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Arrival on Penolpass

17:25 Apr 29 2008
Times Read: 565

27th April 2008

The Investigators Arrive on Penolpass

Disembarking from the ship at night fall into pouring rain the investigation continues.

Having met Brother Ranalf, the investigators decide to split up. Quint and Thinlorn remain at the space port to investigate the regular shipments and maybe to catch up with Lord Silas attempting to collect his expected (but missing) shipment of Cronogladiators, while Valpugia, Constantine and Castor travel by covered wagon with Brother Ranalf to Castile von Sturmzeit.

While uneventful, the journey to Castile von Sturmzeit takes some time, with Valpurgia and Ranalf discussing events so far, and the mysterious Lord Silas. While Ranalf does not recognise the name, he offers to look into him further and to see what can be found out. Brother Ranalf also takes the opportunity to appraise the investigators of the current organisation structure of the castle, and its important figures. Upon arrival at the Castile, they are allocated scribes cells and make themselves at home in the bowels of the Castle.

Quint and Thinlorn however have a much more interesting time.

While drinking with the ratings from the Sanctum Spiritualis in a planetside dive called The Gretchin they learn that the cargo they interrupted was one of many regular shipments too and from the planet, and that they are expecting to collect further crates from a storage warehouse when they leave in a weeks time. They also learn that while the ship is on planet side the recipient of the deliveries never collects, so they could be waiting some time!

They decide instead to investigate the warehouse a little further on their own, and a few well placed questions gets them the location. They head out into the rain and soon locate a Plastcrete building amongst the various barns and warehouses of the port. While there is very little lighting, Thinlorn spots a Security Camera overlooking the only entrance to the building. Quint climbs up onto the flat roof for a closer look and notices there are no cables to the camera, it’s a fake! So using Thinlorns skills and a Multikey they gain access to the Warehouse. It is pitch black inside, and not having considered this eventuality, Thinlorn is left with no option but to head back to the Gretchin Bar for a lantern, but soon returns with the precious light source!

As they enter the Warehouse, now armed with light, they immediately locate 3 large crates, similar to the ones they found containing Cronogladiators. With care Thinlorn unlocks them one by one, they look inside to find a local man, bound, abused, hooded and in stasis in each of the crates. These unfortunates were bound to become the basis for future Cronogladiators, but now Victus Lupus is behind bars, they can be freed, but not just yet! Further investigation shows many other boxes strewn around, but as neither Thinlorn nor Quint can read much they have some trouble working out what’s in them, but one Plasteel box a few feet to each side peaks Thinlorn’s interest when he discovers just how heavy it is!

After checking the box over and realising it’s sealed, using a monoblade they both cut into it, discovering density protective foam, and a cylindrical object. Finally unable to resist any further they cut the top off, remove some of the injected foam, to find a cylindrical and extremely heavy container within, however the lack of literacy ability stops them from working out what it is! Deciding caution would be best, they close the box up, and trusting to the fact it had not been moved from some time, hide the box away, and left the warehouse.

To Be Continued Next Week!!




Our Players and Back plot - Dark Heresy

12:03 Apr 29 2008
Times Read: 566

Our Players

Valpurga Brunhild – Adeptus Arbites, hard nosed police enforcer, devout follower of the imperial faith. Quick to act, and vicious with a shot gun, both at range and as a club.

Thinlorn – Spacer Scum, Shifty, Dodgy, as trustworthy as a snake, and as devious as a fox, but useful in a tight situation, and handy to have around on ship

Constantine – Adeptus Mechanicus, devote of the Machine God, part man, Part Cyborg, but also an excellent field Chirugion.

Quint Nihalius – Assassin, Death Cult Adept, lethal with any blades, highly trained and highly strung, with a distinct dislike of ranged weapons.

Guardsman Castor – Imperial Guardsman, Not the sharpest tool in the box, but follows orders, and is heavily armed and armoured.

The Story so Far…..

Ordered by their master, Inquisitor Brom Fleischer, to investigate the unusual surroundings of the death of a hive worker by the name of Boros Therm, our intrepid party travelled to Barspine. Working along side Medicii Klimpt, another of the inquisitors agents, they discovered Boros had been subject to extensive chemical testing, and torture, before eventually escaping, but missing his liver!

Investigation into Boros and his activities led them to a fitness cult by the name of the Order of Perfection, who’s beliefs are that through physical perfection you are closer to the God Emperor. Such is their belief they would not even take pain killers, so the level of stimulants and drugs in Boros’s body could only have been from his abductor.

Other members of the Order had also gone missing over previous months, and following this pattern the investigation turned to a doctor who had carried out physical check ups on the order, one Medicii Lupus Victus, a brilliant Chirugeon in his youth, but now a kindly old doctor in his 60’s who just wants to help people.

Playing a hunch, and some unusual banking activity, Valpurga ordered Quint to follow Lupus and report on his actions. This led the party to a Space Portside warehouse, where the Doctor had been surgically altering men into killing machines, Chronogladiators, partly from the bodies of offworlders, partly from machine parts and the physically perfect body parts of the Order of Perfection members he had kidnapped.

Capturing the Doctor, and destroying 3 of his creations in a tense fight (which resulted in Quint being badly injured) Valpurgia dug through the Doctors papers for evidence of his financial backer, a shadowy individual by the name of Lord Silas Tybalt. The paper-trail led off planet to a backwater Feudal world on the rim of the sector called Penolpass

Having completed their investigations on Barspine, our intrepid Inquisitorial Retinue continue to follow their investigative trail, booking passage on the Sanctum Spritualis, a space freighter with a regular passage from Penolpass to Barspine and back. Unusually the journey takes little under a month, when it would be expected to take several months, and questioning the crew Thinlorn discovers this has been ongoing on for over year. While odd, nothing further is thought of this.

Upon landing at the Burning Fields Space port on Penolpass, they are met by Brother Ranalf, Master of the Choir at Castile Von Sturmzeit, and an agent of Inquisitor Fleisher, Medicii Klimpt had managed to get a message to the Inquisitor, and he had in turn messaged Brother Ranalf to meet and assist the party, he also included a message of congratulation and support for their continued investigation.

Now we are up to date, the story continues……




Plots and stuff

17:47 Apr 15 2008
Times Read: 578

Currently I am running a Dark Heresy Campaign for Family and Friends on a Sunday night at home.

I thought I'd post here some of the plot as it develops, and ideas for future plot as well.....

Watch this space as they say!




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