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3 entries this month

Wolf Witch. Chapter Three

13:17 Mar 09 2007
Times Read: 573

Revelations and Realisations

By G. Woodruff

© 2007

The pair looked at her and then nodded at each other. The woman stepped forward while the male leaned back against the closed door.

“Hello Michelle, my name is Sasha Chernova and this is Victor Poshenko, and no, neither of us is your relative.” Victor smiled at her at the mention of his name but remained leaning against the door. “We’re here because of the attack you were subjected to the other night.”

“Are you police officers?” Michelle interrupted.

“Yes,” Sasha resumed, “we need to know what you remember, so we can further our investigation.” Victor leaned forward and smiled again.

“Anything you can recall will be of great assistance.” He murmured. Sasha shot him an annoyed look but Michelle felt herself want to tell him and she did. She explained how she, Anna and Dennis had gone out to the cemetery so that Anna could ‘engage the spirits of the departed’ as Anna had referred to it. She told them about the howling, the attack. She related how the thing had killed both Dennis and Anna and had taken after her. She recalled how it had chased her to its death in traffic. Then, not knowing why, she related the dream she had and as she finished she felt the compulsion to share wane and noticed the troubled looks on the faces of her interrogators. She was struck by the fact that when she had awoken, she could barely recall what had happened to her but now she had a clear memory of what had occurred. While she was pondering this she noticed that the two strangers were talking in a foreign language.

“You’re not cops!” She accused, her face flushing and her voice growing querulous with fright and anger.

“No, we are not police officers as you understand the term, but we are officers of the law, however, you will not be familiar with branch of government that we work with.” Sasha said.

“I want to see some I. D.!” Michelle demanded.

“You don’t…” Victor began, but Sasha waved a hand at him and produced a wallet, revealing a badge within that looked very real. Michelle took it and examined it. The wording on the badge was in a strange language that she didn’t understand but the cool metal of the bronze badge was heavy and solid. The accompanying photo identification card beside it was of the woman before her. The crest on both pieces of ID was not familiar to her. She handed it back to Sasha and looked at them.

“So… what is this about?” She asked.

“What would you surmise from your experiences?” Sasha asked.

“Well, obviously I can’t have been attacked by a werewolf…” she began.

“Why not?” Victor asked matter-of-factly.

“Well… because werewolves don’t exist, obviously.” She stated.

“Are you sure?” He rebutted. “How do you know?”

“Because they’re just myth and legend and Hollywood hokum,” she responded.

“And you have this on sound scientific evidence?” He retorted amusedly.

“Well, I mean, be reason…” She started and then realised that he was being reasonable, despite the absurdity of the proposition that she actually had sustained an attacked by a lycanthrope. “But that’s crazy…” She tried to articulate and then looked from one to another. Victor remained by the door, while Sasha pulled a chair up to her bedside and sat down.

“I want you to look me in the eye and not look away until I tell you, okay?” She said. Michelle started to object but then did look her in the eye and all objections evaporated. “There are such things as Werewolves.” Sasha continued. Michelle nodded, her mind accepting the information without hesitation, replaying the events of the attack and noting that despite the fact that the deaths of her ‘friends’ was traumatic, she was clear on the fact that her attacker had not been a wolf nor, until he was dead, had he been human. “And that means that there is a very great likelihood that you have contracted lycanthropy as well.” Michelle nodded at this, it only stood to reason, and even Hollywood faithfully relayed that bit of data. “And if that is the case, than you need to start treatment as soon as possible.” Michelle pondered this. Treatment, was there such a thing as treatment for lycanthropy? She guessed that that might not be something the scriptwriter of Beverly Hills had ever considered. “And that means getting you transferred from here as soon as possible.” Michelle nodded, ‘well yes’ she thought, ‘St. Catharine’s Memorial was a good, state of the art hospital, but she doubted that even they had the requisite skills and knowledge to affect treatment of Lycanthropy. “Now, I want you to look at Victor and do what he says.” Michelle looked at the tall man lounging by the door and noticed for the first time that when he smiled, his eyeteeth were exceptionally long and pointy.

“When you next look at Sasha, you will not yell, scream, freak out or faint. Do you understand me?” He told her. She nodded. “Very well then, look at her.”

Michelle did and despite the compulsion he had laid upon her, she nearly jumped out of her skin. There, where a moment before it seemed she’d been staring into the pretty eyes of a powerfully muscled, athletically built, but otherwise petite woman sat a creature not unlike the thing that had attacked her. However, she also noted, that where it had been a raging ravening beast, this creature sat demurely and serenely looking at her and then winked. Sasha’s voice, only slightly sounding altered spoke from the lycanthrope.

“Yes, it is me, I’m a werewolf, and no I won’t attack you.” As Michelle watched, the figure before her began to slowly undergo a metamorphosis. The hair seemed to melt away, the nose retract, the ears shift, until once again she was looking at the woman she recognised as Sasha Chernova.

“Wow.” Was the first thing that she said to all this. Then a thought struck her. “Hey! How come I didn’t freak out just like you said?” She looked at Victor.

“Simply,” He replied. “You’re still human enough for me to compel you.”

“Compel me?” She enquired.

“Yes,” He smiled that winning if feral smile. “It’s a vampire thing.”




Wolf Witch. Chapter Two

13:22 Mar 08 2007
Times Read: 575

Recovery and Recollection

By G. Woodruff

© 2007

It was behind her, constantly behind her, and gaining. She could feel its hot breath on her back, sense the slavering spittle spray her, apprehend the ravening jaws snapping, the claws clutching. She ran, head long, down twisting corridors and tunnels, dodging left and right, but she never could seem to put space between her and the thing that hunted her.

Blinding. Light suddenly supplanted the darkness and she faltered and she felt herself falling. She opened her mouth to scream and a wordless song wafted from her lungs. The sensation of falling gave way to floating. Floating became rising and she broke the surface of a body of water.

Looking about, she saw she was in a lake. Her body wrapped in white diaphanous fabric that shimmered in the light of the rising sun. Movement on the shore caught her attention. Something moved, several creatures. They paced expectantly but also patiently along edge of the lake. She watched them, her eyes adjusting to the light, turning slowly until the dawning sun was behind her when she heard a name being called.

“Michelle.” She recognised that name. Where did she know that name? It came again.

“Michelle.” She knew it. It was her name. She cast about looking for the speaker.

“Michelle.” It was a woman’s voice; she was behind her. She turned and the bright light of the sun blinded her momentarily.

She blinked and the voice said. “Good, you’re awake.” Michelle looked around her and saw that she was in a hospital bed, someone in medical scrubs and a white coat standing beside her. “How are you feeling?” She asked.

“Uh… I’m good?” she asked more than answered. The woman smiled kindly and nodded.

“Yes, you had us worried, but you’re mending well. You’ve been delirious for a while but that seems to have passed.” The woman said. Michelle saw a nametag on her left breast. ‘Dr. R. Drury’ it said.

“What hospital am I in Dr.?” Michelle asked.

“St. Catharine’s Memorial.” Dr. Drury replied. You were brought here directly… she paused as she noticed Michelle’s face become clouded and her eyes take on a distracted, far-away look.

“I was attacked…” Michelle began.

“Yes…” The doctor continued and then stopped.

“Who attacked me?” Michelle asked.

“The police don’t know, he had no identification on him, was nearly naked when they found him and quiet dead. A transport had hit him as he was chasing you and he was thrown in front of another vehicle that ran over him. Efforts to discover who he was are still ongoing. The police would like to talk to you when you are awake. Do you feel up to answering questions or do you feel you need some more time?”

“Um, I don’t know…” Michelle hesitated.

“How about family?” The doctor paused when Michelle looked confused. “Your cousins are here, they’ve both been into see you while you were unconscious and recovering, they’re waiting outside if you’d like to see them.

“Cousins…” Michelle said, uncertainty in her voice. Dr. Drury looked a little worried.

“Do you not remember them?” She asked.

“I don’t recall any cousins. What are their names?” She asked.

“Sasha and Victor Collins.” The doctor said.

“Collins…” Michelle said. “That’s my last…” She stopped as the door to her room opened and in stepped two people she had never seen before. One was a shorter than the other, a woman with a tightly muscled body in dun coloured cargo pants, red tank top and black hooded cardigan sweatshirt. The man, taller and nearly gaunt in comparison, wore at black turtleneck sweater, trousers and carried an over coat and broad brimmed fedora, both also black in one hand. The woman locked eyes with Michelle and she felt a sense of detached lassitude come over her.

“Michelle!” The woman said and Michelle suddenly recognised the stranger.

“Sasha!” She cried. Meanwhile the man smiled down at Dr. Drury and Michelle noticed how the woman nearly melted under his gaze.

“Hello Rachel, it is good to see you again. Do you mind if we speak to Michelle, in private? Alone?” This last word he practically purred and both Michelle and the Doctor seemed to melt at the charm in his voice.

“Oh… no… not at all.” The Doctor stammered and blushing furiously, she retreated.

As soon as the door closed, the pair seemed to change. Michelle realised she had never met these people before. Suspicion filled her rapidly narrowing eyes as she quietly but emphatically hissed. “Who are you?”




Wolf Witch. Chapter One

08:35 Mar 05 2007
Times Read: 580

Death in the Cemetery

By George Woodruff

© 2006

The howl belled out into the night like a hammer smashing glass. The normal night noises stopped suddenly and didn’t resume. Anna looked up from the book she had been reading by candlelight. Michelle trembled as the sound faded and then came again, closer “It’s getting closer!” She hissed and dripped candle wax onto the book and Anna’s right hand.

“Shit! Damn it Michelle, watch what you’re doing!” Anna snapped. Michelle jumped at that and spilt more wax, this time on the sleeve of the black velvet gown that Anna was wearing.

“I don’t like this, I told you that it was dangerous to do this on a full moon in the cemetery Anna!” She hissed.

“Really Michelle, don’t be such a drama queen, it’s probably just a coyote out to fuck one of the bitches that run around here like whores in the red light district.” Dennis drolled.

“Fuck you Dennis! This is going to go badly I know it.” Michelle snapped back.

“Fucking right it is you fucking psycho!” Anna slapped her and she dropped the candle. It flared, guttered and then went out. “If this wax doesn’t come out, you’re dead!”

“Bitch!” Michelle screamed and lunged at Anna. Dennis tried to chuckle dryly but he started drooling and so it came out like a gurgle. Michelle missed Anna and got her hair pulled. Screaming she swung around and firmly planted her knee in Anna’s groin. Blonde hair and black velvet went down in a pile of writhing gasping flailing limbs and fabric as Michelle was pulled down upon her because Anna’s rings had become tangled in her hair. Dennis leered and shuffled about trying to find a better vantage point to see if any skin was immanent.

The sound of the howl all around them made all of them stop. Michelle tried to stand up and was pulled back down by Anna’s weight, her hands and rings still tangled in her hair.

“Let go!” Michelle screamed.

“I’m trying stop flailing around!” Anna shouted back. Dennis suddenly stood very still, gurgled once and then let out a weak groan. The girls looked at him and saw him staring at something sticking out of his chest. It was a bloody, fur-covered arm, with a taloned hand clutching something that throbbed a couple of times while it dripped and oozed and then was still. The gore covered appendage dropped the heart that had moments before been beating Dennis’s life through his veins and withdrew back into his chest.

The girls looked up at Dennis’s face, a pair of cruelly taloned hands, one of them covered in his blood latched onto each side of his staring face and lifted. There was a crunching, snapping sound and suddenly a pair of jaws closed around his neck and his body fell free of his head. There, where Dennis Turner had been standing now stood a tall, hairy, bloody monster. Great yellow demonic eyes leered at them, bloody teeth and a gory tongue smiled and lolled at them.

They screamed.

They tried to run, but it’s something of a fiasco when one of you is tied to the other by her hair. Michelle was practically dragging Anna, screaming at the top of her lungs, when suddenly there was a sickening crunching sound and first one and then another of Anna’s arms seemed to let go of her hair. Anna Tucker screamed as the monster ripped her gown open and began ravening at her stomach. Michelle looked back and felt a couple of things slap her in the face. She caught them as she ran and got a better look.

Anna’s hands were still tangled in her hair. The bloody, gory stumps of her forearms continued to drip blood and Michelle nearly fainted. The howl brought her back and she began running again. She cleared the cemetery gate and was nearly run down by a transport as she stepped out into the road. The blare of the air horn nearly drowned out the howl of her pursuer and raced across and then down the street, tears streaming down her face. She was almost at the intersection when she could feel its hot breath on her back and with a cry she tried to race the light.

Something hit her on the hip, something bit into her opposite thigh. Something clawed at her back and in the blare of horns and the glare of head lights she was flung sideways across the intersection and crumpled to the pavement, bleeding and giving herself up for dead when the scream of a siren roused her briefly.

She roused one last time as she was being loaded onto the stretcher. She caught snatches of conversation.

“…I tried to stop, but they came bursting out of that street officer…”

“…I thought it was a large dog, I don’t know how I could have thought that though, I mean look at the lunatic, he’s practically naked.”

“… I heard you ma’am, however there are no such things as werewolves…”

“… I don’t know, looks pretty bad, she may not make it to the hospital…” before she succumbed and blackness washed over all her senses.



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