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Don't get lost Chapter 2

04:30 Mar 28 2006
Times Read: 523

Vision blurred as Brad opened his eyes. Searching the room he realized he was alone. Had it been a dream? Was he going mad? Not totally sure Brad tried to sit up and found himself light headed. He fell back into the bed. In walked the kind old lady with a tray of food. She opened the curtains to show a gray, overcast morning. She smiled ever so sweetly as she poured his orange juice and helped him to sit up.

“I am truly sorry you had to stumble upon my home last night.” Norma looked at Brad as if he was a terminal patient.

“What is going on, why can’t I move?!”

“I am sorry dear child but my sweet Clara has taken a liking to you and she has a hold on your physical energy to make sure you can’t leave.”

“Huh? I don’t understand…”

“It’s a long story but you have nothing but time now,” Norma cleared her throat, “About 30 years ago, back before I was completely old and wrinkled, my husband, William, fell ill. In my grief I called upon my daughter, Clara to come home from graduate school to help me with her father. Little did I know that I would soon assist in the downfall of my house.”

Norma told Brad of how a visitor happened by one night, and in need of the company, she had allowed him to stay the night. Unfortunately, this traveler had other plans. After sensing that the male figure in the house to be dying, the mystery man set his sites on Clara. Young and radiant, she was happy for the company of a man. They stayed up all night talking and laughing in the living room. As dawn came he excused himself and disappeared! Or so they thought.

Norma continued,” Later that night there was a horrible storm, one like we have never seen! My husband seemed to be gasping for air and I was unable to fetch a doctor. Clara decided to venture out in the storm to fetch the doctor. As she disappeared from sight, I heard wolves howling and felt my heart sink.” Taking a deep breathe, Norma tried to control her emotions. Still weak but gaining some of his control back as the sun started to peak from behind the clouds, Brad put his hand on Norma’s and felt it trembling.

“An hour or so passed and as midnight struck Clara finally arrived back home, but without the doctor. She went straight for her father’s room. By the time I joined them, he was dead and she was standing over him, dripping with his blood. She knew what she had done and seemed to be saddened and excited by it all the same time. I ran to my husband’s side and screamed at her. I wanted to know why she did this. What was wrong with her? “ Norma broke out in tears as her mind played back the horrible events so long ago. Brad realized his destiny. He was now going to be the source of food for Clara. He stared at Norma as he realized this and she caught his look. She smiled sheepishly and patted his leg, “I am sorry Brad, I wish I had never answered the door last night.” Brad finished his food and Norma left with the tray. He looked out across the field behind the house. His mind raced. He could not move off the bed and he could barely lift his arms. He replayed the night before in his head; watch her ride him, feeling his life draining away. Exhausted from breakfast and all the thinking and talking he drifted back into sleep.




Don't Get Lost...

05:52 Mar 14 2006
Times Read: 527

Brad hated driving home from college. He always had to stop in the little dirt towns along the way to eat and piss. Yet, he loved the food at the little diner in White Horse, the last town he stops at before arriving home 4 hours later. It was a hick town but they were friendly and the bathrooms were clean. As he climb out of his Jeep, he saw the rain clouds forming.

"Great.." he muttered as he walked in. He ordered his usual club sandwich and coke. He ate it quickly wanting to hit the road before the weather got too bad. He finished and paid for his dinner. He rushed to the bathroom and made it to his Jeep as the first drops began to fall.

About an hour into the drive the rain pounded the Jeep and Brad could barely see three feet in front of him. He strained to see through his windshield but it was no use. As he decided he better pull off the road he saw lights in the distance. He figured it was a road side motel that he could spend the night in and wait out the strom. He carefully made it to the road that lead to the lights. As he turned off he realized it wasn't a motel but a home. He figured he better continue towards the lights.

Brad couldn't make out what the house looked like through the driving rain. He covered his head with his duffle bag as he ran for the door.

Standing in front of the door he could tell the place was old. He knocked and heard it echo through the corridor.

Brad waited and waited then turned to head back to his Jeep when the door opened and out popped the head of a little old woman. She looked Brad over and then smiled, "My dear, you'll catch your death out there, please come in."

Brad walked into the house and his breath caught in his throat. It was AWESOME! Clean and well kept with paintings and soft music floating in the air. The old woman grab his arm and slowly lead him to the bathroom, "Please change and hang your wet clothing over the shower curtin rod, the maid will take care of them.

Brad redressed quickly and found the old woman waiting for him in the hallway. She lead him quietly to a large living room with a roaring fire.

Like in a novel or movie, Brad thought to himself. She motioned for him to sit down. She sat across from him and introduced herself," I am Mrs. William McLean, but you may call me Norma. I hope you will not take advantage of my kindness and follow the rules of my home."

"Of course!"

"Good. Please feel free to ask the staff for food, drink or anything else you might need. Please do not wonder into any rooms that have closed doors. Most of these have heirlooms I just can't part with. Other than that just relax and get a good night sleep so you can continue your travels tomorrow. If you'll excuse me, I am very tired and was headed for bed when you knocked."

Brad said goodnight and sat infront of the fire. He felt that this situation was odd. The woman asked nothing of him as if she knew him. A tall dark skined maid walked in and offered to show him to his room. She looked to be about 30 and her skin glowed in the fire light. Brad was immedately attracted to her and smiled as he watched her walk in front of him. She led him into a room filled with mirrors and a fire place already lit as if waiting for him. She closed the door behind her as she left. Up until that moment Brad had feared he would not sleep a wink that night due to the werid situation but all of a sudden he felt extremely tired. He sat on the bed and slowly drifted into a light sleep.

Not sure of what he was hearing Brad awoke to humming as if someone was humming a lulaby. Brad tried to lift his head to see where the noise was coming from but felt pinned to the bed. As if on que, the door opened slowly and in a white gauze night shirt, the maid walked in. Her dark skin glowing again in the light of the fire. Brad could see her eyes shining eerily as she approach the foot of the bed. She climbed up and over Brad and looked deep into his eyes. He couldn't speak all he could do was stare at her. Her hands began to travel his body. Wherever they passed Brad felt a tingle as if that part was going numb. Slowly she worked off her night shirt and his clothing. His breath caught in his throat as she began to kiss him starting at his ear and slowly working her way down to his nipples. Her tongue played with them as he began to become excited. Even though he was a college guy, most girls never took the lead and sex was usually boring for him.

Brad closed his eyes as she worked her way lower. As he felt her hot breath on he's now throbbing cock, he knew he was in heaven. Her lips wrapped around him and she swollowed his cock deep into her throat. As she started to slide him out he felt teeth scraping the sides of his penis. It didn't hurt but it didn't feel all that good either. He tried to say something but again found he couldn't speak. She pulled him from her mouth and found the throbbing vein underneth. Her tongue traced it slowly as she felt him relax again. She stradled his waist and began to ride him. Brad's cock was surrounded by a warmth he had never felt before. Almost as if he was being sucked into her.

They fucked long and hard, with only him breaking a sweat. With every one of her orgasims it became harder for him to focus. Finally he couldn't hold back any longer and began to cum inside her. As he climaxed she leaned over him and whispered, "I hope these final moments were the happiest you have ever had," and then bit into his neck. The pain made him explode into her. As he began to lose himself he realised that he was never to see he's family or friends again. He was going to die right here in the arms of this, vampire.....



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