Contessa's Journal

Contessa's Journal


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Another year older!

18:20 Jan 20 2008
Times Read: 648

Yes even cursed dragons still have birthdays and mine has just passed. Seems even after over 700 years of this I cannot help but mark the time. I keep hoping that perhaps one of these days the witch will return and release me from my torment. But it didn't happen this year either and all I did was sit at home and wait as my hope slowly washed away with the tides.

I can hear the ocean from my window and the catcalls of the sharks as they tease me for my dreams. They are not the type to waste time on wishing for things that are not but instead they focus solely on what is now. Swimming and feeding and fighting are all they think of well and mating when the urge hits them. But that's not the biggest part of their existance. Being top shark in the ocean is their only pursuit even for the ones who haven't a hope in hell of it, they still spend all their time trying for it. How dumb is that?

At least my dream has a slight possibility of coming true. Should the witch who turned me ever find it in her heart to release me I could return to my human form, live out a normal life span and then die as all humans get to do.

Before you ask, yes I know the witch is still alive for she placed a spell on me that lets her keep up with me and after many years I learned to trace it's path and now can monitor her, the same way. Both of us live on hiding from the world and pretending we are happy. Bull!

She's as miserable as I am but for a completely different reason. Anyone that holds that much bitterness inside has to feel awful. See the knight that I killed after he murdered my beloved dragon, was the man she loved herself. Even though he was trying to "rescue" me to claim me as his bride and break her heart, she loved him and took her revenge against me.

So now I can only be released by "true love" but with my beloved dead so many years ago and all the other dragons moved on to another dimension of existance where they are treasured and not hunted, there's about as much chance of that as me cutting off my own wings! NO Way!

Now if she could loosen up and find love of her own again, perhaps she might release me but to do that a man would have to be braver than any in current existance to seek her out even.

I've tried bribing a few over the years to try and court her but alas it always ends with her mailing bits and pieces of them to me to let me know she was not falling for it. Darn it!

So our personal battle of unhappiness continues and I have no ideal when it will end. It's strange to think that a wicked knight from so long ago has caused this much heart ache. If I should ever pass over and meet him again I really hope, no one is watching as I'll most likely try to kick his ass again!




How the pain still lives in me.

04:08 Jan 06 2008
Times Read: 658

As it’s the prerogative of a woman to lie about her age, I confess I have enjoyed this to great advantage. I admit to 300 years but in truth it’s been much longer than that. If one was really to think about it they would know that for me to come from the time of Knights and dragons, I must be older than the 17th century. In truth since my looks do not change no matter the years I have left off over 400 years simply because I cannot bear to confess to being over 700 years old. So I just won’t do it.

I mean really who is going to prove it? There are no other survivors from that time period that are going to confess to their age either by admitting to having been there. So just because I was born in the year 1089 doesn’t mean I have to shout it all over the place.

The world has changed so much that I really don’t regret the curse giving me so much time to see it all. If my beloved could have been here with me I would say it was perfect. But alas I lost him so long ago yet my heart still yearns for him. I know it seems improbably that a young woman of my age should fall for a huge dragon believed to be responsible for terrible crimes in my time.

But the truth was that my beloved Darianth, was not evil at all. In fact much of his cave was filled with books he had collected from all over the world. He chased knowledge much as I chase goats today. Yes I know that proves me shallow and interested only in my pleasure but as the young say, bite me! Then of course I get to bite back…

He took only the livestock he needed to live and for his pains drew the hatred and determination to destroy him from the men in control at the time. You see, my love realized that if he took a cow from a poor family that needed it to survive it was wrong but the wealthy squires and lords could easily afford a head or two of livestock and he was careful to move it around so as to spread the losses around among them all. A truly fair being was my dear dragon.

But that very thing was his downfall for the wealthy property owners decided that to save their selves any losses they would instead offer my love a virgin girl from the poor villagers, twice a year for him to dine on instead. Okay there is no way the poor nearly starving village girls could have been enough to feed a hungry dragon anyway, but my love saw the true injustice of this plan and decided upon his own revenge.

While the poor villagers were being forced to place their young daughters names in a drawing of lots to see which of them would die first, Darianth flew to the castle of the ruler of the area. There he knew he would find his prey out among the flowers with only her handmaiden to accompany her. The knights were all busy at one of their stupid jousts, laughing and boasting as they drank themselves into stupors.

There in a field of wildflowers he watched from the tree line as closer and closer, she drew. The woman he had chosen to take to teach the wealthy how it felt to loose a precious daughter. I walked right into his claws. He waited until I was almost upon his hiding place before springing out and catching me in his clawed paw and immediately taking to the air. I looked down and saw my handmaid, scream then faint dead away. Looked like help sure wasn’t coming from that direction!

But he flew me to his hidden cave and there holding me captive deep within his hidden treasure keep, he explained to me exactly why he had taken me and what he hoped to accomplish by it. He promised and strangely I had no trouble believing him that he wasn’t interested in dining upon my bones, nor hurting me in any way for that matter.

I agreed with him completely that what the Lords and Squires had tried to do was not only wrong but also hideous. I agreed to stay hidden with him while they searched and my father learned exactly why I had been taken. Seems those landlords had forgotten to get his permission to order their serfs to offer up their children to pay off the dragon.

This is how I came to spend the time with my dragon and to fall deeply in love with him.

His loss is still the most horrible memory I have even after over 700 years of life. Mankind has found many ways to hurt and maim each other yet none so much as taking my beloved from me and cursing me to this everlasting torment of being alone.




Ah Phooey!

21:09 Jan 05 2008
Times Read: 663

I finally found someone to tell me who this Puff the magic dragon is and there goes my hopes for lifting this curse. An imaginary dragon hasn't got the answer to get me back to human form.

But you know I'd rather find a spell that will just let me be a woman when I want and a dragon too. I would really hate to give up flying and chasing the goats across the hillsides.

I've been in this form for hundreds of years now much longer than I spent as a human woman actually. Odd really that I yearn to go back to my female self. But this world just isn't really built for Dragons anymore, which is why most of them moved on to another dimension. There they don't have to contend with modern man's weapons.

It was hard enough when they came after you on horseback with swords, spears and bows but now they can launch missiles from miles away and you just be sleeping in your cave when Wham! Everything goes boom! Now I'm not for sure what would happen but I know it would for sure it destroy my treasure hoard!

Why ever would they stick around here, those types of attacks to contend with and the gathering of treasure is very hard these days. The sparkly stones that make me so very happy are grabbed up by the wealthy men and women and sealed in big safes that would take hours for me to burn though and I'd be caught for sure.

If I let someone get proof of my existence then I'm really screwed because they'll hunt me down if just to cut me up in little parts to share among the science labs. *shudders*

Luckily I'm living way up in the hills where strangers stay away and the villagers pretty much move away as soon as they are adults, leaving just the elderly here now and a few young that couldn't get out. Makes them not so anxious to hunt down that strange shadow they sometimes catch in the night sky.

Nope I think I'll keep this form as I just love soaring out over the ocean and catching up on all the news from the whales and dolphins, even heard some tips on how to find Atlantis if I wanted to do it. But hey I figure if they wanted to be found they would announce it to everyone.

I'll just keep that little secret along with a few more I've picked up over the years. I know the curse can be broken by true love but sorry I just don't think I have a chance at that after all these years.

Anyway I still miss my dragon lover, he was the only one my heart has ever belonged to and even though he stole me away from my home and took me to his treasure cave, he claimed I was his most treasured princess and he couldn't stand for me to be given in marriage to a stranger in a land far away as my father was planning to do. We had but a few weeks together but it was wonderful, we flew around and I saw things never before had I imagined and he took me out over the ocean and introduced me to some Merfolk, *who are a bit stuck up by the way*

But one day when he had left me to sleep deep in the back of the treasure cave, a human knight came in with several helpers who fired horrible arrows into him until they forced him to ground where he was surrounded and poked with dozens of spears until too weak to lift his head and the so brave knight came forward to drive his sword deep into the heart of my beloved. At that moment I awoke with a scream on my lips and dressing quickly found a jewelled dagger and went to the entrance of the cave where the knight stepped in and informed me that since he had killed the "evil" dragon I was now to be his prize along with half my fathers kingdom.

I gave him his prize by driving my dagger deep into his throat the only part unprotected by his armor, before I could pull it free and take my own life; his men captured me. Among them was a witch from their camp who had been the knight’s lover and hated me well before she saw me. In punishment she cast the spell that made me the dragon I am now. I was imprisoned then in his brother's dungeon for many years of starvation and torture but I survived with the memory of my beloved keeping me strong.

One of man's many wars eventually knocked out the side of the castle where I had been left to die when the people all fled but instead I escaped and found the old cave still buried under a cave in that had happened sometime in the past. My home until the war ended when I reclaimed the castle that should have been my home but became my prison. I found a blind sheppard and hired him to be my human contact person and we used the hidden treasure the knight’s men never found and I rebuilt my home into a comfortable place to live. I still live there now hoping against hope that someday I'll be able to rejoin my beloved in the next world. Until then, I guess I'll just keep playing cards.




The tale of a lonely Dragon

21:08 Jan 05 2008
Times Read: 664

I plan on writing about my nightly jaunts chasing the goats through the hill country and then having a slow coast down to the sea where I can fly low and chat with the whales about what a pain the sharks are because they are more feared. Talk about an inferiority complex!

It's hard being a 40 ft green dragon to hide yourself so at nighttime is all I can slip out and then I have to watch for the full moon to give me away. Oh and stay below that damn radar too. I forgot once and you don't want to even know where I had to hide from the F14's they sent out to hunt me down. Lets just say I had to wash for weeks to get that smell out of my hide.

All in all life's not too bad since I have finally figured out that breaking this curse is impossible and have moved on to making the best of it. I have my computer and the internet is the greatest thing since pickled goat. I can talk to folks with out all the screaming or them trying to sacrifice a virgin to me. Goodness what am I going to do with those.

The last one I had to fly way off and resettle her so the villagers wouldn't kill her saying she'd run off and failed to appease me. All I wanted was for them to leave my favorite goat herder alone. Some bullies kept coming up and beating him up and he was going to move the herd away. Darn it I hate having to travel to the next town over to pickup dinner.

I finally figured out where the bullies lived and just stopped by their place and after a few well placed blasts of fire they ran off, never to return. But those were the good old days when villagers were still ignorant and superstitious. Now with modern education I'm screwed when it comes to people being scared of me. Last time I slipped up and some kids saw me they thought I was someone called Puff! They even wanted me to give them rides... darn it.

Just who the hell is Puff the Magic dragon anyway? Where can I find him, maybe he knows something about breaking this curse? Any ideals?



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