CrackInTheWall's Journal

CrackInTheWall's Journal


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37 entries this month

18:54 Aug 31 2008
Times Read: 978

She has burned her image into my psyche. Randomly I will see her flash before my vision, leaving me confused with my location. Cold and hard, how many storms has she weathered? Her resolute devotion to prayer does not mask her grief.

Were we all so strong, to be true with our convictions and still maintain our compassion that encompasses all we feel. Conflicted human experience perfectly balanced with the divine.

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A message from Imagesinwords

17:43 Aug 31 2008
Times Read: 991

We are all safe in Missouri, internet connections are sparce- I will log on when I get a chance.




A breath is held

17:13 Aug 31 2008
Times Read: 994

We place so much importance on things, instead of the people.

Even if not replaceable, everything can be made do with provided the life is taken care of and cherished. I've seen people talk of miracles here and watched others scoff at the idea.

They are real. You cannot wish them away, and the power of our spirit is always more than the power of things. Cherish the beauty that is around you. Hold some compassion for others, when it seems your world will shatter...

Then you are encompassed by God, and walk a life that is a miracle.

New Orleans you remain in my prayers, as I know you are held in the grace of God.




Wisdom of Michelle

03:31 Aug 30 2008
Times Read: 999

Stop being such a great healthcare practioner, just become Supa Bitch! Enough niceties, and beside manners :P

I love this woman :)




Bitch Session

02:51 Aug 30 2008
Times Read: 1,012

I am so frustrated right now. Grrrr... ok.

So here's the thing.

I. Hate. It. When. People. See. Me. And. Then. Do. Not. Follow. Up.

I have a client who has been getting migraines. She now has cancelled or no showed to three appointments. Um, last I checked I am not professing to have paranormal powers, I need to see you to make a change. There was another issue with that same client, where I could have helped. Grrrrr.

Add to that vacations and basic end of summer no-shows and I'm not only feeling the pinch but the negative aspects of treatment. I am seriously thinking of adding to my consent form:

I understand that while voluntary, if I do not follow the advice or maintain the scheduling that my practioner recommends- I may NOT get better. In fact I may get worse and frustrate my practioner to the point of stupid journal entries and insanity.




01:59 Aug 28 2008
Times Read: 1,032

I realize that many people will not know why I "drop" the name of the coach I work with. Truth of the matter is, it's an honor for ME to be allowed to assist him. The man has more experience than I have years of living- seriously.

One day I would hope that my coaching is even one quarter of what he does, because you can't argue with these results. Plus he coached the Lwt Womens 2x to a bronze just weeks ago, so add another medal to his count. Al Morrow




Middle of the Long Ass Week.

01:23 Aug 28 2008
Times Read: 1,040

Whew, I made it. Only after today it gets harder.

Rowing started on Monday, and well I've made a couple of mistakes- still I'm very excited I have an AWESOME group of girls that I'm working with. Actually I'm liking that I'm working with the lightweights. One of the team was 6th this year for the national team. She made the Quad, that ended up not going to the world championship (there are races still for non-olympic events).

Over all, I have some seriously touch choices to make, and the best part is... the truly hard ones Al (Morrow) will want final say in, so that takes some of the pressure off of me. Still... there are times I want to jump up and down going OMG OMG OMG...

I'm sure if any of my athletes read this, they would laugh and not believe me. Poker face, if I don't want you to know- you won't. But I have very high hopes for this team, and most important- it's going to be very fun!

Still I have to make it through tomorrow and Friday... both are long days after training with clinic. Then Saturday I do my fitness class and I'm off to go tease an Otter!

Wooooo :D




Night supporting the day

18:13 Aug 24 2008
Times Read: 1,063

That seems to be how my days are being spent. I have had some inspiration if you would, and since then I have found myself walking in an altered reality.

One where I have difficulty remembering what I have to do. I seem to be in a dream while I do what needs doing, and the rest of my time is spent trying to force the daydream into reality.

I wonder how many people have done this as children, and how many more are afraid to admit it as adults. The wheels are churning another shift til..




Blast from the past

14:29 Aug 24 2008
Times Read: 1,074

A friend on facebook said that these two songs reminded of her, because that year was probably the last year we spent a lot of time around each other...

Gads... Sometimes I miss the 80's, if you weren't in high school or college then it may be hard to understand...

And this next one is still one of my all time favourite songs... Ah, to feel this young again. There is just a way to music, where it can breech the years and in an instant you remember how you felt when you first heard the song; the sensations, emotions, even hormones are all still there and they briefly remind you... still young.




Love, Actually

00:46 Aug 22 2008
Times Read: 1,119

It finally happened today. I can't express how long I've waited for this moment. It feels like my entire life has been leading to this one passing.

See I was doing my typical Thurs/Fri night shopping, getting a co-worker's wedding present and food for the next week when, like a dream he was there. Smirking with his sandy hair just slightly tussled. I knew I was a goner, one glimpse in that boyish face and he was coming home with me.

Never mind what I have to do at work, cleaning the house, or the blood spatter on his face. I have Dexter season 2 ♥




Obviously he was dropped on his head as a child. Many times. Actually he's still being dropped as we speak.

22:50 Aug 20 2008
Times Read: 1,136

An Email Gem from MySpace


hi sexy


hi am james i saw ur pic and can believe my eyes u are so beautiful and

i was really struck by your beauty , i had to meet you . you look the sort of lady thats mightly often getting fallen in love with , you really startled me , because i have never seen such a radiant beauty before . i admire you immensely , i would love to give you a real rattling good time, and will love to know u more

i must confess that you are an appealing sight to see, your eyes are as sexy as forget me not, you are my defination of a very beautiful lady . could i have the honour of knowing you , always have a beautiful heart , a beautiful smile , with love for all beautiful people and beautiful people will always love you. take care remain blessed my id is jfordison@yahoo.com






Calling in sick

13:55 Aug 20 2008
Times Read: 1,155

I really miss that. Today would be a day that I would do so in a heart beat.


If I don't go, there is no one to cover me. This is a downside to being self employed. gah.

OK. I can do this... even though I really do not want to, I know it will be better once I am on "the go".





00:33 Aug 20 2008
Times Read: 1,171

Aside from having my thoughts pulled away and focused on books, I've been listening to one of favourite musicals...

I told Imagesinwords I should change my profile to have this song as the centrepiece... some days it just is how I feel about VR.




Breaking Dawn

15:11 Aug 18 2008
Times Read: 1,188

Book four finished. Somehow it has only wet the appetite, I think I might be indisposed of for some time. It is not often that a book causes waking dreams, or creates a movie like image in my head.

Actually that is not true, like Requiem I'm wired different, which means I see the book in action if I "get into" it. Only when it really gets my interest, I feel it too.

Similar to the brush of softness the colour red creates in me or the soft pile of charcoal grey. There are times I wish to submerse myself in forest green. But burgundy has a special place for me; the invite, velvet.

It is almost better than how music makes my senses feel tingly...

I am most pleasantly distracted within my mind...





04:16 Aug 16 2008
Times Read: 1,223

For those of you that were FOOLED by the evil of Requiem




I'm lost in the twilight

16:23 Aug 15 2008
Times Read: 1,231

It's been a long time since a book has captured my imagination so completely. I started reading twilight almost 2 weeks ago. Being from the area they write about it was interesting, but not captivating.

Finally Wed I got to the third chapter. I finished the book that night. Yesterday I bought books two and four. I'm more than half way through book two and will have to buy book three tomorrow.

This series is one I want to devour. Take in the essence and breathe it to life. Perhaps the last time a book did this to me, it was the Anne Rice series. Only I had to wait sometimes several years for her to release another book. This is far more satisfying for me to start and be able to continue the series in a quick progression.

Shutting out the rest of the world, so that all that exists are the characters is delicious to me. The more I think on it the more Jane Austin was correct in giving her characters lives the rest of us envy. Were I nothing more than a page on a book...





20:17 Aug 13 2008
Times Read: 1,247

YAY Micheal Phelps.

Thank you, you may all go back to your day.




And the debate continues.

21:17 Aug 12 2008
Times Read: 1,298

I wish they would just leave it to the athletes and the performances they will have. There is enough drama without this.




9 years

13:38 Aug 12 2008
Times Read: 1,318

I started this entry yesterday and then deleted it. Then Heidi's journal paralleled the theme so well, I knew I did need to write it. See I can imagine, and did for about 12 years what it would be like to stand on that podium. In many ways it was my life.

Only to be broken and discarded.

Watching the women here leave for the Olympics this year was a wondrous thing for me. While there has been "drama and politics" behind the scenes, none of it compares to what I dealt with as a development athlete in the US system.

The support in Canada is outstanding. Yes there is much room for improvement, but over all it is not the "survival of the fittest" it is the honing of talent to get the cream to the top. It's sad really because the US has so much potential in rowing, with the college systems. Yet we loose the top athletes to jobs and careers right after a year or so.

Support for development athletes? There is none, unless you are on the national team already. This is the reason they go get jobs. Who can afford a sport that requires a boat to train in that costs 5,000-12,000 new, and the yearly boat storage fees of $300, don't forget the food bill of $400? Only those that really want it, and are willing to stand for 8 hours a day at a minimum wage job to turn around and train for 4-6 hours after.

This year one of the ones to watch for "gold" in the women's single skulls is in her fourth or fifth Olympic cycle. I'm not certain how many of them she has competed in, but I remember her when I was just out of university winning. Since then she has consistently been at the top of the sport, if not setting more records. 36 years old and a mother, yet that is practically unheard of in the US. There if you are older than 26 you are "too old", as my coach constantly told me.

It was not my age, but my injury that prevented me from going further. I was unwilling to continue on for over a year with a broken body. I was there. Never doubt it, because the woman that was in the quad in 2000 was 4" shorter and in July 11 seconds faster, only to be 7 seconds faster in September. The move was on, all those years of training were paying off.

And then I did something I knew I should not do. I dead lifted without the belt. See the guys on the team had this machismo thing going on. They felt that it was better not to use a belt because it forced you into good form. True.

However, what it does not do is then protect your vertebrae from injury if you have proper form and your muscles fatigue. Isn't that the point of lifting? To completely fatigue.

And that is why the belt is needed.

Being a good weightlifter, I knew this. Yet I was bitten by the competition bug, I let them "convince" me of what I knew to be wrong… To my detriment.

There are no words for the anger. And this year is the first year I can even watch the Olympics without crying. Writing this the tears well, not for the games- it is the memory of what a person will go through, only to be kicked down again. I am your forgotten shame, once broken and discarded.

It will not beat me. That is the Olympic spirit, in its full truth.

I will rise again.




Ah well, then there is that.

15:00 Aug 11 2008
Times Read: 1,358

Deleted. Never say I didn't try.




Then it is your loss.

14:55 Aug 11 2008
Times Read: 1,360

Those who have had discussions with me in past have known that I have been more than willing to re-open threads in the past after a discussion.

But assuming you know my "attitude" is totally and completely on you. As I stated previously, the topic is a good one, open a new thread with more direction and I'm certain it will remain open.

It was not me that "forced" this bit of journals, nor was it I that choose to lash out. Had you not blocked me this could have been done privately. I stated to a friend that I would have been willing to clean up and re-open that thread. Now I am not, nor am I like those you would accuse me to be like, frankly there is no way to prove that to you, your judgement has been made.

Either repost, and start the conversation again, or whine about abuse of power. The choice is completely yours.




Since you are silly and blocked me:

14:16 Aug 11 2008
Times Read: 1,371

You are blocked from sending LeopardGoddess messages.

Original Message:

FROM: LeopardGoddess

About the Shadow People Discussion, You said:

There was time for the original poster to clarify what they were asking. They did not and several people have chosen to post about several random, silly things.

Please take more time in forming your questions in the future so that a proper discussion can be formed.

My Response:

People WERE having a great discussion about it. What is silly to you may not be silly to others. There was nothing wrong with the question.


My response that I would have sent:

Several people responded with posts that were nothing more than "I do not know". The idea is not to make it so people have to guess about what a discussion is about. Making a question that requires lots of clean up in deleting nonsensical responses is not a way to keep a conversation going. Also the topic was all over the place as people guessed as to what was meant by "shadow people".

I never disagreed that the topic is not worthy, just with how it was posted it needed more DIRECTION. Giving us a culture or links to what you are referring to as shadow people is one way. Asking a specific question on them is another. Leaving it up to the masses to guess does not give enough direction. While posting does increase level, it is not needed to go up in level. Please just take the time to form a question that does not bring so many, "cool, never heard of it" or "wow thanks for the info", "I never heard of that" type of answers.




Happy Monday

13:35 Aug 11 2008
Times Read: 1,374

There is nothing better than letting the dogs out for thier am potty, getting a nice cup of coffee, putting your eggs on the stove, and going to VR to read journals.

That is until the


goes off for the FIRE under your eggs. =/

While I cleaned the stove yesterday, there must have been something dropped in the burner that I didn't see or obviously clean up. I have no idea what it is as I cooked on that burner yesterday. Thank goodness for baking soda (it puts out electrica fires so you can turn off the stove).

Worst part, I'm out of green tabasco. :(

Ugg can I go back to bed?!





Dog Snores

02:57 Aug 11 2008
Times Read: 1,387

Muh baby is by my feet snoring up a storm *heart melts*




20:42 Aug 10 2008
Times Read: 1,402

A quiet day.

I woke at 8:50am to a huge rainstorm. From there I turned the coffee pot on again and proceeded to drink the remaining 1/2 pot of Chicory coffee. Did my morning journal read here on VR and proceeded to MySpace to play "Mobster" grrrr :)

As I've cleaned, caught up and done various house chores many thoughts have gone spinning around. One of which is the old famous line that many people throw around on VR, "It's not real life, and people lie".

True people lie here, as they do in real time. The difference is that in real life people tend to have the decorum to understand that in the case of "love" many people date to break up. The heartache is still just as real, but the individuals move on. Nor is it thought of bad when a person changes their mind. Several people (myself included) have gone on dates we truly wish we had never done. Still that does not make us a liar for trying, it is thought of as one of the many bumps in the road we all have in our search for companionship.

The other thing that I actually find humorous is that idea that if you don't like someone you remove them from your lists and journal lists. Oh dear, le tear. See I don't do that. The only time I remove people from either my friends list or journal's list is if they stop writing or quit VR. There was something that brought them to my attention in the first place, and even if I have no desire to "get to know them", I enjoy their views or find them challenging.

Which brings me to the crux of this contemplation. Why bother with something and someone that you so quickly dismiss as a "game". In my view it is you that should be discarded, for you do not bring yourself to this place. You hide behind the previous hurts and deceits of the past refusing to grow and expand past them.

Do not presume to think I have not had my own pain. Part of something I mentioned to Daire and Flannery is that I have, only I choose not to share it. Some might even be able to name the names, but to me it was far too personal of a hurt to express. Instead I cried with my doors closed and choose to continue on and try to grow.

Not perfectly, still I attempt to live up to who and what I should be and want to be. I call bullshit to those that would just say, "You're stronger". There is no strength in trying to make a betterment of my life. I will not allow those with a victim mentality to cheapen life. You choose how you respond, react and behave.

It is not up to myself or others. My integrity remains intact, and I hope you choose wisely.




Exactly 3 min

18:02 Aug 10 2008
Times Read: 1,412

That is when the crew I coached this summer races for Henley gold.

I have confidence that they will do just that, and should they fall short they will walk away knowing they gave the race their all. Sadly the VR meet up this year meant I had to choose, to be in NOLA or at the races this past week. I simply could not afford to do both.

While this sort of choice is easy for some, right now is when it pains me the most. I want to be there cheering them, helping them just by being a presence on the shore. Still I know the other coaches are there, and they are well looked after.

Summers such as this past one are difficult. I am more interested in hands on work, so to be part of a team that neither communicated or shared information with me was more difficult than I imagined. I doubt I will do it again, no matter how much I love to coach. My time is better spent where I can give all that I'm able to, instead of feeling shut out.

The race is on, right now as I type this. Less than 6 min and it will be over. Fleeting, just like our lives. Here is to hoping not only for a race to remember, but that my words in past may have had a small input into their success.





15:49 Aug 10 2008
Times Read: 1,424

I know it's wrong of me... but I just love these, they make me giggle!




There are days...

19:21 Aug 08 2008
Times Read: 1,445

Where mistakes just irk you to no ends.

Tomorrow is my day off after, 3 days of busy busy. Only my boss booked a client when I am supposed to be in DORCHESTER. >.@

I swear the reason my hair is so red is that woman!

Thank goodness there are no clients booked there. I guess I have to "speed" shopping at the farmer's market :(

*after hours edit* YAY client canceled! Ok that sounds really bad, but I really wanted tomorrow just for me and now I have it ♥




Some brief thoughts on New Orleans

15:50 Aug 08 2008
Times Read: 1,461

It is a living Ghost town, where the vivaciousness of life refuses to rest.

One of the odd aspects of the city since the hurricane is how you will have spaces where the total destruction and the destitute right next to "normal" day to day living. Probably two of the things that hit me hardest were the theatre on Canal Street, along with six flags by the freeway. Both are abandoned, and their presence is a real testament to what the city has endured to be what it is today.

There still is so much history in New Orleans that gets overlooked. From the old signs, graveyards, the Garden District, to the run down aspects of the 9th district. I took a moment to take a picture of Desire Street before I left. Being a theatre major, Streetcar Named Desire was the first show I receive an ACTF nomination from. Looking at the street that brought on one of the great American plays, I wonder if Tennessee Williams knew what would befall this area. If somehow Blanche was the future of this place where the buildings have more ornamentation, with what seems to be the empty degradation; the metaphor is more powerful, even if it was unintended.

It was the shadows that chased me through my time in New Orleans, how day-to-day living must go on, even with extreme pain and destruction. So much green, brought to life from the chaos that I wonder if people realize how much it represents the cycles we constantly go through.

In a word, what put me in awe of New Orleans was LIFE. Not just the wooo let's drink till we're stupid, but I love this minute as it will never be the same again. The treasure of it all is very apparent when there, in the city that stumbles to reclaim its grandeur.

Never think it is a question of if, it is a question of when.





02:07 Aug 07 2008
Times Read: 1,492

yet not forgotten, there was one that due to schedules we were unable to meet. Perhaps sometime in the future, as I hear Vespers at dawn have special meaning and power.




So much to say

17:08 Aug 06 2008
Times Read: 1,511

With not enough time to say it. So many things keep going through my mind. I'm actually thankful that I have had so many cancelations today. It will make my day just all the easier than it orginally was.

I've talked with a few people about the "shift" that happened with the meet up. Perhaps it is just my own personal shift.

Still work calls, and I need to think and rest just a little bit more.




When in NOLA

06:07 Aug 05 2008
Times Read: 1,533

Do like the local vamps do and Feel the Bite.

Besides next door has port and wonderful chocolate mousse.





16:19 Aug 04 2008
Times Read: 1,564

It has been obvious how much of a "day walker" I am compared to everyone else :P

Why don't people like 6am?! *le cry*





05:23 Aug 04 2008
Times Read: 1,596

Heidi has fartknockers

I'm thinking I will never be sane again.





21:45 Aug 02 2008
Times Read: 1,624

The butt water...





19:16 Aug 02 2008
Times Read: 1,631

is good and needed. Why do I keep waking up at 6am


Wide awake... ok time to act all "vampy" and sleep during the day. zzzzzzzzzz




Strange Brewins

20:54 Aug 01 2008
Times Read: 1,673

Are about to get stranger... imagine you are a fly on the wall of a hotel room with Requiem, Imagesinwords, Flannery, Nightblossom, ToiletDuc, Daire, myself... expecting Khayman and DarknessBound.









I know I am :P



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