DrowVampire's Journal

DrowVampire's Journal


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6 entries this month

My girlfriend

01:46 Jan 20 2006
Times Read: 734

My girlfriend is tired of meeting me out here on the weekends.

She wants me to visit her on her home turf.

The problems I have with that is: Indoor smoking and weed smoking.

I have health concerns regarding my short term memory already. I cant remember much conversation, events and people's names beyond 2 hours.

Also because I have been, and still is a schoolbus driver for over 3 years now, I am concerned about the diesel fumes I am inhaling, up to 6 hours a day.

And something fascinating : My sister finally figured out that I am a Goth. I just dont wear the clothes that often




Vibarate !

01:43 Jan 20 2006
Times Read: 735

My car's timing is out and I dont have the money to fix it. So the tiny Mazda shakes below 1300 rpm and usually under 40 kmh.

So I was driving my friend's new girl friend from her place to his. She says "Thanks for the vibarate and orgasm"





Fascinating Evening

04:11 Jan 06 2006
Times Read: 746

... I find out my friend is engaged, to be married in 2 years and they're moving soon.

... my sister, the reckless driver, spun out 2 weeks ago on fresh snow, damaged her front left rim. How when she drives the steering wheel shakes!

I told her same thing happened to me 3 years ago. My sister, like me never has any money after gas, food and rent is taken care of. So I could not repair my car. 2 years go by, the damage to my rim destroys connected conponents. My girlfriend, a friend and I were driving out, a 30 km one-way trip to help his mom move in July. I ended up backing out of a driveway too fast, twisted the steering wheel to turn and SNAP!

Drive shaft snapped. Steering is impossible as is accelaration. The 3 of us were on the highway, just 4 hours earlier. We could have been dead !

That steering wheel shook too!




Here we go again!

00:11 Jan 05 2006
Times Read: 749

Tonight I go for my 2nd round of overnight observation to diagnose my sleep abnia.

My short and long term memory has been terrible in the last 10 years :(




A little astrology

03:32 Jan 04 2006
Times Read: 818

Chinese astrology

Daydreaming all afternoon sounds heavenly to the Goat. This creative, esoteric Sign needs plenty of time alone in which to feed its Muse. Goats are generally most comfortable in their own minds (which other, more linear-thinking Signs may have trouble deciphering). This Sign makes a great craftsperson or artisan, or perhaps a teacher of New Age studies -- any occupation that allows its mind the full range of freedom. Goats tend not to be very well-organized, precluding many more dry business endeavors. In fact, Goats tend not to be very materialistic in general, finding plenty of riches in their own imagination. However, especially when in love, the Goat can be quite a lavish gift-giver.

Perhaps it's that artistic temperament that so often causes Goats to feel insecure, but the result is that these high-strung creatures need to feel loved and admired lest they start worrying incessantly. For this reason, Goats tend to have a hard time with romance; anyone who couples up with a Goat must know, this Sign has a sensitive streak a mile wide and can be subject to bouts of anxiety over seemingly inconsequential things. Goats need plenty of love, support and open reassurance from their lovers. If a relationship is marked by conflict, the Goat will often pull away -- either physically or simply by retreating into the safe haven of its imagination.

If the romance is going well, however, Goats won't hesitate to tell their partner what they need -- and they can be quite insistent about it! This Sign will definitely return the favor, however; the Goat has a luxurious side that delights in indulging a lover's every wish. Appearances are also important to the Goat, which may explain why these folks can spend hours primping and posing.

I am Taurus

You've been stricken by wanderlust, and during the first few months of the year, you'll be happiest if you feed your hunger for new scenery and best of all, new experiences.

Whether you're exchanging sympathetic looks with a Sherpa in the Himalayas or comparing iridescent seashells with a child in Fiji, you'll discover things about yourself that you had never considered before. But perhaps best of all, you'll unearth new dimensions in your friendships or your relationship with a special someone.

If you have to leave a loved one behind on your travel adventures, your thoughts will turn repeatedly to the small gestures that make your relationship different from any other you've ever had before.

You'll realize you truly miss the way your sweetie refolds the newspaper to put your favorite section or puzzle on top, or the way a quick squeeze of your hand can communicate exactly what you're both thinking.

Write long letters on hotel stationery or stretched out over multiple postcards. If you can take a loved one with you, you'll fall for those endearing habits all over again, and instead of writing letters, you can whisper passionate phrases directly in their ear.

Meanwhile, if you're single, you won't be able to hide in your solitary lair for long. From March through September, romantic opportunities will fly into your orbit like a moth toward light. Perhaps you'll even meet a candidate for romance on your travels to distant destinations. Work up an appetite for delightful surprises -- your spontaneous new friend is likely to sweep you into an unplanned midnight trip to the sea or suddenly present you with an unasked-for (but secretly coveted) gift.

At the end of the year, be prepared for significant -- and welcome -- changes in your romantic partnership. Is it time to open a joint checking account or to renew your vows? By New Year's Eve, you'll be ready to usher in 2007 with a strong, beautiful partner at your side.

Goats would be well-served by learning to relax and let others run the show from time to time. Once they can be certain that their friends and lovers won't be gone when the Goat returns from its daydreams, life will be a field of daisies.

The most compatible match for a Goat is the Pig or the Rabbit.




Introduction to Afrikaans

20:09 Jan 02 2006
Times Read: 828

This is my mother tongue


What is a braai? It is the first thing you will be invited to when you visit South Africa. A braai is a backyard barbecue and it will take place whatever the weather. So you will have to go even if it's raining like mad and you have a hang of a cold. At a braai you will be introduced to a substance known as mieliepap, pronounced "mee - lee - pup".


This one of the most useful South African words. Pronounced like the "ach" in the German "achtung", it can be used to start a reply when you are asked a tricky question, as in: "Ag, I don't know." Or a sense of resignation: "Ag, I'll have some more pap then." It can stand alone too as a signal of irritation or of pleasure.


A rude word, it comes from the Afrikaans "donder" (thunder). Pronounced "dorner", it means "beat up." Your rugby team can get donnered in a game, or your boss can donner you if you do a lousy job.


Widely used by all language groups, this word, derived from the Afrikaans, means "ouch." Pronounced "aynah", you can shout it out in sympathy when someone burns his finger on a hot potato at a braai.


Often used at the end of a sentence to emphasise the Importance of what has just been said, it can also stand alone as a question. Instead of saying "excuse me?" or "pardon?" when you have not heard something directed at you, you can say: "Hey?"


This is a great word in conversations. Derived from the two words "is" and "it", it can be used when you have nothing to contribute if someone tells you at the braai.


Pronounced "Yis-like", it is an expression of astonishment. For instance, If someone tells you there are a billion people in China, a suitable comment is: "Jislaaik, that's a hang of a lot of people, hey."


Pronounced "klup" - an Afrikaans word meaning smack, whack or spank. If you spend too much time at the movies at exam time, you could end up catching a sharp klap from your pa. In America, that is called child abuse. In South Africa, it is called promoting education.


An Afrikaans word meaning nice, this word is used by all language groups to express approval. If you see someone of the opposite sex who is good-looking, you can exclaim: "Lekkerrr!" while drawing out the last



These are sneakers or running shoes. The word is also used to describe automobile or truck tires. "Fat tackies" are big tires, as in:"Where did you get those lekker fat tackies on your Volksie (VW Beetle), hey?"


This word has two basic meanings, one good and one bad. First the good. A dop is a drink, a cocktail, a sundowner, a noggin.If you are invited over for a dop, be careful. It could be one or two sedate drinks or a blast, depending on the company you have fallen in with. Now the bad: To dop is to fail. If you dopped Grade 4 more than once, you probably won't be reading this.

Sarmie (or Toobee)

This is a sandwich. For generations, school children have traded sarmies during lunch breaks. If you are sending kids off to school in the morning, don't give them liver-polony sarmies. They are the toughest to trade.


This word is pronounced "bucky" and it is a small truck or pick-up. Young men can take their "cherrie" (g/friend) to the drive-in flick in a bakkie but it is not always an appropriate form of transport because the seats usually don't recline and you may be forced to watch the film. This is never the purpose of going to a drive-in flick.


Frequently used in its diminutive form, "broekies", this is a pair of pants and can mean either regular shorts or trousers, or undergarments for men or women. In other words, you wear broeks under your broeks. You may hear the word used thus: "Her dress is so bladdy short you can see her broeks."

There is a popular children's chant: "What's the time/Half-past nine/Hang your broekies/On the line." A nervous person is sometimes referred to as a "bangbroek" (scaredy-pants).


This is a universal South African greeting, and you will hear this word throughout the land. It is often used with the word "No" as in this exchange: "No, howzit?" "No, fine."


A case where a brand name has become a generic term, a koki is a colour marker of the "Hi-Liter" type. Whoever produces it, South Africans will call it a koki.

Mrs Balls' Chutney

We don't know if the lady ever existed, but if she did she has earned a place of honour in South African kitchen history. Chutney is, of course,of Indian origin and is pickled fruit prepared with vinegar,spices and sugar. South Africans are known to eat it with everything, including fried eggs.

Tune grief

To be tuned grief is to be aggravated, harassed. Be selective about using the term. For example, if your bank manager calls you in for an urgent chat about your overdraft, you should avoid saying: "Hey, listen. You're tuning me grief, man." That would be unwise and could result in major tuning of grief. There are variations. You can say about your boss: "This oke is tuning me uphill."


This is an Afrikaans word meaning "brother" which is shared by all language groups. Pronounced "boot" as in "foot", it can be applied to a non-brother. For instance a father can call his son "boet" and friends can apply the term to each other too. Sometimes the diminutive "boetie" is used. But don't use either with someone you hardly know - it will be thought patronising.


From the Afrikaans phrase meaning "Watch Out!", this warning is used and heeded by all language groups. As in: "Your mother hasn't had her morning coffee yet Boet, so pasop and stay out of her way." Sometimes just the word "pasop!" is enough without further explanation. Everyone knows it sets out a line in the sand not to be crossed.

Skop, Skiet en donder

Literally "kick, shoot and thunder" in Afrikaans, this phrase is used by many English speakers to describe action movies or any activity which is lively and somewhat primitive. Clint Eastwood is always good for a skop, skiet en donder flick.

Vrot Pronounced - "frot".

A wonderful word which means "rotten" or "putrid" in Afrikaans, it is used by all language groups to describe anything they really don't like. Most commonly it describes fruit or vegetables whose shelf lives have long expired, but a pair of takkies (sneakers) worn a few times too often can be termed vrot by unfortunate folk in the same room as the wearer. Also a rugby player who misses important tackles can?be said to have played a vrot game - but not to his face because he won't appreciate it. You may read a movie review with this headline: "Slick? Flick, Vrot Plot."


In a country with a strong agricultural tradition, it is not surprising that farming words crop up (pun intended) in general conversation. Thus to graze means to eat. If you are invited to a bioscope show (a film), you may be asked: "Do you want to catch a graze now now?."

Catch a tan

This is what you do when you lie on the beach pretending to study for your matric exams. The Brits, who have their own odd phrases, say they are getting "bronzed". Nature has always been unkind to South African schoolchildren, providing beach and swimming pool weather just when they should be swotting for the mid-summer finals. If you spend too much time catching a tan at exam time, you could end up catching a sharp klap from your pa.

Rock up

To rock up some place is to simply sort of arrive. You don't make an appointment or tell anyone you are coming - you just rock up. Friends can do it but you have to be selective about it. You can't just rock up for a job interview or at a five-star restaurant. Also, not rocking up when you're supposed to can go down like a lead balloon, particularly for a job

interview. Generally speaking, you give someone a tinkle first (phone call) - then you can rock up.


To scale something is to steal it. However, a person who is "scaly" is not nice, a scumbag, and should be left off the Christmas party invitation list.


"Tot" means "till" and "siens" has to do with seeing. Thus totsiens means "Till I see you again." In France, they say "Au revoir" but this is met with a blank stare in South Africa.




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