Caligo's Journal

Caligo's Journal


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Umlaut: Creature of the Night

07:56 Oct 11 2009
Times Read: 534

I personally think this is no good, but feel free to read and tell me what you think.

There is a creature of the night that lingers in dangerous places waiting for innocent victims to fall into his trap of death. He wants to change. He wants to be free from his evilness. He is very short; no bigger than a rabbit. He has ears like a bat and eyes like a hawk. His teeth are as sharp as wolves, yet look more like vampire fangs. His tail is as long as a cat's, but pointy like a rats. The color of his rough wrinkly skin is the color of a rotten banana without the peel, yet he is no more than 23-years-old. This evil creatures name is Umlaut.

He sat lonely in the middle of no where, the mysterious moonlight shining on him while he waited for his next victim. While waiting he promised himself that this time the victim would not be a victim of an awful crime to horrible to think of, but a friend instead. He was tired of all the unthinkable horrible crimes he had committed to these innocent living things. He wanted to know what it was like to live a life worth living for. He wanted to know how it felt to be wanted, to be a friend. He would wait there until he found someone perfect for him. Until his one true friend came along. He waited there for three days without sleep and without food.

Finally, a beautiful, kind, young, elvish-looking creature came down the trail. She had a glowing, blue crystal necklace around her neck that caught his eye. She stopped to look at him then asked, "Are you alright? You look like you could use some help. How can I help?" Well this creature was surprised. He was surprised she had stopped to talk to him, not a bear, nor bird, but him; a creature of the night. He replied back, "I am looking for somebody to be a true friend to me. I have been sitting here for three whole days without sleep and food, and I think I have found her. She replied knowingly, "And who might this friend be?" "You of course. From when I first saw you to when you stopped to speak to me I knew you were just the one for me. The friend of my life." Umlaut replied. "Well I think you are mistaken for who would want a poor ugly thing like me?" she replied. "For one I would. I think that you are the most beautiful thing in the world. You are not ugly no matter what you may think or say. I know that you are the right one for me; I can feel it. You're kind, attractive, and caring. Looks are not important, but what's on the inside that counts. Not in a million years would someone have stopped to talk to me. No, they would have run from me in fear, fear that I might come after them. That is why I think that you are the friend of my life." Umlaut explained.

"But we don't even know each other!" The creature replies, "Oh, I'm terribly sorry I almost forgot. My name is Umlaut. I want to tell you more about me, but what I did is unforgivable." "Everything is forgivable no matter what." The beautiful creature remarked. "What is your name beautiful one?" "My name is Arwin." "That is a lovely name" responds Umlaut. "You think?" "Most definitely. Arwin, if you say everything is forgivable no matter what, then what are your circumstances of forgivable? What is the one thing that you will not forgive?" "My circumstances are as long as the person or creature has not killed anyone then they can be forgiven." Arwin said. "Then my act can not be forgiven, for I have killed so many innocent people and creatures." "Then, I can't forgive you. You are a horrible…..thing…creature. I don't even know what you are. How could you kill innocent people like that? They didn't do anything to you!" Arwin stressed.

"I'm sorry! I really am! If I could go back in time and change all that I have done, I would. But I can't so I just have to move on with my life. I regret all that I did now, and that is why I am trying to change. All I want now is to find a friend who will help me get through this pain and torture! I don't want to be the horrible thing that I have been in my past. Please be there for me! Please be my friend! If you don't it will ruin me!" "'Tis good that you are trying to change your evil ways, and that is where a friend would come in need, but it is against my beliefs to befriend such a monster." "But isn't it against your beliefs not to help someone in need?" Umlaut questioned. "Umm…uh…yes it is I must admit, against my beliefs not to help someone in need, and for that I am questionable as to whether I should be your friend or not. Because you do have some good traits in you for wanting to give up your evil ways, but then your past is so horribly unforgivable." Arwin remarked. "Then, if I gave you time to think about whether you'd like to help me and be my friend, would you come back and give me your answer?" "It depends on how much time I would have." "How does two days sound to you?" questioned Umlaut. "I think that that should be enough time." She said as she turned to walk away.

As Arwin walk deeper into the forest closer to her home, she thinks of what she is going to do. When she reaches her house with the gold bricks and dirt road she thinks to herself that maybe she should ask her nana for advice. "Nana! Nana!" She remarks. Nana comes rushing out of the kitchen with her oven mitts on. "What is it child?" "Oh, Nana I met the most horrible creature just now in the woods. He was small and had ears like a—" "Young lady, I thought I told you to stay away from the woods. You know that you shouldn't go near them. There are dangerous things in there. Especially at night!" Nana exclaimed as she took off her oven mitts and set them down on the coffee table. "I know, but it was getting dark and I wanted to get home as soon as possible and the woods are the fastest way." "Oh it's alright child. Just stay away from them next time." Nana said.

"Nana I need your help. What would you do if you met a creature in the woods who in the past has done some unforgivable things, but wanted to change?" Arwin says as Nana reaches towards a draw. "There is no change in evil Arwin. They try to change but they can't. Instead they get more evil than before. You must go back there and kill this…this demon you speak up. Get rid of this evil. Here take this dagger and stab it through the heart. Only then will you stop this thing." Nana explained. "But Nana! Isn't there any other way?" Arwin pleaded. "No, now you'll do what I say. Get some rest you'll need it" Nana demands as Arwin takes the dagger. Arwin sulks and walks away towards the stairs. When she gets up stairs, she put the dagger on her night table and changes into her nightgown. She climbs into bed and thinks of what she's going to do as she falls asleep.

The next day, Umlaut waited for her without bothering to eat or sleep, afraid that Arwin might not come to see him. He paced and sighed as he waited and waited. The second day came and still no sign of Arwin. Umlaut was getting worried. He doubted that she was coming. The sun went down and Umlaut fell asleep. While he was asleep, Arwin came. She snuck up to him with a dagger in her left hand. She raised her hand, and just when she was about to stab him in the heart he opens his eyes. His red eyes were glaring at her. He jumped up onto her and started to attack her. She tried to fight back but it was just no use. Umlaut bit into her neck and killed her with one poisonous bite. As she lie there limp and dead, he grabbed the crystal necklace that lay around her neck, and laughs his evil laugh as he dances into the night.



08:50 Oct 16 2009

sounds good to me

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