's "gentleman vampyre" left a message in my voicemail I was completely taken aback. Completely unable to say no, I agreed to meet him in his home for tea and conversation. I wasn't disappointed.

I drove across Savannah to meet the man who wishes to be identified only as Solomon on a very brisk day. In fact, if I had to hand pick a time to meet a vamp this would likely not be my favorite time of weather as it was very overcast, heavily clouded, cold, and windy. I watched dead leaves blow passed his brownstone and had to wonder if that was an omen. I was about to begin climbing his stairs when my cell rang. It was Solomon instructing me to enter through the garden gate on the side. He explained the entry way was under construction and it was inhospitable.

Read more HERE





18:33 Mar 22 2011
Times Read: 847

Often my dreams are so vivid. They sometimes defy what deals with people being alive or dead in a way.

I was dreaming about this young woman that had three kids, two blond haired girls and a dark headed boy who was the oldest of the three. She was some sort of an entertainer but not sure what type because I don't remember. She was in a stadium but it was oval. It was sort of like the types for ice skaters but the surface was not ice but dirt. I don't think she was a circus performer. I thought she was a vocalist of some sort but in the dream I never heard her sing. I had the feeling there was a stage set up in the center area. We were always moving from place to place. I think I was her sister and helped promote her act...not sure.

Anyway when we were at this place her daughters came out on a pony and everyone cheered then they all went around shaking hands with people in the audience. It almost reminded me of the peanut gallery on Howdy Doody, hahaha.

On the far side was this woman who was in a square pool of water. She was sort of floating under the water with her eyes closed. There was a big box beside her that we decided to open. (An older woman was with us, she appeared to be an assistant) It had something in it that gave us the idea that this young woman was expecting.

Now the one thing was the feeling that this other woman was competition for my sister, rivals. She really didn't want to be so the one I was with helped this woman out of the water or whatever it was. It almost looked like some sort of suspended animation. Anyway she told her she wanted to be friends and they could work together. Things were said I don't remember now but I woke up and that is all I remember is the two of them hugging and the end. Kind of a silly dream but there were things prior to this part but I just can't remember. I am still left with a feeling of that place.




Sometimes people can be their own worst enemies

05:05 Mar 22 2011
Times Read: 852

Standing in this box (figuratively of course) SCREAMING. The assholes of the world will unite I know it. Maybe they will kill each other off in time.

Has been a bad day with people arguing in the community over what I consider trivia except for the prime subject but that kind of got glossed over. And of course others who seem to be in chronic bitch mode. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. Yeah, that's what I will look forward to. Tomorrow.

And yes, I rarely use profanity, only when I am totally fed up.




20:26 Mar 21 2011
Times Read: 857

The Vampire Who Beat Wells Fargo Sucking the blood of bloodsucking capitalism

By Joseph Laycock

Since the collapse of the housing bubble and the 2008 bailout, Americans have grown so mistrustful of financial institutions that a recent survey indicates that 38% of Americans consider statements from banks to be “not at all believable.” The number is even higher for mortgage companies. Last month, Patrick Rodgers of Philadelphia “foreclosed” on a local Wells Fargo branch.

In an act of legal jiujitsu, Rodgers was able to prove that Wells Fargo exhibited a pattern of failing to communicate with its clients and was awarded $1000. When the bank didn’t pay, he arranged for a sheriff’s levy to sell the bank’s assets at auction. A deputy sheriff arrived at the bank branch and prepared an inventory of its assets: computers, fax machines, and office furniture. Not long after, Rodgers received his $1000, plus legal fees. The media promoted his victory as a classic David and Goliath story and CNN dubbed Rodgers “a folk hero.”

But there’s another element to the story: Rodgers openly identifies as a vampire.

Read more HERE




What an interesting title

03:32 Mar 21 2011
Times Read: 862

One of my friends from High School lives in Louisiana and she is a costumer in the film industry. She has worked on the last two I think it was Twilight movies and is now working on a movie from a novel of the same name. It has a very funny storyline in my opinion.

"Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is a 2012 American film based on the 2010 mashup novel Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. The film is directed by Timur Bekmambetov and is written by Seth Grahame-Smith, who also wrote the novel. Benjamin Walker stars as Abraham Lincoln, who in the novel and film has a secret identity as a vampire hunter. The film will be produced in 3D, and it began filming in Louisiana in March 2011. The film is scheduled to be released on June 22, 2012."

She says the costumes will be gorgeous and the two designers working on the film seem to have prestigeous backgrounds. I don't know any of the actors involved but it looks to be a very novel film. I wonder if it will be a serious movie or have some campy incidents. I really don't know but I am waiting to see this one since Frances worked on it. She has been talking about it a little on Facebook. Seems her hours are grueling and she needs a vaca.




One of those days

19:36 Mar 20 2011
Times Read: 863

Have you ever had one of those days you just didn't know what to do with yourself? OR you just didn't want to do anything and knew it wasn't going to be good thing and it would come back and hit you in the ass? Oh, I have so many of those and there are times I would just like to fight with anyone because everything seems to piss me off. It must be hormones...yeah that is what it is, lol. I do wake up in a sweat hot all over. Don't believe hot flashes eventually go away. They diminish but they rear their ugly heads now and then. At least that is what I think they are, lol.

I have been watching all these horror movies, mindless, not much plot things. I had to turn off one Elvira was hosting called: Eat Your Skin or something like that. It was BAD. I generally don't watch when some person is just going around killing people for the fun of it or zombie types of movies. They are so redundant with very little story except people being chased and running away. Eh, I am not entertained by that. It has gotten that way with vampire movies as well. Everyone screams when they show them as feeling and individuals not to mention a trivial thing with UV light. I just shake my head. At least there is a storyline. Personally I like the Twilight movies and quite frankly now, those who say they hate them either haven't actually watched them or only watched one, the first one and are attention seekers. It is always cool to nay say for the young. OR that is what it appears to me. I didn't like the first movie that well the first time I saw it so I watched it a few more times. You miss things in one sitting. I like them but they are just movies like a zillion others.

I'm waiting for True Blood to come back on in June. There are those that don't like it either but you see, I DONT CARE! I can't stand Being Human either one of them but I am sure, I would like individual episodes. I didn't like Moonlighting when it first came on but watched the reruns and found I liked it but it isn't written to well. It's not the actors. I don't like the actors they cast in the US version of Being Human too much and that is part of it. It is good when you can sort of get into the people involved. I would rather watch NCIS and I do...love that show. Well enough whinning...Im outtie.




What to think

18:09 Mar 19 2011
Times Read: 870

I almost hesitate to comment other than to say...you just can't please everyone. Do parents teach their kids manners anymore? I have been wondering this for some time now. I am an older person that doesn't like smart ass people, lol. Do any of us? They are everywhere, everywhere.

There is a curse on my profile...watch out, lol. Am I kidding, lol...that would be telling :)




Concerning Sanguinarius and other stuff

18:58 Mar 17 2011
Times Read: 881

Sanguinarius did get out of the hospital and went home and is becoming more active as time passes. I am only an acquaintance but still I wouldn't want her to be ill.

I have a friend I am almost holding my breath with. She definitely has some sort of invisible guardian because she has missed death so many times and is going through a lot. She had a five bypass a few years ago and I never knew that could stip your hair of its color. She dyes it now. It also caused many allergies. She can't have gluten and a myriad of other things. They put a small kidney machine in her chest after the last operation which had nothing to do with her heart directly and her kidneys went back to normal and now they are thinking of taking the thing out but she can't have normal medications, only locals and mild. She experiences a lot of pain. She is allergic to so many things. All of this affected her eyes as well to where for a period she was blind. She can see somewhat but they put off the operation that was scheduled because of all the other stuff and now I don't know what is going on but she has had so many near misses with death she has many scythes on display in her newly found museum of death.



18:54 Mar 18 2011

My heart goes out to your friend. I pray she gets better.

Peace and Blessings.

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