Camelia's Journal


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4 entries this month

Just because I'm bored...

17:21 Jan 24 2015
Times Read: 232

Today I went shopping and bought some new jeans, a nice blue tartan tunic (check out the alliteration) and a silver necklace made of lots of chains all woven together. I also got some cereal, but that's not as important, clothes are more interesting than food. Anyway, my friend at school is doing an extended project, which means she basically has to do a big fancy presentation on something that interests her, so I thought I could do one since it helps with university and stuff. The trouble is, I'm interested in things that not many people want to see a presentation on, for example I thought about doing one about Doctor Who and its history. I also thought about using vampires as a topic, especially since I could get articles from VR which would make research a lot easier. But I don't know if my topics are interesting enough, and even if they are I'm not sure I'd have the will power to do all the research and stuff and then spend ages on a presentation. The trouble with me is that, although I love learning stuff and I could read till the cows come home, I can't cope with constantly having to write it and rewrite it to pass exams. That's probably why I find school so boring, especially History, because learning all the facts gets me really interested but then I have to spend weeks learning and regurgitating them and by then I'm bored to tears. On a completely unrelated note, yeah I'm in a rather erratic mood today, I'm really excited because my boyfriend is coming to visit me next weekend and I haven't seen him for ages!




Rant time!

19:10 Jan 16 2015
Times Read: 246

So today I had a massive melt-down in class and made a total fool of myself, which was made worse by the fact that a student teacher had come in to observe the lesson. Basically, I've realised that living at school is a bitch, mostly because you can never get away from it. At the moment there are exams so we have to be quiet and stay in our rooms in the evenings, which doesn't help at all because I've done all my exams now so I don't need to study. What also doesn't help is that one of the girls in my unit is a horrible person who stole my boyfriend and takes every possible opportunity to rub it in my face. Plus, even though I go to a school for people with visual impairments, not all of us are blind, and the totally blind ones (like me) kind of get ignored because the ones with sight all hang around together. I don't think they do it on purpose, but that's just how it is. The teachers are even worse, they focus on people who have lost their sight rather than people who are born blind, I think they're under the impression that if you've always been blind you're perfectly capable of coping on your own. That's not how it is, I still can't cook or anything and I get stressed just as much as anyone else does, it's just that I've been dealing with it for longer. I have absolutely nothing to do this weekend because everyone but me has gone home, so there may be more rants where this came from. At least the afore mentioned horrible person isn't here, I suppose. It's been a very long week, and I'm glad it's over. Sorry to anyone who's reading this, I needed to vent.




I had a new experience today!

17:07 Jan 10 2015
Times Read: 256

So as you know if you've looked at my profile, I'm blind, which means I'm never going to drive a car. However, today I went on a driving experience, i was taken in to a big open field and I got to drive around it. It was certainly interesting, although part of me is glad I'll never drive because it was very complicated. It kinda makes me respect people with cars, they do that complicated thing on a regular basis with loads of other people around them doing the same thing, and most of the time they don't hit those other people. I definitely enjoyed it though, it was a rush to do something I never thought I could, even if it was just for half an hour. Plus the feeling of driving is kinda fun, especially going fast, somehow it's not the same when you're a passenger.



22:27 Jan 10 2015

Never say never.. Google will sort that out!


It says I have to write a journal entry so...

12:09 Jan 04 2015
Times Read: 269

Prepare for some meaningless babble! I have a box of chocolates next to my bed and it's calling to me, but I've already had far too much chocolate. Christmas is truly a time for getting fat and not quite knowing when to stop eating or drinking. Anyways, in my neck of the woods it's nearly lunchtime so I should probably be getting up soon. Maybe there'll be food downstairs...



21:48 Jan 04 2015

I like chocolate too. There's never enough! Lol ~Raven

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