Beastt17's Journal

Beastt17's Journal


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5 entries this month

Can't argue with this!

09:59 Dec 24 2008
Times Read: 627

"body i full of matters even brain too. it too after working do need relax as we do relax after 8 hours till next day. Or it become sick."



12:05 Dec 24 2008

Wow, 8 hours of relaxing.. what luxury! (is that what they meant?) Well, I hope you have a lovely Christmas Beastt :)

16:07 Dec 24 2008

my body is full of too much matters... I need to start exercising more...

I could try relaxing for 8 hours at the end of the day... but that would be kind of boring... I probably wouldn't be able to stay awake for it. ;)

20:12 Dec 24 2008

No, you REALLY can't argue with that. Damn.


Is Anything/Everything possible?

15:54 Dec 12 2008
Times Read: 668


This one will take a few minutes to read.


Re: "Whether or not those realities exist has yet to be determined."

Actually, many of the realities have been determined. There is a vast difference between that which has not been determined, and that which some people reject on the basis of their personal subjective beliefs, wants and desires. The shape of the Earth has been determined. There are still people who are members of the "Flat Earth Society" who believe the Earth is flat, but that doesn't mean we haven't determined that the Earth is an oblate spheroid.

By the same token, there are people who believe in non-physical entities which they claim possess physical properties. They don't seem to recognize that they are presenting their own contradiction. But contradictions don't get along well with reality. The reality has been determined. It's just that some are unwilling to accept anything contrary to what they already believe, and thusly insist that the determinations haven't been made, despite the fact that the determinations are well-evidenced and conclusive.


Re: "I could say that you're slavishly devoted to what is rationalized as truth for the here and now and your dismissive attitude leaves you incapable of continuing to seek and uncover the mysteries of the universe and our existance."

Certainly, you could say that. But saying something doesn't make it true. There are those who don't seem to recognize that but it remains the case. And while some suggest that we (the rational, studied and skeptical), are suggested to be "incapable of continuing to seek and uncover the mysteries of the universe and our existence", we are the very people doing just exactly that. Mystics, psychics, magicians and witches aren't the ones showing us the vastness of the universe. They're not the ones demonstrating that gravity is a circumstance of warping space-time. They're not the ones explaining M-theory, dark energy or dark matter. Those things are all being done by the very people mystics, psychics, magicians and witches claim are incapable of uncovering the mysteries of the universe and our existence. Think about it. What have mystics, psychics, witches or magicians (not illusionists), ever added to our base of confirmed knowledge?


Re: "Are not the laws and theories continually subject to further examination and if objective evidence is presented that those laws and theories must either be modified or nullified?"

Of course this is true. And when this is done to comply with reality, it's called "science". When people attempt to proclaim that the laws and theories are incorrect, simply because they conflict with their own pet-beliefs, the process is called "subjectivity" and "confirmation-bias", neither of which produce consistencies with reality. It just depends on whether one is in pursuit of truth regardless of what the truth turns out to be, or if one is seeking vindication and won't accept any truth contrary to their own desired beliefs.


Re: "Though, it does not stop me from questioning whether there is something else out there we've yet to discover."

Certainly there are things "out there" we've yet to discover. Where that not the case every scientist in the world would be practicing futile redundancies. Science thrives on the continuation of mysteries. But the only method ever shown to be productive at solving those mysteries is science -- the objective. Those who reject science because it fails to find as they wish, turn to subjectivity, confirmation-bias and a beratement of science. And yet none of those people have ever uncovered any significant system for discovering anything. Instead they proclaim they're right and then instantly proclaim that they are unable to demonstrate their proclaimed concepts.

We learn from science. We deny what we have learned through claims of the paranormal and supernatural. Look at man's history. When we first wondered what caused a few rare mountains to spew fire, smoke, ash and molten rock, we turned to an explanation relying upon the supernatural. We did the same to explain, earthquakes, lightning, thunder, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, diseases, mental illness and a host of other things. And yet, not a single one of those explanations ever turned out to be right.

Eventually, man developed a system of objective analysis which we call "science". And science demonstrated that volcanic activity is due to a process we now know as vulcanism, not gods. It showed the same lack of connection with the supposed supernatural when it came to earthquakes, lightning, thunder, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, diseases, mental illness and many, many more things. Never in the entire history of mankind has there ever been a single confirmation of any explanation which looks to the supernatural or paranormal. Everything that has been explained in a confirmable manner has been explained through the purely natural -- everything.

And yet we still have people -- I dare say, "the majority of people" -- who fail to learn anything from this pattern which has remained purely consistent throughout man's age of true discovery.


Re: "For instance, the double-split experiement...how do you explain the change of results when you try to observe/measure what is happening and when you do not observe/measure?"

The true mystery of the double-slit experiment lies in that when we observe single particles (photons), they change their behavior. At a Newtonian level that seems purely non-intuitive because we don't think about changing anything or the properties of anything, just by looking at it. But at the quantum level you have to remember that in order to look at something, you have to alter it; you must affect it in some way, and then "see" it by observing the effect of that alteration. Perhaps this will be as simple as bouncing a photon off of a particle. But when we do that, we alter something about the particle. The same thing happens when we observe a quantum-level wave. In order to observe it, we must do something to it. And when we do something to observe the wave, we end up converting it into a particle.

If you think about it, the same kind of thing does happen at the Newtonian level. It's just that the alteration is far less noticeable. You can't see your car unless photons are bouncing off of the car and reflecting into your eyes. So in order to observe your car, you have to do something to it which will result in very tiny changes. The same electro-magnetic waves which bounce off of your car and reflect into your eyes, or a camera, in order to allow you to "observe" the car can damage your skin. So there are changes being made. And when the object or phenomena you're attempting to observe is on the order of a quantum particle or quantum wave, the change produced is far more pronounced than it is when speaking of something the size of your car.


Re: "Can I create my own reality or affect reality through my thoughts...perhaps."

You can change the chemical levels in your brain with your thoughts. You can even change how you perceive reality with your thoughts. But as far as affecting reality outside of your body just by thinking about it, you'd need to present some objective supporting evidence to have any hope for such a claim. And despite the people who have been making such claims for eons, not a single one has ever offered the slightest shred of objective supporting evidence.


Re: "Is it possible that playing classical music results in a different crystal pattern than one that 'listened' (I use that term very loosely) to heavy metal?"

It's not only possible, it makes perfect sense. And it does so without looking to anything beyond the known and the physical. What is music? It's sound waves and sound waves are simply series of fluctuations in densities which we perceive as both vibrations (palpable) and sounds (audible). Would it make sense to believe that you can vibrate particles of water as you cool them and have them assemble exactly as they would if you didn't vibrate them as you cooled them?

Think about snowflakes for a moment. It is often said that no two are alike. And the reason they are so incredibly diverse is because so many variables go into determining what structure the snowflake will take. If we alter humidity, barometric pressure, temperature, wind direction, concentrations of impurities in the water, interaction of wind currents or thermal differentials, we significantly change the detailed structure of the resulting snowflake.

If you play classical music, the nature of the compression waves are distinctly and significantly different than those produced in heavy metal music. So it would make no sense if the crystalline patterns in the water weren't different. People tend to trip over the idea when it comes to music because humans have subjective preferences when it comes to music. But the water isn't demonstrating a subjective preference. It's simply reacting to the vibrations which cause the molecules of the water to move in different arrangements and frequencies as they freeze, depending on the nature and qualities of the sound waves being introduced during the freezing process.


Re: "do those who refute hold some sort of Ph.D or been published in medical journals?"

Do you not see the double-standard? Do you request the same credentials from those who suggest that the paranormal or supernatural might be real? Most of the people here who are commonly referred to by the misnomer "believer", seem to have little concept of any demonstrated reality. They simply believe what they believe, look only to their own subjective interpretations of personal experiences for their attempts at understanding, and continually present highly refutable conclusions.

And yet, when one steps forward with purely natural, supportable, objective explanations as a replacement, it seems you wish to discount their offerings unless they have a framed piece of paper on their wall.

Where I work there is a mix of formal education levels. Some have degrees, some do not. A few have some rather impressive degrees. The one thing you won't find is any notable pattern in intellectual prowess between those with degrees and those without. Several years ago the majority of the main division did not hold degrees. A new, young, certified male was hired and he held a degree in the field of work in which he was to engage. His first week or two he was notably arrogant and seemed to think he was part of a new, superior "breed" entering into the profession. Within 4-months all of that arrogance had turned to utter humility as he was facing the potential of being dismissed from his job for his inability to properly and understandably document his practices in the job.

Despite his framed degree on the wall, he was unable to write a simple report in a manner which made any sense.

Degrees mean only that you paid the financial price, and that you managed to get enough questions correct on tests to pass your classes. They don't make you any more or any less intelligent. Let's consider a man now famous for his achievements, among which were to teach himself to read hieroglyphics. Here is one of his most famous and most apropos quotations;

They must find it difficult; those who see authority as truth, rather than truth as authority.

-- G. Massey

One doesn't need a degree to learn, to spread that knowledge or to be correct. A degree is not a bad thing, but the assumption that a degree determines whether your observations and conclusions are correct or incorrect, is a blatant and very popular fallacy.



22:01 Dec 12 2008

Re: "Is it possible that playing classical music results in a different crystal pattern than one that 'listened' (I use that term very loosely) to heavy metal?"

~Who asked this?~

23:52 Dec 12 2008

You can find the whole exchange in the forum under dabbler's thread, "Is Anything/Everything possible?".

What you see here is regarding the 7th response to the opening post.


Pinpointing the Cruelty

01:46 Dec 07 2008
Times Read: 702

Is it in the dream for teasing the mind with what it desires or in waking, against the will, to find life still vacuous and cold?

It's rare I remember dreaming. Perhaps it's rare that I dream. I should seek either to remain, or discontinue the practice altogether.




Longer Heat

19:51 Dec 06 2008
Times Read: 727

This time of year makes no sense. The sun comes up late but by 11:30, it's almost 70°. An hour later it's 65° and it just keeps getting colder.

Is fusion just a morning process?




Talent '!'

19:46 Dec 06 2008
Times Read: 728

I may not have my drum set anymore and my pencils, stumps and sketchpad have been gathering dust for years. I used to be reasonable at running before I started cycling regularly. But it does seem that I never lose the talent for having the right thoughts and always trying to express them through the wrong words.



20:39 Dec 06 2008

Bullshit. I love the way you write.

21:25 Dec 06 2008

Yeah, see from what I've seen, you're extremely articulate. You use words precisely, creatively and eloquently. :)

I envy you.

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